1200字范文 > 民用燃气灶 civil gas combustor英语短句 例句大全

民用燃气灶 civil gas combustor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 11:57:18


民用燃气灶 civil gas combustor英语短句 例句大全

民用燃气灶,civil gas combustor

1)civil gas combustor民用燃气灶

2)home gas cookstove家用燃气灶

1.ome tests were made in order to find out the relation between the flow rate of natural gas and the thermal efficiency ofhome gas cookstove.在实际使用条件下,对火势、锅具大小和水温与家用燃气灶热效率的关系进行测试分析。


1.Domestic gas appliancesGB16410-1996家用燃气灶具

2.Biogas furnace of familyGB/T3606-1983家用沼气灶

3.small auxiliary flame to ignite a gas burner.点燃气灶的长燃的小火。

4.Application of Metallic Fibrous Burner in Chinese Cooking Hot-plate金属纤维燃烧器在中餐燃气炒菜灶的应用

5.gas ring of iron or steel for domestic use家用(环形气眼)气灶,钢或铁制

6.infrared gas-oven with electron lighter电子打火红外燃气灶

7.Feasibility study on infrared-ray combustion on gas fuelled Chinese cooking appliance中餐燃气炒菜灶采用红外线无焰燃烧的可行性研究

8.Safety managent rules of gas-burning appliances for domestic use家用燃气燃烧器具安全管理规程

9.gas stove and roomy working space.燃气灶和宽大的工作空间。

10.Adopting the combustion method mainly with radiation heat transfer is the effective avenue of increasing the thermal efficiency of Chinese cooking gas appliance.采用以辐射传热为主的燃烧方式 ,是提高中餐燃气炒菜灶热效率的有效途径。

11.Universal test methods of gas burning appliances for domestic useGB/T16411-1996家用燃气用具的通用试验方法

12.The gas company is offering fifty pounds off a new cooker if you trade in your old one.如果你用旧厨灶来折价的话,那家煤气公司愿以减价50英镑出售一套新厨灶。

13.Domestic gas instantaneous water heaterGB6932-1994家用燃气快速热水器

14.National Test and Supervision Center of Gas Appliances国家燃气用具质量监督检测中心

15.a fossil fuel in the gaseous state; used for cooking and heating homes.一种气态的化石燃料,用于烹饪和家用暖气。

16.Fuel Gas Fire Pivot Voice Control Installment Based on SPCE061A一种基于SPCE061A单片机的燃气炉灶语音控制装置

17.The Application Prospects of the Absorption Gas Air-conditioner in Guangdong;吸收式家用燃气空调在广东的应用前景

18.Experimental study of Improvement of Air-Gas Mixing Chamber in Premixed Blasting Chinese Cooking Appliance鼓风预混式中餐灶空气-燃气混合室改造实验研究


home gas cookstove家用燃气灶

1.ome tests were made in order to find out the relation between the flow rate of natural gas and the thermal efficiency ofhome gas cookstove.在实际使用条件下,对火势、锅具大小和水温与家用燃气灶热效率的关系进行测试分析。

3)domestic hot-plate家用燃气灶具

1.The functions and structure of an automatic control system for detectingdomestic hot-plate,the design of hardware and system software and the dominance of this system are expounded.论述了一种用于家用燃气灶具检测的自动控制系统的功能与结构、硬件与系统软件的设计以及该系统的优势。

4)civil fuel民用燃气

1.The benefits of using coke gas ascivil fuel;焦炉煤气用作山西城镇民用燃气的效益分析

5)gas cooker燃气灶具

1.A new type of intelligent control system forgas cookers based on MC68HCP08GZ32 is introduced.该文介绍了以MC68HC908GZ32为核心的新型智能燃气灶具控制系统。

2.This paper presents a way of the best design parameters selected and the thermalperformance optmized by the method of orthogonal test on the basis of the analysis of thermalperformance and effective facturs for doineeticgas cooker.在分析家用燃气灶具热工性能及其影响因素的基础上,重点介绍了通过正交性试验确定最佳设计参数,优化灶具热工性能的途径。

6)gas range燃气灶

1.On test of domesticgas range;浅谈对家用燃气灶的检测

2.This paper analyzed the reason why the thermal efficiency of an infraredgas range with ceramic plaque is higher than that of an atmosphericgas range.分析了陶瓷板红外线燃气灶热效率比大气式燃气灶高的原因:具有陶瓷板辐射体,辐射效率高;燃气燃烧需要的过剩空气系数小,致使理论燃烧温度高,增强了换热,减少了排烟损失;锅支架高度小,有利于增加换热量和减小向周围的辐射散热损失。

3.The recent development of infra-redgas range is revicwed in this paper.作者论述了几年来红外线燃气灶的发展情况,并对红外线燃气灶和大气式燃气灶的性能做了对比试验,从中得出了红外线燃气灶值得推广的结论。


民用1.民之器用。 2.民之财用。 3.人民生活所使用的。
