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和谐性 harmony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-17 13:16:42


和谐性 harmony英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis and optimization ofharmony situation of strategic alliance;企业战略联盟的和谐性分析与优化

2.Analysis of Harmony in Labor Intensive Industry Cluster;劳动密集型产业集群的和谐性分析


1.Constructing Harmonious Sexual Culture:the Enrichment and Development of Harmonious Culture;构建和谐性别文化对和谐文化的丰富和发展

2.Build a Harmonious College Campus by Establishing a Harmonious System;通过和谐性制度建设构建高校和谐校园

3.Hexie about Consumption Structure and Industrial Structure: Hexie Character and Its Estimating;消费结构与产业结构的和谐:和谐性及其测度

4.Harmony: human distillation of vanguard nature of "Three Represents";和谐性:“三个代表”先进性的人文升华

5.A Rational Thought upon Promoting Social Harmoniousness by the Harmoniousness inside CPC;以党内和谐促进社会和谐的理性思考

6.The Harmonious Sound Deep in One s Heart--A Discussion on the Universality and Appropriateness of Human Harmony;心灵深处的谐音——论人类和谐的普适性

7.An Analysis of HeXie Controllability and HeXie Observability of Item Teams;项目团队的和谐能控性与和谐能观性分析

8.Family harmony is the foundation of social harmony--Husbands and wives harmoniously openly express from Jialian the vessel for millet Wang Xifeng;家庭和谐是社会和谐的基础——从贾琏王熙凤夫妻性和谐说开去

9.Harmony between Invisibility and Visibility of the Translator s Gender;论译者性别的隐身性和显现性的和谐

10.Domestic Harmony is the Basis for the Construction of a Harmonious Society;家庭和谐是构建和谐社会的基础性工程

11.A Theoretical Analysis of the Harmonious Development of the Two Sexes from the Perspective of Harmonious Society;和谐社会理论视野下的两性和谐发展分析

12.Reconstructing Sex Harmony:A Important Way To A Harmonious Society;重塑性别和谐:和谐社会构建的重要途径选择

13.Constructive Achievement of Socialism Harmonious Culture:"Harmonious Person";社会主义和谐文化的建设性成果:《和谐人》

14.To Build a Harmonious Society Cannot Be Detached from the Harmonious Development of Both Sexes和谐社会的构建离不开两性的和谐发展

15.Externalities from Government Conduct and Harmonious Development between Human Being and Nature;政府行为外部性与人和自然和谐发展

16.Sexes, Femininity and Its Studies, and Their Relations with the Harmony of Social Development性、女性、女学与社会的和谐进步

17.The harmonious society:from suppositional exploration to realistic pursuit;和谐社会从虚拟性探索到现实性追求

18.Humanistic Management to Harmonize and Imporve Individual Teaching;人性化管理求和谐 个性化教学促提高



1.A model for analysis onharmoniousness of small water works integrated with terrace in mountainous areas;山区梯田集成配套小型水工程的和谐性分析模型

2.The Gracefulness and Harmoniousness of Two Classes of Graphs;两类图的优美性与和谐性


1.It comes to such conclusion-aesthetical awareness of ancient Chinese people is diverse andharmonious.考察结论:中国先民审美意识既具有多样性又具有和谐性。


1.Study theconcordance of the fly-over crossing and the city about the transportation,the esthetics and the development each other,put forward some problems in design and construction,and the principle that fly-crossing design and the city on the base of development and reference the esthetics.从交通上、美学上以及相互促进发展上讨论了立交与城市之间的和谐性,提出了在设计建造中要参考和注意的问题,遵循立交设计与城市之间以发展为基础,兼顾美的享受的原则。

5)consistency property和谐性质

1.This article combines the two ideas of the two system of axioms, applying theconsistency property to give a system of axioms and model theory for infinitary second order logic L_(ω1ω)(Q).本文结合二阶逻辑公理系统和无穷逻辑公理系统两种思想,应用和谐性质方法,建立了无穷逻辑中的二阶语言L_(ω1ω)(Q)公理系统及模型论,对L_(ω1ω)(Q)中的同构定理及Craig插值定理给予了证明。

6)harmony in reason理性和谐

1.This article traced the school of western jurisprudence such as Natural Jurisprudence,Analytical Jurisprudence,Sociological Jurisprudence and Post-modern Legal Trend to discuss a fundamental legal conception about "harmony",and then the author refined four theoretical paradigm for harmonious rule of law asharmony in reason,harmony in norm,harmony in interest,harmony in duality.梳理西方法哲学流派中自然法学派、规范分析法学派、社会学法学派和后现代法学思潮有关"和谐"这一基础法观念的知识,可以提炼出理性和谐、规范和谐、利益和谐与二元和谐四大和谐法治的理论模式。


性和谐性和谐sexual harmony性学名。指性生活在充满情意 ,轻松自然状态下达到性高潮,双方感到性满足,并获取最高快感。由于心身状态不佳、对 性知识完全缺乏、性态度偏离、焦虑恐惧等皆可导致性交不和谐。它需要当事人双方熟知 生理、洞悉心态;环境静谧、情绪良好;互尊互爱、互谅互商。
