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媒介 media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-28 08:58:49


媒介 media英语短句 例句大全



1.Media: Xingjuan and Transmission of Poetry in Tang Dynasty;媒介:唐行卷与唐诗的传播

2.On Mass Communication Media from Information Dissemination;从信息传播看大众传播媒介

3.Hu Yuzhi and his critical conception of themedia;胡愈之媒介批评思想初探


1.medium of exchangeph.1. 交易媒介

2.The Negative Culture Tendency of the Media and Media Management;大众媒介的消极文化倾向与媒介管理

3.The Invented Media of Art Propagation -- Network Propagation;解读艺术传播的虚拟媒介——网络媒介

puter and Network:Overthrower of Media Geographic Science;更新媒介形态学和媒介地理学的“杰作”

5.The Medium Authority and the Medium Intellectuals’Identity媒介权力与媒介知识分子的身份认同

6.On Medium Freedom, Medium Control and Communication Effects;媒介自由、媒介控制及传播效果略论———从SARS看媒介作为

7.arthropod-borne disease节肢动物媒介传染病

8.tick-borne typhus fever of Africa虱媒介的非洲斑疹伤寒

9.Through the medium of culture通过文件的媒介作用

10.The objects,merely were the vehicles for reflecting the light.物件只是反映光的媒介。

11.Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria.蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介.

12.vector-borne disease由带菌媒介传播的疾病

13.a medium that disseminates printed matter.传播印刷物质的媒介。

14.The two vehicles separated.两个媒介工具分离了。

15.A newspaper is a good medium for advertising.报纸是广告的好媒介。

16.Air is a medium for sound.空气是声音的传播媒介。

17.It acted as the carrier of this disease.它是这种疾病的媒介。

18.Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses.电视早已成为大众媒介。



1.The coping strategies withmedium in hospital crisis;医院危机公关的媒介应对策略

2.Discussion ofmedium meaning of scierce and technology information;论科技情报的信息媒介意义

3.On the Accomplishment of the Children s Medium;试论儿童媒介素养及其培养


parison and analysis on the methods for screening mosquito-vectors of epidemic encephalitis B;乙脑传播媒介蚊虫筛选方法的比较分析

2.Application of Mosq-ovitrap on vector surveillance during dengue fever outbreak;诱蚊诱卵器在登革热媒介监测中的应用

3.The Analysis of Relationship Between Malaria Morbidity and Distribution of TheirVectors from 1994 to in Hubei Province;湖北省1994至疟疾发病与媒介分布

4)mass media媒介

1.Expressions on women in today s domesticmass media;当前国内媒介中的女性表达

2.Based on investigations of variousmass media,the paper analyses the prevailing discourse used by the media concerning China s migrant workers with a view to enhancing the social function ofmass media.就当前主流媒介对农民工的话语呈现中存在的问题,在典型调查的基础上,分析其呈现的基本态势,提出推进媒介向本质化目标发展的路径,以便更好地发挥媒介的社会职能。

3.In order to carry out their social functions and duties,enterprises,professional advertisement companies andmass media chase after working profit as well as taking part in solving social problems.广告主、广告发布媒介、专业广告公司为履行社会的功能和责任,表明自己追求的不仅仅是从经营中获利,也参与对社会问题的解决,在向消费者阐明这一意图时,往往借助公益性这一方式来实现自己的社会理想。


1.The intermediary in ancient China has experienced a shift from spoken to written forms.中国古代的传播媒介经历了从口语到书面的过程。

2.In the life of water color painting water is relief,is intermediary,which offers color with freshness and widens the affectionate space of presenting.水彩画是水与彩相互作用发生效力的绘画艺术 ,在水彩画的生命中 ,水是调剂是媒介 ,它赋予色彩的清新 ,却又拓宽了水彩画表现的情感空



