1200字范文 > 三维重构 3D reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

三维重构 3D reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-31 20:38:57


三维重构 3D reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

三维重构,3D reconstruction

1)3D reconstruction三维重构

1.Digital human body thermal infrared image characteristics and human body surface3D reconstruction;数字人体热红外图像特征和人体表面三维重构

2.Depth images-based approach for3D reconstruction;基于多幅深度图像的三维重构技术

3.3D reconstruction based on digital camera images;基于数码相机图像的三维重构


1.3D Reconstruction of FTP Based on OpenGL;基于OpenGL的FTP三维重构

2.Research and Application on 3D Reconstruction of Computer Vision;计算机视觉中三维重构的研究与应用

3.Contribution Function and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Hα Chromospheric Flare;贡献函数及Hα色球耀斑的三维重构

4.Symmetry Sets and Its Applications in 3D Reconstruction;对称集方法及其在三维重构中的应用

5.Research on the Technique of 3D Reconstruction and Visualization in Medical Image;医学图像三维重构及可视化技术研究

6.Flashlight Multicolor Codes Projector Based on 3D Reconstruction;基于三维重构彩色编码闪光投影系统

7.The Study of Image Process and 3D Surface Construction Rapid Reserve Engineering;快速反求图像处理及三维重构的研究

8.Accuracy Analysis of Using Three-Dimensional Reconstruction on Radiate Frame;辐射式框架进行三维重构的精度分析

9.The 3D Reconstruction of Digital Holography by Method of Phase-shifting用相移技术实现数字全息的三维重构

10.Study and Achievement on Techniques of 3D STL Reconstruction Based on Industrial CT Slicing Image基于ICT的STL三维重构技术研究与实现

11.The Application of OpenInventor in 3D Reconstruction Based on a Single ImageOpenInventor在基于单幅图像三维重构中的应用

12.Research on Multi-dimensional Data Processing and 3D Reconstruction of Imaging Laser Radar;成像激光雷达多维数据处理与三维重构研究

13.3D Surface Reconstruction Based on RapidForm基于RapidForm的三维曲面重构

14.Two Peaks of 3D Structure Constructed by 2D Contour Lines;利用二维轮廓线重构双峰值三维形体

15.Three-dimensional representation and arbitrary region segmentation in 3D reconstruction of virus particles by electron cryo-microscopy电镜重构病毒的三维显示与三维任意区域分割

16.Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Structured Scenes Based on Vanishing Points;基于消隐点的结构化场景的三维重建

17.Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction and Visualization Technic in the PACS;PACS系统中三维图像重构及可视化技术

18.3D Reconstruction of Lunar Surface Based on Structured Feature-Matching;基于结构化特征匹配的月面三维重建


three-dimensional reconstruction三维重构

1.Athree-dimensional reconstruction technique based on planar viewgraph was proposed for virtual coordinate measuring machine(VCMM) measuring automatically a part which was not wished to be known by the outside world in some military projections.为了解决虚拟三坐标测量软件对军工涉密项目中零件检测路径规划问题,提出了一种基于二维视图的三维重构技术,设计了旋转工件轮廓二维视图的智能输入系统;操作人员根据提示输入图纸上旋转体母线的关键信息;系统软件对输入信息进行连续性、交叉性和封闭性判断,以构成正确轮廓母线;环绕旋转轴旋转母线重构出三维实体模型,按照标准IGES文件格式输出,从而实现二维视图的三维实体重构。

2.Athree-dimensional reconstruction system for turbomachine blades using non-uniform rational B-spline has been developed and demonstrated on a gas turbine blade, a compressor blade and a fan blade successfully.开发了用非均匀有理B样条对叶轮机械叶片进行参数化三维重构的建模方法,成功实现了透平叶片、压气机叶片和风扇叶片的统一三维重构,并把该模块集成到了基于商业软件iSIGHT的气动优化平台中。

3)3-D reconstruction三维重构

1.Application of registration technique in3-D reconstruction;结构光三维重构中拼接技术的应用

2.Influence of calibration on the accuracy of3-D reconstruction in direct linear transformation algorithm;直接线性变换法中标定对三维重构精度的影响

3.DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) algorithm is widely used in3-D reconstruction of planar images.直接线性变换(DLT)算法是利用平面图像进行三维重构的基本算法,本文从框架位置的角度对三维重构的影响进行讨论,由此得出各个框架位置下控制点的平均相对误差,结果表明框架位置对三维重构具有一定的影响,同时相机角度对三雏重构具有深远的意义。

4)three-dimension reconstruction三维重构

1.The Research of Three-Dimension Reconstruction Based on Intelligence Surveillance System;三维重构技术在智能监控系统中的应用研究

2.Thethree-dimension reconstruction is very importance in order to obtain the three dimensional images of a object.本文研究了典型的体绘制方法并根据LCSM系统 采集到的图像特点提出了适用于LCSM系统三维重构方法。

5)D reconstruction三维重构

1.Aim\ To summarize the technology of 3D reconstruction based on layer data.目的总结国内外关于断层数据三维重构技术 。

2.A general solution to 3D reconstruction of the complex shaped objects defined by a set of contours is proposed.提出了一种由轮廓线定义的任意复杂形状的物体的三维重构的通用方法。

6)MPR 3D reconstructionMPR三维重构


三维定量构效关系分子式:CAS号:性质:根据化合物和生物大分子的三维结构进行定量构效关系(QSAR)的研究。实际上是分子图形学与 QSAR相结合进行药物的构效关系研究的一种方法。是研究药物与受体间的相互作用、推测受体的图象及进行药物设计的有力工具。
