1200字范文 > 《追风筝的人》 The Kite Runner英语短句 例句大全

《追风筝的人》 The Kite Runner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-13 15:19:13


《追风筝的人》 The Kite Runner英语短句 例句大全

《追风筝的人》,The Kite Runner

1)The Kite Runner《追风筝的人》

1.The Kite Runner being as the Afghan-born American writer Khaled Hosseini\"s maiden work, won good reputation all over the world when it was published.美籍阿富汗裔作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的处女作品《追风筝的人》一经出版就受到了全世界的广泛好评,几乎囊括了英语世界的所有文学新人奖,并创下了同时占据九大图书排行榜榜首长达数十周之久的记录。


1.Explanation of the folk sports function from culture vision——with kite as an example;文化视野中民间体育功能的阐释——以风筝为例


1.A kite, a kite. This is a kite.风筝,风筝,这是一个风筝。

2.I can fly a kite. I can fly a kite.我会放风筝。我会放风筝。

3.Mum, I want to fly a kite.妈妈,我想放风筝。

4.Mike is flying a kite high in the sky by the river side.麦克在河边放风筝,风筝放的很高。

5.Have you got a Chinese or a Japanese kite?你有中国的风筝还是日本的风筝?

6.Fancy giving your sister a kite when there"s nowhere to fly it.“没有地方放风筝却送给妹妹风筝。”

7.Oh,I"ve got a chinese kite and a Japanese kite.噢,我有一个中国风筝和一个日本风筝。

8.Neena has a kite, And she holds it in her hand.妮娜有一个风筝,她把风筝拿在手里。

9.Lingering Affection Drawn out of "The Kite;风筝牵扯出的情思——评鲁迅散文诗《风筝》

10.The wind took the kite up, up and up.风把风筝吹得越来越高。

11.The kites were afoul in the wind.风筝在风中纠缠一起。

12.the best wind for kiteflying [8-12 mph]最适放风筝之风[时速

13.fastening with the fastened ends facing inward里顺头绑扎法(风筝)

14.A kite flying above the playground.在操场上空飞翔的风筝

15.Kitemark [British Standards Institution]风筝标记〔英国标准协会〕

16.Let"s fly the kite again.让我们再去放风筝吧。

17.Another kite gets away.又一只风筝飞跑了。

18.Our boys are flying kites.我们的孩子们在放风筝。



1.Explanation of the folk sports function from culture vision——with kite as an example;文化视野中民间体育功能的阐释——以风筝为例

3)The Kite《风筝》

1.On the Spiritual Coincidence in San-mao with Lu Xun s the Kite;三毛与鲁迅《风筝》的精神“遇合”

2.The Transmigration from Self-Dissection, Self-ill treatment,and the Failure of Self-Rescue --Rereading "The Kite;自剖,自虐和自救——重读《风筝》

3.In itThe Kite reflects this kind of opposition.鲁迅的散文诗集《野草》创造了与现实世界对立的另外一个世界,其中的诗篇《风筝》就体现了这种对立的情况。

4)People of zheng筝人

5)pursuit for identity人的追问

ment on figurespursuit for identity in Saul Bellow s works;身份的困惑 “永恒”的追求——评析索尔·贝娄作品中人物对“人的追问”

6)human"s pursuit人的追求


