1200字范文 > 产消者 prosumer英语短句 例句大全

产消者 prosumer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-04 02:36:10


产消者 prosumer英语短句 例句大全



2)consumer property rights消费者产权

1.The paper puts forward a concept ofconsumer property rights,inquiring into the PRs structure of merchandise information,studying the allocation way of key information under the globalization of the industrial division,analyzing the governance mechanism for protecting theconsumer property rights,putting forward the policy to ameliorate government regulation and improve the institutiona.本文在引入产权经济学的范式后,提出消费者产权的概念,探讨商品信息的产权结构,研究产业分工全球化条件下的关键信息分配方式,分析消费者产权保护的治理机制,提出改善政府监管、优化制度环境的政策含义。


1.The Consumer Property Rights,Consumption Risk and Government Regulation:An Elementary Analysis;消费者产权、消费风险与政府管制:一个初步分析

2.In the law of international consumers rights, the producers" rights of business confidential conflict with the consumers" rights of being in the know.世界各国消费者权益保护中生产者的商业秘密权与消费者的消费知情权就存在义务冲突问题。

3.The Effects of Consumers Attitude Toward Piracy,Ethical Beliefs and Relationship Quality on Their Intention of Purchasing Counterfeits;消费者与仿冒侵权产品关系的商业伦理分析

4.consumer rights, protection, etc消费者的权利、 保障等.

5.Consumers are entitled to these rights:消费者享有如下权利:

6.The right to consumer education消费者受教育的权利

7.relation of producer and consumer生产者与消费者的关系

8.Consumers have the right to report and file charges over behavior infringing their legitimate rights and interests,消费者有权检举、控告侵害消费者权益的行为

9.A Discussion on the Transformation from Consumers Paramountcy to Sustainable Consumption;论从消费者主权到可持续消费的转型

10.Tourist Contract and Protection of Tourists Consumer Rights;旅游消费者合同及其消费权益的保护

11.There is unproductive consumption by productive consumers.生产性消费者也有非生产性的消费。

12.Game Theory Analysis on the Back of Drastic Consumers Safeguard Rights--Concurrently Talks about the Relation Between the Consumer and Producer Under the Market Economy Condition;消费者过激维权背后的博弈分析——兼论市场经济条件下消费者和生产者之间的关系

13.Consumers enjoy the right to obtain knowledge related to consumption and to the protection of their rights and interests.消费者享有获得有关消费和消费者权益保护方面的知识的权利。

14.Consumer protection groups shall set the protection of consumer interests and the promotion of consumer education as their primary purposes.消费者保护团体应以保护消费者权益、推行消费者教育为宗旨。

15.What rights do consumers have and how can these rights be Protected?消费者拥有哪些权利?应该如何保护消费者?

16.To Define the Consumer Technically on the Perspective of the Protection of Consumers rights;科学界定消费者概念 切实维护消费者权益

17.Changshu Consumer Rights and Interests Protects Committee (Consumer Association) Research常熟市消费者权益保护委员会(消费者协会)研究

18.autoconsumption of food粮食生产者的自身消费


consumer property rights消费者产权

1.The paper puts forward a concept ofconsumer property rights,inquiring into the PRs structure of merchandise information,studying the allocation way of key information under the globalization of the industrial division,analyzing the governance mechanism for protecting theconsumer property rights,putting forward the policy to ameliorate government regulation and improve the institutiona.本文在引入产权经济学的范式后,提出消费者产权的概念,探讨商品信息的产权结构,研究产业分工全球化条件下的关键信息分配方式,分析消费者产权保护的治理机制,提出改善政府监管、优化制度环境的政策含义。

3)fan prosumers粉丝产消者

4)real estate consumer房产消费者

5)consumer bankruptcy system消费者破产

1.Expansion of consumer credit economy has resulted in vulnerability to be increased in case of employment,medical care,marriage and other issues,resulting in rising consumer debt,therefore,consumer bankruptcy system no doubt is the most critical and final line of defense to be built.消费信用经济的扩大化,使得很多家庭在遇到就业、医疗、婚姻等问题时的脆弱性增加,导致消费者负债额的不断上升,消费者破产制度无疑是应构筑的最关键的和最后的一道防线。



