1200字范文 > 绿洲 oasis英语短句 例句大全

绿洲 oasis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-09 11:47:05


绿洲 oasis英语短句 例句大全



1.Space-time change ofoasis ecological landscape information spectrum in arid areas;干旱区绿洲生态景观信息图谱的研究与应用

2.Study on spatial diversification of soil moisture content ofoasis andoasis-desert ecotone in the middle reaches of the Heihe River;黑河中游绿洲及绿洲—荒漠生态脆弱带土壤含水量空间分异研究

3.A case study on the factors ofoasis-desert ecosystem evolution and its non-linear relationship in Xinjiang;绿洲—荒漠生态系统演化因素及其非线性探讨——以新疆为例


1.On Arid Area Oasis Ecology and Oasis Economy--A Tentative study Oasis economics;论干旱地区绿洲生态与绿洲经济——关于绿洲经济学的初步探索

2.oases environed By the desert;沙漠包围着的绿洲;

3.Study on Desert-Oasis Ecotone Vegetation and Oasis Stability;荒漠绿洲过渡带植被与绿洲稳定性研究

4.Oasis Water Resource Utilization Scenarios Simulation and Oasis Ecological Security;绿洲水资源利用情景模拟与绿洲生态安全

5.Change of Soil Physical Properties in Process of Oasisization绿洲化过程中绿洲土壤物理性质变化研究

6.These results are helpful for understanding of water consumption in oases of arid region and implementation of water resources deployment.深化了绿洲耗水的认识并为绿洲水资源配置提供依据。

7.The achievers could see the oasis right there beside the sand dune, the losers could only see the dune near the oasis.成功者看到沙丘旁边的绿洲,失败者看到绿洲旁边的沙丘。

8.The Study on Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Water and Salinity in Oasis and Transition between Oasis and Desert of Zhangye City;张掖绿洲及绿洲荒漠过渡带土壤水盐空间异质性研究

9.Analysis of Yutian Plain Oasis and the Oasis-desert Ecotone Landscape Changes;于田县平原绿洲及其绿洲-荒漠交错带景观局变化分析

10.Study on the Temporal and Spatial Change of Groundwater Based on Spatial Interpolation Model--Take Qitai Oasis as Example;基于空间插值模型的绿洲地下水时空变化研究——以奇台绿洲为例

11.Study on Estimation of Arid Oasis-Desert Ecosystem Biomass-Taking Fukang Oasis in Xinjiang as an Example;干旱区绿洲—荒漠生态系统生物量估算研究——以新疆阜康绿洲为例

12.Study on Development Model of Oasis Cities and Towns under Restraint of Water Resource--A Case Study of Zhangye Oasis Cities and Towns;水资源约束下的绿洲城镇发展模式研究——以张掖绿洲城镇为例

13.Inspiration of Hetian Oasis Microclimate Change to the Construction of Ecological Environment;河田绿洲小气候变化对绿洲生态环境建设的启示

14."Cold island"effect and vegetation coverage in south Tarim Basin-a case study of Hetian oasis;塔里木南缘绿洲“冷岛”效应及与植被覆盖相关分析——以于田绿洲为例

15.Analysis of Markov process of LUCC in oasis of arid area-A case of the Yutian Oasis;干旱区绿洲LUCC马尔柯夫过程分析——以新疆于田绿洲为例

16.A Study on Interaction Between Oasis Water Resource and Oasis Urbanization--Taking Example of Northwest Region;绿洲水资源与绿洲城镇化的关系探讨——以西北地区为例

17.Study on the Index System for Evaluating the Ecological Environmental Quality in Oases--A Case Study in the Zhangye City Oasis;绿洲生态环境质量评价指标体系研究——以张掖市绿洲为例

18.RS/GIS-based Study on the Dynamic Monitoring of Land Use Change in Oases-- A Case Study in the Xiangride oasis;基于RS和GIS的绿洲土地利用变化动态监测研究——以香日德绿洲为例



1.Oases as Well as Their Sustainable Development and Constructions in China;中国绿洲及其可持续发展建设

2.Dynamics of water resources and land use inoases in middle and lower reaches of Shiyang River watershed,Northwest China;石羊河流域中下游绿洲土地利用变化与水资源动态研究

3.Water Resources Utilization and Negative Eco-Environment Effect at the South Edge Oases of Taklimakan Desert;塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘水资源开发与绿洲生态环境负效应



5)oasis city绿洲城市

1.Based on characteristics of tourism resources and tourist questionnaire investigation of theoasis city Urumqi, the paper thinks Urumqi tourism development cannot show the image of ethnic cultural resources and unique history culture for lacking of tourism brand.该文依据乌鲁木齐绿洲城市旅游资源特色以及对客源市场问卷调查,阐述乌鲁木齐市旅游景区开发与规划未能体现民族风情,旅游形象不鲜明等问题,认为乌鲁木齐绿洲城市旅游形象设计要从理念、视觉、行为设计三方面进行,特别是视觉形象设计要注重体现其民族风情、休闲度假、旅游购物、美食文化等旅游形象。

2.As a typicaloasis city, Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the center of the whole autonomy s politics, economics and literature, is limited.乌鲁木齐是一座典型的绿洲城市,又是新疆维吾尔自治区的首府,是全疆政治、经济、文化的中心,其经济发展受地形、地貌、植被、水文等自然条件制约较大,对乌鲁木齐市发展模式、城市景观格局变化及其对生态环境的研究,对其它中小型绿洲城市具有一定的借鉴作用。

6)Hetian oasis和田绿洲

1.A Study on Landscape Heterogeneity and Characteristic Scale of Hetian Oasis by Using Remote Sensing Techniques;和田绿洲景观异质性及其特征尺度的遥感研究

2.Analysis and Simulation of Groundwater Table Change of Luopo Irrigation Region in Hetian Oasis和田绿洲洛浦灌区地下水动态变化规律分析与模拟

3.Using 48-month data on groundwater level in the period of 2001- from 4 wells,the groundwater level prognostic equations for different wells were established to predict the short-term groundwater level in theHetian oasis.利用塔里木盆地南缘和田绿洲4眼观测井的2001年-逐月实测平均地下水位埋深资料,基于帕森斯季节性指数理论,分别建立了季节性地下水位埋深动态变化预测模型,并进行了趋势预测检验。


