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腹泻 Diarrhea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-14 16:10:29


腹泻 Diarrhea英语短句 例句大全



1.Investigation and Analysis on Three Outbreaks ofDiarrhea Associated With Secondary Water Supply;三起因二次供水引发的腹泻病暴发调查分析

2.Prickling on hands,feet,and nipples as well as diarrhea after sorafenib use;索拉菲尼引起手、足、乳头刺痛和腹泻

3.Analysis of Pathogens on InfantileDiarrhea from 56905 Cases;婴幼儿腹泻病原体检测结果分析


1.Something that purges, especially a medicinal purgative.泻药尤指药用致泻剂造成腹泻的

2.of or relating to diarrhea.腹泻的或者与腹泻相关的。

3.To induce evacuation of the bowels in an individual.使腹泻造成某个人下消化道的腹泻

4.International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research国际腹泻病研究中心(腹泻病中心)

5.A simple pair of mild diarrhea alone could eat Apple antidiarrheal.对单纯性的轻度腹泻,单吃苹果可止泻。

6.I had a travel to Shanghai and I suffered from diarrhoea.我去上海旅行,得了腹泻。

7.used to treat diarrhea.用来治疗腹泻的药物。

8.That"s simple traveler"s diarrhoea.那只是普通的旅行腹泻。

9.When did your diarrhoea start?你什么时候开始腹泻的?

10.B: I have headache, nausea and diarrhea.甲:我头痛,恶心,还有腹泻。

11.To cause evacuation of(the bowels.导致(下消化道的)腹泻

12.The cause of diarrhea are numerous.引起腹泻的原因很多。

13.And the third, for vomiting and diarrhoea.第三种适用于呕吐、腹泻。

14.International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh孟加拉国际腹泻病研究中心(腹泻病中心)

15.A substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea.抗腹泻药剂用于预防或治疗腹泻的物质

16.Causing evacuation, especially of the bowels;purgative.排泄的,排除的引起腹泻,尤指肠泻的;净肠的

17.Gently stimulating evacuation of the bowels;laxative.有轻泻作用的轻度刺激肠排泄的;轻度腹泻的

18.Tending to cleanse or purge, especially causing evacuation of the bowels.催泻的,净化的尤指导致腹泻的净化或清洗的



1.The report of 65 examples about using alleviates fever dispels for the spleen to treat the young child autumndiarrhoea;清热祛湿健脾法治疗小儿秋季腹泻65例

2.Clinical Characteristic of 236 Inpatients with Antibiotic-associated Diarrhoea;住院患者抗生素相关性腹泻236例临床分析

3.An investigation of human rotavirus infection in 2462 infantilediarrhoea;2462例婴幼儿急性腹泻轮状病毒感染情况调查

3)abdominal pain and alvi profluvium腹痛腹泻

4)Chronic diarrhea慢性腹泻

1.Clinial Analysis of 78 children with chronic diarrhea;78例慢性腹泻临床分析

2.Prevention of chronic diarrhea caused by infections;感染所致慢性腹泻的防治

5)acute diarrhea急性腹泻

1.Effect of antibacterial agent and nonantibacterialagent to treatacute diarrhea;急性腹泻抗菌药物和非抗菌药物的疗效观察

2.Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii in children withacute diarrhea;布拉酵母菌治疗儿童急性腹泻的多中心随机对照研究

3.Evidence based management of childhoodacute diarrhea;儿童急性腹泻治疗的循证评价

6)diarrhea patients腹泻患者

1.Identification of etiology of Kluyvera strains from stool specimens fromdiarrhea patients;腹泻患者粪便标本分离的克吕沃菌的病原学鉴定


