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学生 Students英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-05 15:17:05


学生 Students英语短句 例句大全



1.A Survey of Safety Consciousness AmongStudents in Kunshan;昆山市学生安全防护知识调查

2.Study on quality education of students of furniture design;浅议家具设计专业学生的素质教育

3.Inventory"s construction about the students"environmental awareness and environmental action;学生环境意识与环境行为问卷的建构


1.Studemt"s Consultant Office生徒(学生)指导室

2.a hall of residence(大学的)学生宿舍

3.Modern Students (Middle School Ed)当代学生(中学版)

4.I am not a student of biology, either .我也不是学生物的学生。

5.biogeochemical ecology生物地球化学生态学

6.physiology of movement biomechanics运动生物力学生理学

7.These are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students.有小学生也有中学生。

8.University students 198,087大学生198087人

9.revolving door stream大学退学学生或不及格学生

10.Awaking Students Potential and Giving Guidance in Their Learning;激发学生潜力 引导大学生学会学习

11.On the Literary Differences and Identities Between Students Studying in Japan and Studying in Europe and America;留日学生文学与留欧美学生文学异同

12.Countryside middle school biology teaching and its students′ theory applied into practice;农村中学生物教学与学生的学以致用

13.Stimulate Students Interest and Guide Students to Learn Actively;激发学生学习兴趣 诱导学生主动学习

14.In school, boys and girls are learning foreign languages.在学校,学生们在学外语。

15.International Society of Chemical Ecology(ISCE)国际化学生态学学会

16.An expert in or a student of anatomy.解剖学专家,解剖学学生

17.What do American students study at college?美国学生在大学学什么?

18.Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences [BSc(BiomedicalSc)]理学士(生物医学)



1.Development of polypeptide soybean milk special forstudents;学生专用多肽豆奶的研制

2.Discuss Chemical experiment skill ofstudent possessing;浅谈化学实验中学生应具备的实验技能

3.A correlation study of pre-practice psychologic status and personality characteristics of secondary health schoolstudents;中等卫校学生实习前心理健康状况与个性特征相关性研究

3)college students学生

1.A Preliminary probe into political and ideological work ofcollege students in the new era;新时期高校学生思想政治工作探析

2.A discussion on influences of physical education oncollege students mental health;试论体育教学对学生心理健康的影响


1.Effectiveness of health education for schistosomiasis control amongpupil in Yizheng City;仪征市学生血防健康教育效果调查

2.Psychological and behavioral characteristics ofpupils with mental retardation;精神发育迟滞学生心理行为特征调查

3.Effect of iodine excess on intelligence development in 8~10 years oldpupils;碘过量对8~10岁学生智力发育的影响

5)college student学生

1.Reflections on strengthening thecollege students party general branch construction in the new situation;新形势下加强学生党支部建设的几点思考

2.To create a harmonious and loose learning atmosphere is one of the important measures to train innovative talents, the question about how to train innovation ability ofcollege students by the subject-teaching model was disscussed in the paper.而培养创新型人才的重要举措之一,是在教学环境上创造和谐、宽松的氛围,通过对"课题教学"模式,谈谈该如何对学生进行创新能力的培养。

3.Antagonistic psychology is a negative psychology, which certainly has affetedcollege students body and mind, so effective measure shoud be taken to overcome and prevent it .逆反心理是一种消极心理,势必影响大学生的身心健康。

6)ecological students生态学生


