1200字范文 > 书场文化 theater culture英语短句 例句大全

书场文化 theater culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-09 04:17:36


书场文化 theater culture英语短句 例句大全

书场文化,theater culture

1)theater culture书场文化

2)Quechang manuscripts榷场文书

3)rural books culture market农村图书文化市场

1.This article discussed the position and functions ofrural books culture market in constructing new socialist countryside from the economic and cultural aspects,analyzed the existing problems and put some suggestions to solve this problem.对于具有9亿人口的中国农村来说,农村图书文化市场是推进社会主义新农村建设的重要内容,是提高农民思想道德素质和教育文化素质的主要载体,是促进农村经济发展和科技致富的重要手段。


1.Status and Functions of Rural Books Cultural Market in the New Socialist Countryside Construction农村图书文化市场在推进社会主义新农村建设中的地位与作用

2.The Strategy of Publication Market Exploitation in Harmonious Rural Cultural Construction和谐农村文化建设的书报刊市场开发策略研究——湖北农村书报刊市场调查报告

3.The Development of the Cuture Construction of New Countryside and the Libraries of Villages and Towns;新农村文化建设与乡镇图书馆的发展

4.The Exploration and Practice of Serving Urban Primary-level Cultural Undertakings by the Public Library--Taking Anshan Library as the Example公共图书馆服务农村基层文化建设的探索和实践——以鞍山市图书馆为例

5.The new countryside culture square construction synthesis discussion--Take the Shenyang countryside culture square construction as the example;新农村文化广场建设综议——以沈阳市农村文化广场建设为例

6.Gannan Rural Markets in Qing Dynasty On the Aspect of Hakka Culture;客家文化视野中的清代赣南农村市场

7.The use of library resources to promote rural culture information construction利用图书馆资源优势推广农村文化信息化建设

8.On the Function of Libraries in Higher Education in the Cultural Construction in New Rural Area;论地方高校图书馆在新农村文化建设中的作用

9.Town Library: Important Force to Rural Economic and Cultural Development;乡镇图书馆:农村经济和文化发展的重要推动力

10.Discussion on the Important Functions of Rural Library in Cultural Construction of New Countryside论乡镇图书馆在新农村文化建设中的重要作用

11.Research on the Rural Public Library Construction in Public Culture Service面向公共文化服务的农村公共图书馆建设研究

12.Emphasizing the Construction of Rural Libraries to Improve the Rural Culture Service System重视乡镇图书馆建设 完善农村文化服务体系

13.The Research on How the Public Library Serve the Rural Cultural Construction公共图书馆为农村文化建设服务模式研究

14.The Idea of Constructing the Service by University Library for New Countryside Culture高校图书馆为新农村文化建设服务构想

15.Strengthening the Construction of "Book frame project" in Rural Area Promoting the Construction of Big Cultural City;加强农村“书架子工程”建设 推进文化大市建设

16.Designing of Public Cultural Service System in Countryside Based on County-level Public Libraries-Taking Xinxiang in Henan Province as an Example基于县级公共图书馆的农村公共文化服务设计体系研究——以河南省新乡市为例

17.THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION OF CULTURE CONSTRUCTION IN RURAL AREAS Based on A Case of Donation to Quyuan Rural Library;新农村文化建设中的公众参与——以“屈原乡村图书馆”捐建活动为例

18.Analysis of trend of the market of books on rural popular science under the shift of the workforce in East Fujian;闽东劳动力转移下的农村科普图书市场走向分析


Quechang manuscripts榷场文书

3)rural books culture market农村图书文化市场

1.This article discussed the position and functions ofrural books culture market in constructing new socialist countryside from the economic and cultural aspects,analyzed the existing problems and put some suggestions to solve this problem.对于具有9亿人口的中国农村来说,农村图书文化市场是推进社会主义新农村建设的重要内容,是提高农民思想道德素质和教育文化素质的主要载体,是促进农村经济发展和科技致富的重要手段。

4)culture of book collection藏书文化

1.Charm types of China sculture of book collections and concepts of library buildings;中国藏书文化的“韵味”类型与图书馆建筑的理念

5)Book Collection Culture藏书文化

1.The humanism in Chinese ancient book collection culture is embodied through benevolence, lovingness and cheerfulness.中国古代藏书文化中的人文精神是通过仁人精神、爱物精神、乐道精神来体现的。

2.This article studies the development process of the book collection culture and the dissemination of west learning,and discusses the impact of dissemination of west learning on book collection culture in the Late Qing Dynast阐述了藏书文化和西学东渐的发展进程,论述了西学东渐对晚清时期藏书文化的影响。

6)academy culture书院文化

1.Here you can sense the strong sentiment on the Cultural Academy in Huizhou, and get to know the beginning and ending of the Academy culture.竹山书院是雄村这一传统文化村的重要历史遗存,人们从中可窥见徽州的书院文化情愫及其渊源与归结之一斑。

2.The culture of Putian Academy, with a long history and a good reputation, is an important part of the Chineseacademy culture.莆田书院文化历史悠久,享有盛誉,是中国书院文化的重要组成部份。

3.By tracing back the origins and changes of China\"s ancientacademy culture,the important position of ancient academy in culture education and academic history in ancient China is revealed.通过追溯中国书院文化的起源与流变,揭示书院在中国的文化教育和学术史上的重要地位。


