1200字范文 > Acing the Job Interview

Acing the Job Interview

时间:2018-08-02 22:31:35


Acing the Job Interview

The resume worked and now they want you to come in for an interview.

Your palms sweat and your anxiety grows.

Does this sound familiar? You"re not alone. Everyone has gone through that process which culminates in either you being offered the job or you find yourself continuing your job search elsewhere.

The staff at A and A Resume hope the following steps help relieve your anxiety and get you that job offer!

Research. Research. Research. We don"t mean to sound redundant, but that"s how important research is. If you are interviewing for a company that sells widgets, find out everything that you can about widgets before you go into the interview. The employer is looking for someone who can solve his problems and if you know widgets and you know his company, you are that much closer to getting hired. Knowledge is power.

Do two or three mock interviews with a friend. If possible, use a camcorder to film yourself. Play it back and look for nervous habits (fidgeting, twirling your hair, etc.) or use it to pinpoint possible weak spots in your presentation.

Be 10 minutes early to the interview. This will give you an opportunity to gather your thoughts and compose yourself.

YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL. Dress the part. Clothing will give an immediate impression to the employer.

Come prepared. Bring at least three copies of your professionally prepared resume with you. Don"t forget your list of references. Carry them in a briefcase if possible.

Expect the unexpected. The employer wants to find out how fast you think on your feet. Don"t be surprised if he asks you an irrelevant question such as: "If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?"
