1200字范文 > 手术导航 surgical navigation英语短句 例句大全

手术导航 surgical navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-15 02:31:11


手术导航 surgical navigation英语短句 例句大全

手术导航,surgical navigation

1)surgical navigation手术导航

1.Research on Key Technology of C-arm Based Surgical Navigation and Development of Application System;基于C形臂手术导航关键技术研究及系统实现

2.Registration method based on ICP algorithm for 3Dsurgical navigation基于ICP算法的手术导航三维配准技术


1.Digital Infrared Navigator for Surgery;数字式红外手术导航仪关键技术研究

2.Registration method based on ICP algorithm for 3D surgical navigation基于ICP算法的手术导航三维配准技术

3.The operation navigation system turn the application in the operation room of digital手术导航系统在数字化手术室中的应用

4.C-arm based surgical navigation system基于C型臂手术导航系统的相关问题

5.Research on Key Technology for Image Guided Spine Surgery and Development of Application System;脊柱外科手术导航关键技术的研究与系统建立

6.Research on Key Technology of C-arm Based Surgical Navigation and Development of Application System;基于C形臂手术导航关键技术研究及系统实现

puter Assisted Neurosurgery Planning and Guidance System;手术导航中若干关键问题的研究与实现

8.The Surgical Operation Navigation System is in the Application in the Fracture of Pelvis and Acetabulum;手术导航系统在骨盆、髋臼骨折中的应用

9.Research and Development of Computer-assisted Surgery Navigation System;计算机辅助手术导航系统的研究与开发

10.Research on Robot Navigation and Marker Visual Location in Neurosurgery Robot System;机器人神经外科手术导航与视觉定位的研究

11.Research on Active-Catheter Navigation in Minimally Invasive Vascular Surgery血管微创介入手术导管导航技术研究

12.robotic image-guided neurosurgical operating system全自动导航神经外科手术系统

13.neuro-navigational syste脑外科立体定位导航显微镜手术系统

14.On Navigation and Control Technology of Nursing Helpmate Robot;护士助手机器人导航与控制技术研究

15.Laboratorial Study of Navigation Accuracy for Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the Surgical Application of Integrating Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging;术中磁共振导航准确性研究及融合功能影像导航手术应用

16.Clinical analysis of intraoperative image guidance in nasal endoscopic surgery影像导航系统引导下的鼻内窥镜手术临床分析

17.The technique or act of piloting.导航技术导航及导航技术

18.Application of neuronavigation combined with intra-operative ultrasound in neurosurgical operations术中超声结合导航在神经外科手术中的应用


surgery navigation手术导航

1.ln order to meet the requirements of tracing the pose and orientating the position of operation instruments in computer-assisted orthopaedicssurgery navigation,a passive optical stereoscopic orientating and tracing model is developed based on the area CCD(Charge Couple Device) binocular vision sensing,and then the corresponding system is investigated.针对骨外科手术导航中对手术器械位置和姿态的定位与跟踪需要,研究了基于面阵CCD(Charge Couple Device)双目视觉传感的被动式光学立体定位跟踪模型与系统。

2.The process of thesurgery navigation is an operation-sensitive process, and it is important to record and archive the whole process.为了实时而高效地记录整个手术导航执行过程,提出基于PACS的计算机手术导航过程归档技术,通过在手术过程中实时采集能够反映整个手术过程的图像和位置坐标数据,并将这些图像和坐标数据转换为PACS系统能够支持的DICOM文件,进而存入PACS系统数据库中,实现手术过程的记录,通过数据提取从PACS系统中获得手术过程的原始数据,并依据获得的原始图像和位置坐标数据回放和还原整个手术导航过程,完成手术导航过程的归档。

3)image guided surgery手术导航

1.Research of orientation and tracking system accuracy inimage guided surgery;手术导航中定位跟踪系统精度问题的研究

2.Research on Image Guided Surgery System and Its Key Technology;手术导航系统及其关键技术研究

4)Navigator for surgery手术导航仪

5)Surgery Navigation Technology手术导航技术

6)surgical navigation system手术导航系统

1.The way to push imaging data tosurgical navigation system by using DICOM;手术导航系统影像资料的DICOM读取方式

2.[Objective] To study the method and curative effect of total hip surface replacement using non-image basedsurgical navigation system.[目的]探讨非影像手术导航系统下进行全髋关节表面置换的方法和疗效。


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
