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个人价值 individual value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-10 12:36:58


个人价值 individual value英语短句 例句大全

个人价值,individual value

1)individual value个人价值

1.The American culture that respectsindividual values stimulates the creativity of the American people.尊重个人价值的美国文化,激发了美国人的创造力;自由企业制度在吸纳人才方面发挥了重要作用;高校不拘一格造就创新型人才,并且形成了人才在社会上的良性互动。

2.Ideological and political education is the unification ofindividual value and social value.思想政治教育是个人价值与社会价值的统一。

3.As regarded to valuation of human capital,academic circles reach consensus that monetary measurement and non-monetary measurement should be integrated to measure theindividual value and group value.关于人力资本的价值计量,学界一致主张采用货币性计量方法和非货币计量方法相结合、按个人价值和群体价值进行计价的方式。


1.Harmonious society: the Unification of Personal Value and Ethics;和谐社会:个人价值与个人德性的统一

2.Discuss the Social and Individual Value of Ideological and Political Education;论思想政治教育的社会价值和个人价值

3.The Measure Model of Human Resource Individual Value --the Coefficient Method of Individual Contribution Value;人力资源个人价值计量模型——“个人贡献价值系数法”

4.Open arms to change, but don"t let go of your values.拥抱变革,但也要坚守个人价值观。

5.On the application of personal meaning mode to physical education;论个人价值模式在体育教学中的应用

6.Every man has his price.每一个人都有其价值。

7.On Several Questions About Value, Human Value and lts Appraisement;关于价值、人的价值及其评价的几个问题

8.All were equally valuable--each was differently qualified.人人价值均等,但每个人又各有所长。

9.a rewarding career as a paramedic.医护人员是一个有价值的职业。

10.must be a person"s most valuable possession.它必定是一个人最有价值的财产。

11.It is difficult to rate a man at his true value.要评估一个人的真正价值是困难的。

12.The value of one"s health is beyond measure.一个人的健康价值是无可估量的。

13.He thinks it is necessary to prove a man"s worth.他认为考验一个人的价值是必要的。

14.A person may possess wealth, i.e. exchangeable value;一个人可以据有财富,那就是交换价值;

15.His personal stake is valued at over US$25 billion.他个人所持股份的价值超过250亿美元。

16.Individualism in American English;个人主义价值观在美国英语中的体现

17.Setting up an individual society subject--the worth target of modernization;社会主体个人化——现代化的价值选择

18.Discuss Functions of Filial Piety on Promoting Personal Morals;论“孝”在提升个人道德修养上的价值


personal value个人价值

1.The modern thrifty values contains thepersonal value and social value.现代节约既包含个人价值,也包含社会价值。

2.Thepersonal value and social value can t be unified systematically.我国现行人事改革进程中,图书馆员的职业危机感正日益加剧,个人价值与社会价值的实现很难得到有机统一,因此以职业资格认证为背景,加强职业意识、提升职业能力、追求馆员个性化服务能力的进步具有十分重要的意义。

3.University graduates need to have the opportunities to know the world and to change the world in order for them to materialize theirpersonal values.高校毕业生个人价值的实现要成为现实,必须有认识世界、改造世界的机会,而就业则是实现个人价值的途径和机会。

3)Individual Values个人价值

4)personal value and impersonal value个人价值与非个人价值

1.He thought value-foundations were mixture of marvelous and delicate emotion and intellect, on which he newly dealt with the problem of both the rationality of valuation and thepersonal value and impersonal value.并在此基础上新颖地处理了价值判断的合理性问题和个人价值与非个人价值的调和问题。

5)individual values个人价值观

1.This paper proposed that the country values should be placed in the dominant position in the establishment of social,national andindividual values,then put forward the suggestion that the country values education be carried out among the student to guide the studentsindividual values establishment.文章提出了国家价值观在社会、民族和个人价值观建立中处主导地位的观点,进而提出了在学生中进行国家价值观教育,以引导学生个人价值观建立的建议。

6)Personal Values个人价值观

1.The Empirical Study on Relationships between Consumer Behavior andPersonal Values of College Students;大学生消费行为与个人价值观关系的实证研究

2.The purpose of this study was to gain insights and an understanding of the influence of adolescents personal values on their English reading interest.本文主要通过实证研究尝试回答以下几个问题:目前中学生有怎样的价值观?中学生的价值观有怎样的性别差异?个人价值观和中学生对英语阅读材料的种类以及题材或内容的选择之间有怎样的相关性?中学生对英语阅读材料的种类以及题材或内容的选择是否存在性别差异?中学生英语阅读兴趣和价值观的性别差异之间是否存在相关性? 研究采用定量为主,定性为辅的方法对受试完成的测量问卷进行分析。


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
