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爆发 outbreak英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 13:42:11


爆发 outbreak英语短句 例句大全



1.An Outbreak of HEV Among Aged People in a Nursing Home;某敬老院一起戊型病毒性肝炎爆发的调查

2.An investigation and analysis on anoutbreak of norovirus diarrhea in a community in Dongguan City;东莞市一起社区诺如病毒腹泻爆发调查分析

3.An epidemiological study on anoutbreak of viral meningitis caused by ECHO virus 30 in Lianyungang;连云港市一起ECHO_(30)病毒性脑膜炎爆发流行病学调查


1.immediate explosive power瞬间爆发力瞬间爆发力

2.War broke out in 1937.战争于1937年爆发。

3.The pronunciation of a stop consonant with the breath drawn in.内爆发音吸气时发的爆发辅音

4.an explosive device; explosive gas; explosive force; explosive violence; an explosive temper.爆炸装置;爆炸气;爆炸力;爆发性的暴力行为;容易发火的脾气。

5.To burst or cause to burst into laughter.爆发出大笑,使…爆发出大笑

6.To erupt in an uncontrolled manner. Used of a gas or oil well.爆发油或气以势不可挡之势爆发

7.tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst.倾向于爆炸、用以爆炸或者以爆炸、突然的爆发为特点。

8.The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.火山爆发是自发的。

9.an outburst resembling the discharge of firearms or the release of bombs.类似武器开火炸弹爆炸的爆发。

10.There was a spirited burst of handclapping.爆发出一阵热烈的掌声。

11.ash that was thrown By an erupting volcano.火山爆发喷到空中的灰

12.volcanically created landscape.火山爆发形成的地形。

13.Vesuvius erupts once in a while.维苏威火山偶尔爆发。

14.An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode.死火山已失去爆发能力。

15.an outburst of heavy rain; a burst of lightning.地震引起火山的爆发。

16.be discharged or activated.爆发的或有活跃性的。

17.This is the area where the battle took place .这是战争爆发的地区。

18.the events leading up to the outbreak of war导致战争爆发的事件.



posite analysis of evolution of tropical circulation associated with summer monsoononset in the South China Sea;伴随南海季风爆发热带环流演变的合成分析

2.The regional durative rainstorm during pre-rainy season over South China is defined and its climatic distribution features before and after theonset of South China Sea summer monsoon are studied using daily rainfall data of 175 stations in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.对南海夏季风爆发前后区域持续性暴雨的气候分布特征的分析发现,季风爆发前持续性暴雨频数从60年代至今呈现出正态分布的年代际变化特征,而季风爆发后的区域持续性暴雨频数变化则几乎相反;广东省前汛期区域持续性暴雨降水明显比广西强。

3.Generally speaking,the South China Sea summer monsoon(SCSSM)onset marks the arrival of the East and Southeast Asian summer monsoon and the beginning of the major rainy season in these regions.利用高分辨率的区域气候模式(RegCM-NCC)对南海夏季风爆发进行模拟研究。


1.Physical Explanation to SU UMa-type Dwarf Nova sExplosion and Super-explosion;SU UMa-type矮新星爆发和超爆发的物理解释

2.In this paper, author has made a further study of [1,2] such properties for a conserrative and nonregular Markov chains in single exit case, which can be expressed by the properties of the first hit and the firstexplosion.我们将[1,2]性质进行了推广,对于保守单流出非规则的Markov链,研究了该过程首次爆发后关于有界集合B的反复击中以及反复爆发的若干性质。

3.Woosley and using an equation of state improved by the authors, the probable implications of progenitors on supernova collapse, shock wave transport andexplosion are investigated by numerical simulation with our own computer program.对其结果进行分析比较,考察前身星对超新星的坍缩、激波传输和爆发等过程的影响。


1.Bursts are observed in various neuronal types of mammalian central nervous system and in organotypic slice cultures or in various cultures of neural networks in vitro, which are regarded as an important feature of spatial-temporal spike patterns.在各种类型的培养神经元网络、哺乳动物中枢神经系统和切片中,都可以观察到爆发。


1.dust and gas production rate, size distribution of cometary dust, expanding velocities of dust and gas, spin period of nucleus, orientation of spin axis,outburst of inner coma, and cometary X-ray emission) are summarized here.本文简要回顾了彗星研究的概况,然后评述了海尔一波普彗星(C/1995 01)的研究结果,包括尘埃、气体产生率、尘埃粒子大小分布、气体、尘埃喷出速度、彗核自转周期、自转轴指向等参数,彗核爆发和X射线发射等现象。

2.It is shown that there appears to have been threeoutbursts around Sept.给出观测结果,包括几次爆发和可能的爆发活

3.Hale-Bopp showed that one event ofoutburst occurred on Sept.发现:Hale-Bopp彗星在1996年9月24日的一次爆发,1996年10月26日,11月13日的两次可能爆发。



《美苏关于减少爆发核战争危险的措施的协定》《美苏关于减少爆发核战争危险的措施的协定》Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile SystemsMei一Su‘〕uanyu Jianshao Baofa He-zhanzhe全ng Weixian de Cuoshi deXieding《美苏关于减少爆发核战争危险的措施的协定》(A greem。,。。Meas“re、toRe-duee tjle Risk ofoutbreak ojN比Clear科hrbe-tween the United Stazes ofAmeriea and the陇ion丫肋viet SoeialistR印ublies)美国和苏联为防止偶发性核战争而签署的协定。1971年9月30日在华盛顿签署,同日生效,无限期有效。该协定是在1969年n月开始的美苏限制战略武器会谈过程中签订的,属于建立信任措施性质。70年代初期,美苏战略核力量达到大体均势,具有“相互确保摧毁”的能力,双方都认识到美苏核战争的严重后果。核武器尽管具有多种安全装置和措施,但存在着由于操作人员失误、技术故障、意外事故或未经授权人员的行为而引发“偶发性核战争”的危险。本协定的主要目的就在于减少这种危险。协定共9条,主要内容有:双方从组织上和技术上采取必要的安全措施,防止意外使用或未经授权使用核武器;一旦发生具有导致核战争危险的偶然事件,或预警系统发现不明目标,应立即相互通告;如果一方准备向本国国土以外朝对方方向试射导弹,事先应通知对方;双方为减少爆发核战争危险的通讯联络,主要通过两国的“热线”进行。1987年5月4日,美苏达成《关于建立减少核危险中心的协议》,决定建立专门监视、通报和防止偶发性核战争的机构。该协议是上述协定的补充、延伸和发展。(萨本望)
