1200字范文 > 拟真 simulation英语短句 例句大全

拟真 simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-25 03:48:02


拟真 simulation英语短句 例句大全



1.Simulacrum andsimulation are the categories,with which Jean Baudrillard describes the newest existential gestalt of the contemporary capitalism.拟像与拟真,为鲍德里亚用以描述当代资本主义最新存在形态的范畴,拟像分别指认资本主义发展的三个历史形式:对符号和自然的仿造、无原型的系列生产和模式生成存在的拟真。


1.The Simulation Application of Virtual Camera in the 3D Animation Design虚拟摄影机在动画设计中的拟真应用

2.The chariots, horses and soldiers were imitations of real ones, and they were arranged o stand in a combat formation.它摹拟真人真车真马,制成群塑,再按军卫序列排编成行,

3.Medicine won"t really do any good.全真模拟考卷(六)

4.digital simulated analog computer数字仿真模拟计算机

5.Modeling and Simulating of Engineering Systems ?工程系统的模拟与仿真

6.electronic analog and simulation equipment电子模拟和仿真设备

7.virtual reality (with simulation effect )虚拟现实(具有仿真效果)

8.What is this passage mainly discussing?第三章 全真模拟题

9.it is no wonder you are always expecting disaster.第四章 全真模拟题


11.Virtual simulation based on SolidWorks-VRML基于SolidWorks-VRML的虚拟仿真

12.LPM_ROM Of FPGA and Simulation Based on MATLABFPGA中LPM_ROM及其MATLAB模拟仿真

13.True virtuality and virtual truth--Paul Ricoeur s understanding of religion;真实的虚拟与虚拟的真实——利科对宗教的解读

14.Proprioceptive Simulation Study and Smulation in Train Driving Simulator;列车驾驶模拟器体感模拟的仿真研究

15.Research of Data Generation in Air Traffic Control(ATC) Simulation Training System空管仿真模拟系统仿真数据生成研究

16.Simulation to Reality--Puzzle of simulacrum culture out of Elephants;当“仿真”成真——从《大象》看“拟像”文化之惑

17.Weather Simulation of Visual System on Flight Simulator;飞行模拟器视景仿真中气候现象的模拟

18.Research on Earthquake Disaster Scene Simulation and Rescue Virtual Simulation Training System地震灾场模拟及救援虚拟仿真训练系统研究



1.Numericalsimulation for demolition of structures;建(构)筑物控制爆破拆除的仿真模拟

2.The wholesimulation on bending-resistance of reinforced concrete beams;钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能的全仿真模拟

3.Analysis of Typical Explosive Trains and its Computer Simulation;典型传爆序列分析及其仿真模拟研究

3)Analog simulation仿真模拟

1.The theoretical analysis and analog simulation show that there is a critical value (λd)c in this model,and only when the product of spread efficiency and crowd density goes beyond the critical value(λd)c that the disease can spread continuously and steadily in a crowd.理论分析和仿真模拟表明该疾病传播模型存在一个临界值(λd)c,只有当群体传播效率和群体密度的乘积λd大于(λd)c时,疾病才能在群体中持续稳定地传播。

2.Based on the comparison of current way of stop and parking organization at three types of bus bay stop, and full consideration of the impact on road traffic, time for bus parking and comfort of passengers, an appropriate way of parking organization is proposed, and Visual Basic is used for its analog simulation.通过比较现有的3种港湾式公交站的停靠组织方法,在全面考虑对路段交通影响、车辆停靠时间和乘客舒适度的基础上,提出了1种合理停靠组织方法并采用VisualBasic程序仿真模拟。

3.Author points out that construction method and analog simulation of bridge should be paid more attention.通过采用MIDAS软件分析了一座斜靠式钢拱桥的各阶段的受力特性,对该桥梁的实际施工过程进行了模拟,分析了施工时临时支撑的设置引起脱空现象的原因,通过分析该模型结构,说明了应重视桥梁的施工方法及对施工实际的仿真模拟。


1.Simulation of the NC ECM Process of Special-shaped Cavity;异形型腔数控电解加工过程的模拟仿真

2.TheSimulation on the Edible Oil Extraction Technology of Isopropyl Alcohol;基于Matlab的油脂浸出工艺过程的模拟仿真研究

3.Appling of chemical reactor simulation based on reactor-lab software;基于Reactor-Lab的化学反应器模拟仿真应用

5)virtual simulation虚拟仿真

1.Optimization of garment sewing lines scheduling based onvirtual simulation;基于虚拟仿真的服装缝制流水线优化

2.Concept ofvirtual simulation based on framework/components;基于框架/构件的虚拟仿真概念

3.Application research ofvirtual simulation technique in naval ship development evaluation;虚拟仿真技术在舰船研制评估中的应用研究


1.By comparing thesimulated result with theoretical solution,the reliability of simulative technique is verified.采用MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真技术,对浮放设备在水平地冲击作用下的滑移问题进行了模拟仿真,并将仿真结果与理论解进行比较,验证了仿真技术的可靠性。

2.On the vicinity of the potentials MDC could besimulated.在最优化电位附近进行模拟仿真,减小电位选择的盲目性,起到事半功倍的效果。


