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焦点 focus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-17 16:30:04


焦点 focus英语短句 例句大全



1.Homogeneous Second System of Center-focus Type to System Concluding Parameters;中心-焦点型齐二次系统参数化简问题

2.Designed principle of the rotational stand uses for measuring a camber with doublefocuses;一种双焦点曲面的测量用转动架的设计原理

3.A kind of directness arithmetic about conic′sfocus;二次曲线焦点的直接求法


1.Of or relating to a focus.焦点的焦点的或与焦点有关的

2.A Survey of Studies on Focus;焦点、焦点结构及焦点的性质研究综述

3.Focus-to-film distance(f.f.d)焦点-胶片距离(焦距)

4.To adjust or come to a focus.使聚焦调整或达到焦点

5.Placed at or measured from a focus.焦点上的设置在焦点上的或从焦点处测量的

6.(optics) having two foci.(光学)有两个焦点。

7.focus of action awareness动作意识焦点 动作意识焦点

8.Identification of Unmarked Focus and Marked Focus;无标记焦点和有标记焦点的确定原则

9.The act or result of causing a lens to deviate from accurate focus.散焦,去焦使透镜偏离准确的焦点的行为或结果

10.To converge on or toward a central point of focus;be focused.集中于焦点在中心焦点或向中心焦点集中;被集聚

11.Focal length: The distance between the centre of a lens and its principal focus.焦距:镜头中心与其主焦点的距离。

12.Having the same focus or foci. Used of a lens.共焦的有共同焦点的。用于透镜

13.flat-top plastic bifocal平顶塑料双焦点透镜

14.The focus of this photograph isn"t very sharp.这张照片的焦点不清晰。

15.actinic focus【物理】光化学线焦点

16.country focus policy以国家为焦点的政策

17.bifocal chord of a quadric二次曲面的两焦点弦

18.The pay increase is the key point of contention.加薪是争论的焦点。


focal point焦点

1.Thefocal points of their arguments such as advance informed agreement (AIA), risk assessment and risk management, information exchange and other related issues have been expounded and analyzed.生物技术的安全性(生物安全)问题已经引起了国际社会的严重关注,不同国家的生物安全能力的巨大差异,使他们对国际生物安全立法的内容和形式等问题产生了很大的分歧,争论的焦点集中在提前知情同意、风险评估和风险管理、资料交换等问题上;本文就上述问题进行了阐述和分析,并指出了国际生物安全立法的发展趋

2.Based on the Lyapunov stability theory,through improving related theorem,obtain simple and effective methods of judging center or thefocal point of nonlinear system and estimating the attraction territory of non-autonomous system.从Lyapunov稳定性理论出发,通过将有关定理改进,得到判断非线性系统的中心或焦点及估计非自治系统的吸引域的简便而有效的方法。

3.By the definitions of the conjugate point and thefocal point in a geodesic,the paper proves that for any geodesic γ:[0,+∞)→M,in a complete Gauss surface M with positive curvature,there exists t>0 such that γ(t) is afocal point of γ(0).从测地线的共轭点、焦点的定义出发,证明了对任意具正曲率的完备二维Gauss曲面,γ:[0,+∞)→M为测地线,则存在t>0,γ(t)是γ(0)之焦点。

3)focus to object-rotating-axis distance(FOD)焦点焦距


5)focal point汇点;焦点

6)multiple-point focusing多焦点聚焦


