1200字范文 > 美育 aesthetic education英语短句 例句大全

美育 aesthetic education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-25 15:59:47


美育 aesthetic education英语短句 例句大全

美育,aesthetic education

1)aesthetic education美育

1.Integration ofaesthetic education and medical art courses at medical colleges and universities;医学院校美育与医学美术课程整合的思考

2.On theaesthetic education in the music teaching;音乐教育中的美育教学浅论


1.receive an education to develop morally, intellectually, aesthetically and physically发展德育智育美育体育


3.To Educate with the Sense of Perfection and to Bring up Students with Perfection --The mission of education with the sense of perfection;以美施育,成人之美——美育的使命

4.Relationship between Moral Education and Aesthetic Education with Practice in Higher Vocational Colleges;浅谈美育与德育关系及高职美育实践

5.Art Education in the Modern Aesthetic, Moral, Intellectual s Role;浅析现代美术教育的美育、德育、智育功能

6.On the relations of physical education to moral, intellectual,and art educations;浅论学校体育与德育、智育、美育的关系

7.These outcomes embrace five different dimensions, namely, the moral, cognitive, physical, social and aesthetic.这些成果包括了“五育”—德育、智育、体育、群育和美育。

8.Aesthetic Education Magazine and the Development of New Aesthetic Education in "Wusi Period";《美育》杂志与“五四时期”新美育的发展

9.By“beautiful”nurtures the human--To discuss in the specialized middle school language teaching the esthetic education;以“美”育人——谈中专语文教学中的美育

10.Moral Education Combining Aesthetic Education with Art Teaching in Middle School;中学美术教学中的“德育”与“美育”

11.Relying upon Aesthetic Education instead of Religion──A New Thesis on the Aesthetic Education Thought by Cai Yuanpei;以美育代宗教──蔡元培美育思想新论

12.The Concept of Aesthetic Education and Course Construction审美教育的理念与高校美育课程构建

13.Guiding Righteousness with Aesthetic Educating People with Aesthetic--On University Students’ Aesthetic Education of Music;以美引善 以美育人——浅谈大学生音乐审美教育

14.People Oriented Education and College Art Teaching--Aesthetic Education in All-round-development Education;人本教育与高校美术教学——谈素质教育中的美育

15.On Aesthetic Education in College Physics Teaching;论大学物理教育的美育作用和美育策略

16.The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times.46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。

17.Shallow aesthetic education in talking about good duty universities and colleges sports teaching is educated;浅谈高职院校体育教学中的美育教育

18.An Efficient Way of Moral Education in Universities:Improving Moral Education through Aesthetic Education;高校德育的有效途径:以美育促进德育


art education美育

1."Art education" in strong and handsome education;“美育”健美操的魅力教育

2.On the relations of physical education to moral, intellectual,andart educations;浅论学校体育与德育、智育、美育的关系

3.On the Characteristics of the Creative Thinking System——Also on its close tie withart education;创造性思维系统特征初探——兼谈与美育的密切关系


1.In college chemistry education,teachers can foster students" abilities to discover,feel,appreciat and creat the real beauty of chemistry by weavingaesthetics into classroom teaching.在大学化学中渗透美育能培养学生发现、感受、鉴赏、表现和创造化学美的能力,同时形成一定的化学审美意识和修养。

2.Keeping in accordance with the teaching content and target in aerobics teaching, with the characteristics of aesthetic education taken into consideration, this paper is mainly involved with how to carry out aesthetic education in the teaching of aerobics, which means to enable students both to perform aerobics and nurture a taste inaesthetics.根据健美操教学内容和教学对象,结合美学教育的特点,探究美育渗透于健美操教学中的教学模式,目的在于通过健美操教学既能使学生掌握健美操的技术、技能与练习方法,又能对学生进行美育教育,培养学生鉴赏美、表现美、创造美的能力。

3.To establish ways to develop it and have a positive meaning for improving the studentsaesthetics judgement and the quality of talent training.美育是素质教育体系中的重要内容和方面 ,开设“美学讲座”选修课是高职院校开展美育的有效途径之一。

4)esthetic education美育

1.The Research on the Practice of Esthetic Education in Chinese Teaching in Middle School;中学语文教育中的美育实践研究

2.It is good ways to raise the students physical quality and esthetic quality by strengthening theesthetic education .体育舞蹈教学对培养学生审美价值有充分的可行性,在体育舞蹈教学中加强美学教育,寓美育于体育舞蹈之中,这是丰富教学内涵、提高学生身体素质和美学素质的有效途径,是实现素质教育的手段之一。

3.During the full promotion for quality-oriented education, theesthetic education should be united into the former to play its role at multi-level and display its function in every area for the purpose of transformation from examination-oriented education to quality-oriented one and realization of all-around development.在素质教育的全面推进中,把美育纳入到素质教育的整体之中,多层次、全方位地发挥美育的作用,体现美育在素质教育中的地位,从而促进应试教育向素质教育的转轨,提高人的全面发展。

5)Aesthetics education美育

1.On the Aesthetics Education and Training of Qualified personnel;试论大学美育与人才培养

2.The Function and Signification of the Aesthetics Education in the Modern Society论美育在现代社会中的意义和作用

3.As a part of quality-oriented education,aesthetics education has its irreplaceable role to play in talents cultivation.作为素质教育的一翼,美育在人才培养中具有不可替代的作用。

6)Education Meiwen美文美育


