1200字范文 > 被动式红外模拟系统 passive infrared simulation system英语短句 例句大全

被动式红外模拟系统 passive infrared simulation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-02 15:59:38


被动式红外模拟系统 passive infrared simulation system英语短句 例句大全

被动式红外模拟系统,passive infrared simulation system

1)passive infrared simulation system被动式红外模拟系统

2)passive infrared system被动红外系统

3)active infrared system主动式红外系统

4)passive decoy被动式模拟


1.Theoretical Studies of the Passive Decoy to the Infrared Characteristics of Metal Constructions金属构件红外特征被动式模拟的数值计算

2.Numerical Simulation of Mixing Characteristics of Passive Micromixer;被动式微混合器混合特性的数值模拟

3.A Design of Gunshot Training Emluator Based on CRT Scan Line;基于CRT扫描的被动式射击训练模拟器设计

4.Evaluation of a Ocean-Atmosphere-Dynamic Vegetation Coupled Model--Simulating Ocean Circulation一个海洋-大气-动态植被耦合模式评估——海洋环流模拟

piler driven simulation编译程序驱动式模拟

6.The IAP Coupled Atmosphere-Vegetation Model and Its Numerical SimulationIAP大气-植被耦合模式的建立及其模拟

7.Three dimensional finite element modeling for passive source electromagnetic sounding method被动源电磁测深三维有限元数值模拟

8.Mathematical Simulation of Coal-generating Hydrocarbons Based on Pyrolysis Products from Coal Macerals under Closed System依据热模拟实验动态建立煤成烃模式

9.The electromagnetic radiated interference is classified into passive mode and active mode.电磁辐射干扰分为被动模式和主动模式。

10.3D Turbulent Numerical Simulation in Compound Open Channel with Vegetation植被作用下复式渠道的三维湍流数值模拟

11.A mathematical model for sliding window polynomial fitting is proposed.提出了滑动窗多项式拟合数学模型。

12.digital dynamic system simulator数字式动态系统模拟程序

13.Breaking Belt Dynamical Property Analogy of Belt Conveyors;断带情况下带式输送机的动特性模拟

14.The Software Design of Dynamic Simulation about Pneumatic Control Dock Gate;气控式卧倒门起卧动态模拟软件设计

15.Development of Mobile Biohazard Evaluation System移动式生物危害评估模拟系统的研制

16.Numerical simulation for the flow characteristics in the pump sump泵站开敞式进水池流动特性数值模拟

17.Dynamic Simulation of Permanent Magnetic Moving-Coil Vibration System永磁式动圈振动系统瞬态运动数值模拟

18.The General Features of Vegetation Activities over China and Its Numerical Simulation;中国区域植被活动的观测分析和数值模拟


passive infrared system被动红外系统

3)active infrared system主动式红外系统

4)passive decoy被动式模拟

5)passive infrared sensor被动式红外探头

6)passive infrared detection被动式红外探测


