1200字范文 > 频谱搜索 Frequency spectrum searching英语短句 例句大全

频谱搜索 Frequency spectrum searching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 03:13:59


频谱搜索 Frequency spectrum searching英语短句 例句大全

频谱搜索,Frequency spectrum searching

1)Frequency spectrum searching频谱搜索

2)spectral peak search谱峰搜索

1.The parallel realization of MUSIC algorithm on four TMS320C40 DSP chips is described In the procedure of realization,some effective measurements are taken to reduce the computational load,and the residues ofspectral peak search in uniform circular array and linear array are proved They are favorable to reduce digital signal processing tim在实现过程中 ,采取了一些有效的措施减少了计算量 ,指出了在均匀圆阵和均匀线阵的谱峰搜索中具有很大的计算冗余性 ,这些都有助于缩短信号处理时间。


1.The method has the merits of good estimate precision and no needing spectral peak searching.该方法具有估计精度高和无需谱峰搜索的优点。

2.Resolution of overlapping chromatographic peaks based on hybrid taboo search algorithm基于混合禁忌搜索算法的重叠色谱峰解析

3.At 7:15 I spotted a tiny dot hovering over the top of snow-encrusted Mount Everest.7时15分,我搜索到有个小点正在飞越冰雪覆盖的珠峰之颠。

4.The Application of Seaching Sequence -Speci-fic Ions Algorithm in the Interpretation ofPolypeptide Mass Spectra.序列搜索算法在多肽质谱解析中的应用

5.search engine搜索器,搜索引擎,[台]搜寻器,搜寻引擎

6.The FAST Algorithm and Its Application in the Weight Distribution Determination of Turbo Codes;FAST算法及其在Turbo码码字重量谱搜索算法中的应用

7.Confidence Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Based Protein Database Search Results基于串级质谱信息进行蛋白质数据库搜索的结果可靠性分析

8.Lossless Compression Based on Searching the Optimal Couple Prediction Wavebands for Hyperspectral Image基于搜索最优双预测波段的超光谱遥感图像无损压缩

9.A mixed evolutionary algorithm consisting of global and local search to solve multi-modal function optimization problem;一种求解多峰函数优化问题的全局与局部搜索相结合的演化算法(英文)

10.SEARCH: Both full-text search engines and ones that search descriptions of documents and other content.搜索层:全文搜索引擎和搜索文档描述和其他内容的搜索引擎。

11.AutoCAD library search pathAutoCAD库搜索路径

12.search game AND/OR tree搜索博弈“与或”树

13.Use search - Search the portal and all related content.使用搜索-搜索门户和所有相关内容。

14.Configuring Search and creating the Search classification DB.正在配置搜索并创建搜索分类数据库。

15.Search - Search the portal site and all related content搜索-搜索门户网站和所有相关内容

16.Auto scan at user defined intervals.自动搜索功能可定义每次搜索时间!

17.WiseNut Search Engine white paper. Author: Wisenut Inc. 2001.搜索引擎目录。作者:搜索引擎指南网。

18.The Research and Design on Personalized Search for Meta Search Engines;元搜索引擎个性化搜索的研究与设计


spectral peak search谱峰搜索

1.The parallel realization of MUSIC algorithm on four TMS320C40 DSP chips is described In the procedure of realization,some effective measurements are taken to reduce the computational load,and the residues ofspectral peak search in uniform circular array and linear array are proved They are favorable to reduce digital signal processing tim在实现过程中 ,采取了一些有效的措施减少了计算量 ,指出了在均匀圆阵和均匀线阵的谱峰搜索中具有很大的计算冗余性 ,这些都有助于缩短信号处理时间。

3)frequency domain search频域搜索

1.Improved algorithm for direct GPS signal P-Code acquisition based onfrequency domain search;基于频域搜索的GPS信号P码直接捕获改进算法

4)channel searching频道搜索

1.Secondly,this paper introduces the software design which includes infrared receiving module,OSD module,channel searching module,demultiplexing module and so on.其次,详细介绍了红外接收模块、OSD模块、频道搜索模块和解复用模块等模块的软件设计。

5)Video search视频搜索

1.Video search is a hotspot in current information searching field.视频搜索是目前信息检索领域研究的热点。

6)Frequency search频率搜索


