1200字范文 > 稻米 rice英语短句 例句大全

稻米 rice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-04 10:06:42


稻米 rice英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on Americanrice grading standards and inspective technology;美国稻米分级标准与检测技术研究

2.Surveying Analysis of Pesticide Residue Quantity of Rice in Tongliao Area;通辽地区市售稻米农药残留分析

3.Study on the viscosity property ofrice starch with different amylose content;不同直链淀粉含量的稻米淀粉黏滞特性研究


1.Research on Starch Quality Using Different Transgenic Constructs in the Endosperm of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);转淀粉相关基因水稻的稻米品质研究

2.Develop Rice`s Industrialization Create Green Rice`s Brand;发展水稻产业化 创绿色稻米品牌

3.Effect of Free-air CO_2 Enrichment (FACE) on Grain Quality of Different VarietiesFACE对不同水稻品种稻米品质的影响

4.Analysis of starch RVA profiles of aromatic rice germplasm香稻种质稻米淀粉RVA谱特征分析

5.Ethylicin Residue in Water, Soil and Rice稻田水、土壤和稻米中乙蒜素的残留

6.Many parts of China are kept under rice.中国许多地方出产稻米。

7.hulling machine, industrial for rice稻米去壳机,工业用

8.The Effects of Starch-synthesizing Genes on Rice Quality;稻米淀粉合成相关基因对稻米品质的影响

9.On Development of Rice Production in Jiangsu ProvinceAccording to Present Situation of Inside and Outside;从国内外稻米生产状况谈我省稻米生产的发展

10.Reflections on Rice Development in Jilin Province through International Rice Trade Characteristic透过国际稻米贸易特点谈吉林省稻米发展对策

11.In all the rice-producing areas of the world, huge quantities of rice polishings and rice bran are produced.世界上所有产稻地区生产大量的稻米细糠和稻米糠。

12.Analyzing Japanese Rice Policies Based on the Phenomenon of “Rice Self-Sufficiency”透过“大米自给”看日本的稻米政策

13.Relationship between Lipid and Flour Viscosity Characteristics in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)稻米脂肪与米粉RVA谱特征的关系分析

14.Relationghip of Meteorological Conditions With Rice Quality in the Cultivars of Jinzao Series金早系列水稻品种稻米品质的气象条件


16.Analysis of Genetic Mechanism and Improving Methods for Quality Traits in Japonica Rice;粳稻稻米品质性状的遗传规律和改良方法研究

17.Relationship between Protein and Eating and Cooking Qualities of Grains of Japonica Rice;粳稻稻米蛋白质与蒸煮食味品质的关系

18.The Selection of Rice and the Analysis of the Good Rice Industry Development of Jiangsu Province;江苏省水稻育种与优质稻米产业发展策略分析


rice grain稻米

1.Analysis on the variation ofrice grain taste meter value and RVA profile during grain filling and ripening stage;灌浆成熟期稻米味度值和RVA谱特性变化动态分析

2.Effect of nitrogen on the protein fractions content and cooking and eating quality ofrice grain;氮素对稻米蛋白质组分含量及蒸煮食味品质的影响

3.Studies on the method of amylose content determination inrice grain;微量稻米样品直链淀粉含量测定中若中因素的研究

3)rice kernel稻米

1.The ratio ofrice kernel is one of the most important features in classification ofrice kernel.粒型是稻米分级的重要特征之一。

2.The results show significant correlations between source-sink characteristics of rice plant andrice kernel chalkiness.以垩白度差异较大的 3个早籼稻品种为材料 ,先后分 3期播种 ,应用14 C示踪技术研究了籽粒灌浆期剑叶净同化速率、籽粒库活力及相应的源 /库比与稻米垩白形成的关系。

3.An image processing system was developed which was specially used for the detection of the quality indexes of chalkiness and percentage of chalkyrice kernels listed in the national standard GB/T 17891 1999.利用该系统对 6种粳米和 2种籼米进行测定 ,结果表明 ,该方法具有客观性、准确性、快速性和可重复性等特点 ,在收购优质稻米进行快速分等定级中具有良好的应用前

4)milled rice稻米

1.According to the agriculture industry standard NY/T593-2002,eleven quality traits ofmilled rice of 282 indica hybrid rice varieties involved early-season,mid-season and late-season collected from Fujian regional test of cultivars from to were analyzed and appraised.按照农业行业标准NY/T593—2002,对—福建水稻品种区域试验的882份籼型杂交稻新品种的11项稻米品质指标进行了分析和评价。

2.Three spectrum regions (6100-4250 cm -1, 61 00 -5450 cm -1 and 4600-4250 cm -1, 7500-5450 cm -1and 4600-4250 cm -1) and four pretreatment methods (straight line subtraction, multiplicati ve scattering correction, vector normalization; first derivation ) were compare d to form a model for testing fat content inmilled rice by using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS).选取 3段谱区(6 10 0~4 2 5 0cm- 1 ;6 10 0~ 5 4 5 0cm- 1 并 4 6 0 0~ 4 2 5 0cm- 1 ;75 0 0~5 4 5 0cm- 1 并 4 6 0 0~4 2 5 0cm- 1 )分别采用 4种不同的预处理方法(直线扣除、乘性散射校正、矢量归一、一阶导数 ) ,对其结果进行比较 ,发现选择不同谱区和不同光谱预处理方法对所建模型有很大的影响 ,同时证明了利用近红外光谱技术测定稻米脂肪含量的可行性。


6)rice industry稻米产业

1.On status quo and strategic development ofrice industry in China;我国稻米产业形势与发展对策

2.The production,process,consumption and trade of rice in China are analyzed,and the paper discussed the countermeasure of developingrice industry,which include developing qualityrice industry,supporting rice process enterprises,conducting rice fine accurate process,rice industry system innovation.通过对我国稻米的生产、加工、消费和贸易现状进行分析,提出了大力发展优质稻米产业、扶持稻米加工龙头企业、开展稻米精深加工、稻米产业制度创新等稻米产业发展对策。


