1200字范文 > 造价 cost英语短句 例句大全

造价 cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 04:00:00


造价 cost英语短句 例句大全



1.Simple Talking about Valid Control of Building Engineering Cost;浅谈建设工程造价的有效控制

2.Proposal for concretecost valuation under modern concrete structural technology;对现代混凝土结构技术下混凝土造价计量的建议


1.Intensifying project cost management,reasonable controlling project cost;加强工程造价管理,合理控制工程造价

2.Method of Analysis on Quality of Material Object Cost and System;实物量造价分析方法与造价分析系统

3.Ways of project cost analyze and reduce project cost;工程造价分析与降低工程造价的途径

4.Cost Supervision-the Effective Way of Monitoring Project Cost;造价监理是控制工程造价的有效途径

5.It costs much to build this kind of building.这种建筑造价较高。

6.The cost of the building amounts to 10000 yuan.这屋的造价合计一万元。

7.Apartment buildings are located in cities where it is too costly to build houses.公寓位于城区,造价很高。

8.Cost Analysis of Hubei Main Power Grid 110~220kV Transmission Line Project;110~220kV线路工程造价分析

9.Dynamic management of the builing engineering cost and the national cost management information system工程造价动态管理和全国造价管理信息系统

10.The Investment Control over the Engineering Cost Management under the Circumstance of Double Track Run Parallel;工程造价管理双轨并行局面下的造价体制改革

11.On the Causes of the Cost Growth in Expressway Construction and Measures to Reduce Project Costs;论高速公路造价增长原因及降低工程造价措施

12.How to do cost control by cost personnel in realty agency;房地产公司造价人员如何进行造价控制

13.The Participation of Project Cost Enquiry Agency in All-around Cost Management;工程造价咨询单位如何参与全过程造价管理

14.The Request of Registered Cost Engineers and the Work of Engineering Cost Management;注册造价工程师执业要求与工程造价管理

15.On cost control of whole process with participation of engineering costs advisory service论工程造价咨询机构参与项目全过程造价控制

16.The Analysis of Project Cost Control with Entire Process Cost Management全过程造价管理模式下的工程造价控制分析

17.Strengthening cost engineering group construction and coping with cost management effectively in the new situation加强造价师队伍建设 应对新形势下造价管理

18.Cost Management and Control of Water and Electric Power Project Enterprises水利水电工程施工企业的造价管理和造价控制


Construction cost造价

1.The research of construction cost control in design phase of project;建设项目工程造价在设计阶段的控制研究

2.Some common problems existing in construction cost control of centralized heating engineering and their forming causes are analyzed,and the control countermeasures for the construction cost are discussed.分析了集中供热工程造价控制中存在的一些普遍问题及形成原因,对工程造价的控制对策进行了探讨。

3)project cost造价

1.Reforms in the field ofproject cost have been carried out with the reformation of China s economic system, especially with the transformation of investment management system and construction management system.我国工程造价的改革是随着我国经济体制,特别是投资管理体制和建筑业管理体制的转变而进行的。

2.This paper illustrates measures onproject cost control during the preparation of highway con-struction, e.阐述了通过提高勘察设计质量、控制征地拆迁费用和地方材料价格、选择有利于造价控制的合同形式等途径,以实现控制造价的目标。

3.Project cost management is defined as to employ administrant means, such as scientific and technical theory, economy and law to tackle the practical issues during the activity of project construction, including the definition and control ofproject cost, technology and economy, as .工程造价管理是指遵循工程造价运动的客观规律和特点,运用科学、技术原理和经济及法律等管理手段,解决工程建设活动中的工程造价确定与控制,技术与经济,经营与管理等实际问题,力求合理使用人力、物力和财力,达到提高投资效益和经济效益的全部业务行为和组织活动。

4)fabrication cost造价

1.A comparison of thefabrication cost and annual running cost between the water source heat pump system with three purposes and air-cooled chiller plus gas-fired boiler system is made with an engineering example, and the former has a better economy.结合工程实例,对一机三用型水源热泵系统与风冷式冷水机组+燃气锅炉系统的造价及年运行费进行了比较,前者的经济性较优。

2.The comparison of the four roof structures is made on steel amount andfabrication cost.本文主要针对造船工业单层厂房屋盖结构形式中采用最多的平面梯形钢屋架屋盖结构形式,实腹式钢梁加托架的屋盖结构形式,空间网架屋盖结构形式,单向锥形倒三角形截面管桁架屋盖结构形式等屋盖结构形式进行分析研究,并对此四种屋盖结构形式的每平方米用钢量、造价等进行分析比较。

5)building cost造价

1.Analysis on percentage of reinforcement inbuilding cost;建筑造价中钢筋比例分析

2.It is a new topic forbuilding cost management to conduct process cost control for the government-invested project.对政府投资建设项目实施全过程造价控制是当前工程造价管理的新课题,文章通过笔者从事政府投资项目全过程造价控制的工作体会,对如何运用技术、经济、法律手段进行全过程造价控制作出初步探讨和分析,旨在推动全过程造价控制在政府投资项目中的运用,提高项目投资的经济效益和社会效益。

3.From six aspects,the measures for reducing thebuilding costs in present stage are proposed in this paper.随着城市交通量的迅增,地铁建设的发展迫在眉睫,但地铁工程的高造价限制了地铁建设的发展速度和规模。

6)engineering cost工程造价

1.The importance ofengineering cost management in development of construction enterprises;工程造价管理在建筑施工企业发展中的重要性

2.On the prophase management and the control of theengineering cost;浅谈工程造价的前期管理和控制

3.Study on the influence of the contract management on theengineering cost;合同管理对工程造价影响的研究


