1200字范文 > 文学 Literature英语短句 例句大全

文学 Literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-28 00:24:45


文学 Literature英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on the Relationship Between Chinese Landscape Architecture and ClassicalLiterature;浅谈中国园林与古典文学的关系

2.TheLiterature Increases the Splendor for the Construction TheLiterature and the Building Relations Chats;文学为建筑增辉——文学与建筑关系漫谈

3.Discussion aboutLiterature Rhetoric in Landscape Architecture Design;试论景观建筑创作中对文学修辞法的运用


1.study literature研究文学,学习文学

2.Yanbian Literature (in Korean)延边文学(朝鲜文)

3.Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy.存在文学是一种人生文学、学文学。

4.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构

5.the humanistic study of language and literature.语言与文学的人文学习。

6.Bachelor of Arts [Chinese University of Hong Kong]文学士〔香港中文大学〕

7.Master of Arts [Chinese University of Hong Kong]文学硕士〔香港中文大学〕

8.Modern Literature or Literature during the Republic of China?;“现代文学”,还是“民国文学”?

9.Bachelor of Arts [University of Hong Kong]文学士〔香港大学〕

10.On the Secondary Language Teaching Literature "History Infiltration";试论中学语文文学教学的“文史渗透”

11.Literary Criticism: Inside or Outside Literature;文学批评:在文学之内还是文学之外

12.Cinematic Literariness, Mass Culture and the Teaching of English and American Literature;电影的文学性、文化性与英美文学教学

13.Review of Historical Meaning of Scar Literature and Introspection Literature再论伤痕文学、反思文学的文学史意义

14.Reflections on the Transformation of Overseas Chinese literature to Chinese literature;华文文学与华人文学之辨——关于华文文学研究转向华人文学的反思

15.Mixed Literature, Pure Literature, Large Literature and Others--On Characteristics of Literature in Traditional Chinese Literature;杂文学、纯文学、大文学及其他——中国文学传统中的“文学性”问题探源

16.Literary Ethics Criticism and Literature Reading Teaching in High School;文学伦理学批评与中学语文阅读教学

17.On the Literary Differences and Identities Between Students Studying in Japan and Studying in Europe and America;留日学生文学与留欧美学生文学异同

18.On the Relationship of Contemporary Literature with Middle School Students and Middle School Chinese Teaching;论当代文学与中学生及中学语文教学



1.The contradiction between the reform requirement of theliterary journal and trend of the time cann t be in harmony .文学期刊与改革要求和市场大趋势难以谐调的矛盾日益突出;文学期刊面临生死挑战;文学期刊改革大势所趋,势在必行。

2.Three types of deviations exist inliterary works.文学中的变异现象可以出现在三个层次上:其一是文本内变异(textual deviation);其二是互文性变异(inter-textual deviation);其三是语言层次上的变异(linguistic deviation)。

3)Writing,Text and Literature文·文章·文学


1.Study and Conduct Oneself: Education of Chinese Thinks Carefully Dialectically;“学文”与“做人”:语文教育的辩证思考

5)literary style文学文体

1.Giving something properly onliterary style will be able to stimulate students interests in writing whereby to improve their ability in writing.适当讲些文学文体可以激发学生的写作兴趣 ,从而提高写作能

2.In the studying field of style,concerning the choice of object and range,there obviously is a kind of partiality that giving priority to theliterary style but looking down on the practical style.本文分析了造成这种状况的原因,介绍了实用文体的研究现状,指出将文学文体和实用文体共同纳入文体学研究范围的条件已经具备,希望各相关学科合作互动,以推进文体学的健康发展。

6)Literature text文学文本

1.Offering a course of university Chinese or humanity lectures can improve the humanity quality of students major in science and engineering,and offering a course of literature texts reading to the students major in Chinese can guide them read the classics and help them reconstru.给理工科专业学生开设大学语文课程或举办人文讲座等,可以帮助他们提升人文素质;给中文专业学生开设文学文本解读课程,引导他们走近和欣赏文学经典,可以帮助他们重建人文精神。

2.Artistic conception is an important characteristic in literature text,especially in poetry writing as well as a commonness of human spirit.意境是文学文本尤其是诗歌表达的一个重要特征,同时也是人类精神认识的一个共性。

3.Based on the fact that metaphor is largely used in philosophy, Jacques Derrida deconstructs the dualistic antagonism of philosophical texts and literature texts from the perspective of philosophy s anti-center, anti-authority, anti-Logos.雅克·德里达从解构主义立场出发,依据哲学文本中存在大量隐喻性话语的事实,对哲学文本与文学文本的二元对立所作的解构,无论在理论还是实践意义上都是不能成立的。


