1200字范文 > 财务 finance英语短句 例句大全

财务 finance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-17 14:42:33


财务 finance英语短句 例句大全



1.Building lasting developmental course with limited educational capital——Management discussion of collegefinance in the new period;有限的教育资金 无穷的发展事业——新时期高校财务管理工作研讨

2.Strengthening constructionfinance management in university to improve investment benefit;加强高校基建财务管理 提高投资效益

3.Setting up an internal accounting control system to perfect the management offinance in colleges and universities;建立内部会计控制制度 完善高校财务管理


1.Division of Financial Management财务管理司(财务司)

2.Financial Performance, Policy and Strategy of Yanjing Brewery Co., Ltd财务绩效、财务政策及财务战略分析

3.Planning and Finance Department计划财务部(计财部)

4.Finance Committee财务委员会(财委会)

5.financial charge财务费用, 财政支出

6.Bureau for Finance and Administration财务和行政局(财政局)

7.Financial Contract,Early-warning of Financial Crisis and Corporate Financial Governance;财务契约、财务危机预警与公司财务治理

8.On the Shift in the Focus of Financial Statements:From Financial Resources to Financial Ability;论财务报告重心的转移:从财务资源到财务能力

9.Financial Management Branch [Water Supplies Department]财务管理科〔水务署〕

10.mismanage one"s business affairs, finances, accounts, etc管理商务、财务、 帐目不当

11.Budget, Finance and General Services Unit预算、财务和总务股

12.Keep the public informed of the political activities and financial affairs实行政务和财务公开

mittee on Finance and Banking财务和银行业务委员会

14.Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Finance方案规划、预算和财务厅(财务厅)

15.Bureau for Financial and Administration Services财务和行政事务局(财政局)

16.Corporate Finance: Focuses on reading and analyzing financial statements.企业财务:着重于分析财务报表。

17.The account department have prepare a financial statement for the shareholder.财务部为股东准备了一份财务报表。

18.financial intrinsics: An alternative word for financial position.财务实况:财务状况的同意词。


financial affairs财务

1.The appliedfinancial affairs management system;一个面向应用的财务管理系统

2.Exploration of the interposed postion of regular institution of higher learningfinancial affairs;普通高校财务岗位设置探索

3.The Analysis of Perfecting the Various Aims of Governing the Financial Affairs of Commercial Bank;基于商业银行多维度财务管理目标的优化辨析


1.Innovation of electric powerfinancial management at knowledge economy age;试论知识经济时代电力财务管理的创新

2.Coordination of accountant infinancial accounting management;谈财务会计和管理会计的协调

3.Discussion on projectfinancial control of construction enterprise;试论施工企业项目财务管理

4)finacial affairs财政财务

1.Economic rcsponsibility audit andfinacial affairs audit are two different audit types.经济责任审计与财政财务审计是两种不同的审计类型,它们既有联系,更有区别。

5)financial power and affair财权财务

6)treasurer finance财务经理财务

1.Finance management of state-owed enterprises can be divided into shareholder finance,operator finance andtreasurer finance.国有企业财务管理可分为所有者财务、经营者财务和财务经理财务三个层次。


