1200字范文 > 绝对增益 Absolute gain英语短句 例句大全

绝对增益 Absolute gain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 18:11:00


绝对增益 Absolute gain英语短句 例句大全

绝对增益,Absolute gain

1)Absolute gain绝对增益

2)absolute benefit increase,ABI绝对获益增加率

3)absolute gain of an antenna天线绝对增益

4)absolute power gain绝对功率增益

5)Measurement of gain by two identical antenna绝对法增益测量

6)Absolute Gains绝对获益

1.Absolute Gains, Relative Gains and US “Maintaining Status quo” Policy Toward Chinese Mainland and Taiwan:Taking US-Taiwan Games on “abolishing NUC and NUG” as an example;绝对获益、相对获益与美国“维持现状”的台海政策——以美台围绕“废统”的博弈为例

2.A Comparative Research on Regional Cooperation in East Asia between China and Japan Based onAbsolute Gains and Relative Gains;绝对获益与相对获益:中日参与东亚地区合作之比较研究


1.A Comparative Research on Regional Cooperation in East Asia between China and Japan Based on Absolute Gains and Relative Gains;绝对获益与相对获益:中日参与东亚地区合作之比较研究

2.Absolute Gains, Relative Gains and US “Maintaining Status quo” Policy Toward Chinese Mainland and Taiwan:Taking US-Taiwan Games on “abolishing NUC and NUG” as an example;绝对获益、相对获益与美国“维持现状”的台海政策——以美台围绕“废统”的博弈为例

3.absolute advantage theory绝对成本说;绝对成本说;绝对利益论;绝对利益论

4.relative and absolute returns相对收益和绝对收益

5.The bill was passed by a clear majority.议案获绝对多数票通过.

6.I have it on unimpeachable authority.我从绝对可靠的权威处获悉该消息。

7.A candidate who obtains an absolute majority of the votes will be elected.获得绝对大多数票的候选人视为当

8.The home team was creamed last night.昨晚主队以绝对优势获胜

9.Access Absolute Encoder Position Values via ENDAT Interface Based on DSP通过ENDAT接口获取绝对编码器位置

10.He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.他拒绝批准对公众利益最有益、最必要的法律。

11.He has refuted his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.他拒绝批准对公众利益最有益、最必需的法律。

12.The earning of net income, or profits, is a major goal of almost every enterprise, larger or small.不论企业大小,获得净收益即利润是绝大多数企业的主要目的。

13.Never do anything to harm the interests of the masses.损害群众利益的事绝对不干。

14.You two and Damon are the beneficiaries.你们两个和戴蒙是受益人.-----《绝对嫌疑》

15.The Refusal of Environmental Public Interest Litigation to the Hypothesis of Environmental Right环境公益诉讼对“环境权”说的拒绝

16.He has managed to benefit from the rivalry of his opponent.他设法从与对手的竞争中获益。

17.play one off against another; react one person off against another"促使别人对立,自己从中获益"

18.Differing from absolute advantage or comparative advantage, international price of commodity with super absolute advantage is based on oligopoly price.超绝对利益商品的国际价格与绝对利益或比较利益商品的国际价格不同,它的基础是垄断价格。


absolute benefit increase,ABI绝对获益增加率

3)absolute gain of an antenna天线绝对增益

4)absolute power gain绝对功率增益

5)Measurement of gain by two identical antenna绝对法增益测量

6)Absolute Gains绝对获益

1.Absolute Gains, Relative Gains and US “Maintaining Status quo” Policy Toward Chinese Mainland and Taiwan:Taking US-Taiwan Games on “abolishing NUC and NUG” as an example;绝对获益、相对获益与美国“维持现状”的台海政策——以美台围绕“废统”的博弈为例

2.A Comparative Research on Regional Cooperation in East Asia between China and Japan Based onAbsolute Gains and Relative Gains;绝对获益与相对获益:中日参与东亚地区合作之比较研究


