1200字范文 > 文学史建构 the construction of literature history英语短句 例句大全

文学史建构 the construction of literature history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-01 14:01:12


文学史建构 the construction of literature history英语短句 例句大全

文学史建构,the construction of literature history

1)the construction of literature history文学史建构


1.A History of Modern Chinese Fiction: Constructs Pattern, Viewpoint of the History of Literature and Criticism Standards;论夏志清《中国现代小说史》的文学史建构方式、文学史观和批评标准

2.Imagination and Elucidation--On the Construction of Contemporary Literature History of China;想像与阐释——谈中国当代文学史建构

3."Globalization" and the Construction of Regional Literary History--A Problems to Be Clarified in Constructing "Chongqing Literary History";“全球化”语境与地域文学史建构——“重庆文学史”建构中需要厘清的一个问题

4.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构

5.The Construction and Its Development of the History of Chinese Literary History (to be continued);中国文学史学史的建构及其发展(上)

6.The Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国现代文学史的建构、解构和重构

7.The Forming and Dispersing of Literary Classics in the Construction of Literature History;文学史构建中文学经典的形成与消解

8."Canonization" of Texts and the Construction of the History of Chinese Contemporary Literature;文本“经典化”与中国当代文学史的建构

9.On Construction and Teaching of the History of Criticism on Chinese Contemporary Literature;谈中国当代文学批评史的构建与教学

10.To Construct New National Character--Guo Chengqing s Status in History of Literature;构建“新国民性”——郭澄清的文学史位置

11.“Retelling” and Constructing:Hu Shi’s New Views of Literary History;“重述”与建构——论胡适的文学史观

12.Look Back on the Construction of Content and Form of a Hundred Years Chinese Litereature History;中国文学史内容和体例建构百年回眸

13.From Historical Understanding to Value Construction;从历史理解到价值建构——论文学史家的一般素质

14.Historical View of Literature: Construction and Discourse;文学史观的建构与对话——围绕初期新文学的评价

15.Marxism in the Construction of History of Chinese New Literature--A Case Study of the Syllabus of A History of Chinese New Literature马克思主义与中国新文学史的建构——以《〈中国新文学史〉教学大纲》为例

16.Thoughts on the Writing of the 20th-century Literature History;构建文学史的三维范式——关于20世纪文学史撰写的断想

17.Sino-Western Comparative Perspective in the Construction of the History of Chinese Literary Criticism;中国文学批评史学科建构中的中西比较意识

18.The Form of Knowledge System of the History of Modern Chinese Literature (1949-1984);中国现代文学史知识体系的形成与建构


the construction of a literary history文学史构建

3)literary history construction文学史建设

4)literary construction文学建构

5)reconstruction of literary history文学史重构

6)historical cultural construction历史文化建构

1.The article centres upon thehistorical cultural construction of New York school poetry in terms of urban,epochal and cultural construction,so as to explore a new way of thinking in this regard.从"纽约派"诗歌的历史文化建构入手,主要涉及城市建构、时代建构和文化建构三方面,为探究美国后现代诗歌与历史发展的关系提供了新的思路。




