1200字范文 > 损伤 damage英语短句 例句大全

损伤 damage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-07 21:02:15


损伤 damage英语短句 例句大全



1.Meso-damage mechanics and its application in metal plastic forming;细观损伤力学及其在金属塑性加工中的应用

2.Damage analysis of fiber reinforced resin matrix composites irradiated by CW laser;树脂基复合材料在连续激光作用下的损伤

3.Evolvement of micro-damage in magnesium alloy under superplastic deformation;镁合金超塑性变形的损伤演化效应


1.A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma.身体的损伤,发炎或损伤

2.minor injuries, burns, fractures, etc轻度损伤、 灼伤、 骨折等

3.damage control instrument损管工具损伤控制仪表

4.Damage or loss, especially to reputation or finances; detriment.损害,损失损害或损失,尤对名誉、经济方面的:损伤

5.mechanical injury机械性损伤 以机械性暴力所致的损伤。

6.Analysis of Concrete Damage Mechanism and Critical Damage Characteristics;混凝土损伤机理及临界损伤特性分析

7.Ultrasonographic diagnosis of small bowel injury after blunt trauma超声诊断闭合性腹部损伤后小肠损伤

8.To injure or damage by freezing.冻伤由于冰冻造成的伤害或损伤

9.To deface by covering with marks.磨损,毁损因痕迹斑斑而受损伤

10.not likely to cause or lead to damage,injury,loss,etc不致引起或导致损害、损伤、损失等的

11.The most common causes of head injury were blunt injury, high falling injury, falling injury and traffic accident.颅脑损伤成因以钝器伤、坠伤、伤及交通事故为多。

12.The damage factor D and the release rate of damage strain energy Y are two important parameters in Damage Mechanics.损伤因子D和损伤应变能释放率Y是损伤力学中的两个重要参量。

13.Damage is set on the structure and identified usingthis index;在结构上设定了损伤,并用该损伤指数对该损伤进行识别;

14.The enemy forces suffered heavy losses.敌人兵力损伤很大。

15.people who have severe visual impairments.有严重视觉损伤的人。

16.injury of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint膝关节前十字韧带损伤

17.traumatic arthritis of knee joint膝关节损伤性关节炎

18.thermal healing热疗法消除辐射损伤



1.Application of Low-field-MRI in Diagnosis of Corpus Callosum Injury;低场MRI在胼胝体损伤诊断中的应用

2.Effects of Ethanol Extract from Mrrubium Incisum on Organs Injury in Acute Microcirculatory Disturbance Rats;夏至草醇提物对急性微循环障碍大鼠器官损伤的干预作用

3.New Target for Myocardial Reperfusion Injury:Mitochondria Permeability Transition Pore;心肌再灌注损伤新靶点:线粒体渗透性转换孔


1.Experimental Research of Anisodamine Gel in Prevention and Treatment of Rabbit"s Auricular Vein Injuries Due to Mannitol;山莨菪碱凝胶防治甘露醇所致兔耳缘静脉损伤的实验研究

2.Emergent endovascular embolization of iatrogenic renal vascularinjuries;医源性肾血管损伤的急诊血管内栓塞治疗

3.Problems and strategies in the current treatment of bone and jointinjuries;骨与关节损伤治疗中存在的问题与对策


1.Investigation on Diagnosis and Treatment of PancreaticTrauma;胰腺损伤诊治的若干问题探讨

2.Diagnosis and treatment of renal trauma (Report of 82 cases);肾脏损伤诊治体会(附82例报告)

paring Study on MRI Diagnosis and Joint-screen Diagnosis of Knee-joint LigamentTrauma;膝关节韧带损伤的MRI诊断与关节镜对照研究


1.11 cases analysis that diagnosis of low ureter iatrognic injure weredelayed;医源性输尿管下段损伤延迟诊断的临床分析

2.On injure of physical ligament of ankle articulation and its providing prevention and cure in P.E. teaching & training;体育教学训练中踝关节韧带损伤及防治

3.For example,which part of body is injured What nature of injures is When did injures happen What effect of injures is on training And what kind of characteristics do injures have Training causes are carefully analyzed in order to provide some training countermeasures for the prevention of judo athletes injures.运用专家访谈、问卷调查法等方法,对中国女子柔道集训队的优秀女子柔道运动员运动的损伤部位,损伤性质,损伤的时间,创伤对训练的影响及损伤特点等进行全面的调查研究,详细分析探讨其致伤原因,并在此基础上提出预防运动损伤的有效的训练学对策。


1.Automatic identification and classification of tomatoes withbruise using computer vision;基于计算机视觉的番茄损伤自动检测与分类研究

2.Investigation of undergraduate football players" sportsbruise of undergraduate"s football league match in Qinghai;青海省大学生足球联赛中运动损伤情况的调查

3.Relationship between impact characteristics of peach andbruise;桃的撞击特性及与损伤的关系


