1200字范文 > 言不尽意论 the speech of YAN BU JIN YI英语短句 例句大全

言不尽意论 the speech of YAN BU JIN YI英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-21 02:01:44


言不尽意论 the speech of YAN BU JIN YI英语短句 例句大全

言不尽意论,the speech of "YAN BU JIN YI"

1)the speech of "YAN BU JIN YI"言不尽意论

2)the speech of "YAN JIN YI"言尽意论

3)Meaning beyond Words言不尽意

1.This thesis inspects the modern philosophy theory of "meaning beyond words" and tries to draw the outline of the similar and different characteristics with modern linguistic philosophy.本文正是从此点出发 ,考察了“言不尽意”论的现代哲学意义。

2."Teaching without words"has three meanings as follows:the distinctive thinking mode of negative,the political ideal of opposing privilege;the germination of the literary thought of "meaning beyond words".“不言之教”主要有三方面的内涵 :一是独特的否定性思维方式 ;二是反对特权的政治理想 ;三是“言不尽意”的文艺思想的萌芽。


1.Word Fails in Conveying Meaning" and "Setting Up Image Helps Out;“言不尽意”与“立象以尽意”——《周易》的言意观探微

2.On Zhuangzi’s Thought about Language Aesthetics from “Words Expression” and “Thought”;由“言不尽意”与“得意忘言”谈庄子的语言美学思想

3.Conciousness on Life Value in Chuang-Tzu s "Words is Limited";庄子“言不尽意”中的生命价值意识

4.Looking the Opinions About Writing and Reading of Zhuangzi From "Words Being Not Able to Convey Meaning Absolutely" and "Catching Meaning While Forgetting Words";从“言不尽意”、“得意忘言”看《庄子》之文章写作、阅读论

5.Brief discussion on Speech Methods of Chinese--From Inadequate Expression to Creation of Images for Full Expression;浅论汉语话语言说方式——从“言不尽意”到“立象以尽意”

6.The Word Fails to Convey the Meaning": The Unique Spirit of the Chinese Poetic Theory;“言不尽意”:中国诗学的独特精神

7.Limitations of Words--Linguistic Perplexities and Development of Literary Theories;言不尽意:语言的困惑与文学理论的拓展

8.The affection of Zhuangzi s “word can t express all the meaning” in the love-poetry of Tang dynasty;庄子的“言不尽意”在唐代言情诗中的反映

9.On The Ontological Loss of Translation and Subjective Conscious-ness of a Translator from the Perspective of Limitations of Words;“言不尽意”与翻译本体的失落和译者的主体意识

10.From "to Speak with Reticence" to "to Surmount Language" --The Modern Analysis of Chinese Traditional Literary Language;从“言不尽意”到超越语言——中国传统文学语言观念的现代分析

11.Believe not all you hear, tell not all you Believe.言不可尽信,信不可尽言。

12.Far More Implied Than Expressed --Analysis of Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway含不尽之意于言外——海明威《雨中的猫》浅析

13."Don"t speak all you know, But know all you speak"不要尽言所知,而要尽知所言

14.Tell not all you know, nor do all you can .言不宜尽,能不宜竭。

15.On Development Of Theory of language Express Meaning in Ancient China;言尽意:语言表意的自觉性——论中国古代“言尽意”理论的发展

16.Finite Words While Indefinite Connotation--On the contradiction between the words and the meanings and the artistic conceptions;言有尽而意无穷——试论“言”“意”矛盾与艺术意境

17.To avoid attracting notice, and to give as little occasion as possible for talk and envy, was the general desire.人们都不希望惹人注意,尽量避免造成闲言闲语,或使人眼红。

18.Regarding Meaning as Superiority to Word--Poetics Defect of Showing Images for Expounding Meanings;重“意”轻“言”——“立象尽意”的诗学缺陷


the speech of "YAN JIN YI"言尽意论

3)Meaning beyond Words言不尽意

1.This thesis inspects the modern philosophy theory of "meaning beyond words" and tries to draw the outline of the similar and different characteristics with modern linguistic philosophy.本文正是从此点出发 ,考察了“言不尽意”论的现代哲学意义。

2."Teaching without words"has three meanings as follows:the distinctive thinking mode of negative,the political ideal of opposing privilege;the germination of the literary thought of "meaning beyond words".“不言之教”主要有三方面的内涵 :一是独特的否定性思维方式 ;二是反对特权的政治理想 ;三是“言不尽意”的文艺思想的萌芽。

4)On the "Endless Words""言不尽意"简析

5)speech can express one"s intention adequately言尽意

6)"The language fails to exhaust the theme"书不尽言


