1200字范文 > 教学工作评价 Teaching evaluation英语短句 例句大全

教学工作评价 Teaching evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-30 16:19:10


教学工作评价 Teaching evaluation英语短句 例句大全

教学工作评价,Teaching evaluation

1)Teaching evaluation教学工作评价

1.Large amounts of material has to be prepared to meet teaching evaluation,and the quality has direct bearing on preparation work and affects teaching evaluation at large.迎评工作需要准备大量的材料,材料准备的质量高低,直接关系到迎评工作乃至教学工作评价的效果。


1.Research on the Evaluation of Teacher s Teaching in Vocational High School;职业高中教师教学工作评价问题探讨

2.The Evaluation Research Undergraduate Teaching of Shandong University of Finance;山东财政学院本科教学工作评价研究

3.Several Thoughts on Inforcing College Teaching Accessment;对强化高校“教学工作评价”的思考

4.Scheme and Discussion about how to Appraise Elementary School Teachers Teaching Courses;中小学教师教学工作评价方案的设计与探讨

5.Establishing Evaluation System for Teaching of Adult Students;建立成人教育教学工作评价体系的设想

6.On the Evaluation of the Teaching in the Higher Vocational Education;关于高职高专教育教学工作评价的探讨

7.Study on the Evaluation Guideline System for Teaching Works of Modern Far-distance Open Education现代远程开放教育教学工作评价指标体系研究

8.The Retrospect and Thinking of Evaluation of Undergraduate Education in Our Country;我国高等学校本科教学工作评价的回顾与思考

9.Developing teaching evaluation by students and reinforcing its system;全面开展学评教工作 健全教学评价制度

10.System of Teaching Administration Evaluation at Medical Colleges医学院校教学管理工作评价体系初探

11.A Study on Comprehensive Evaluation to P.E. Teachers Working Ability in High Schools;中学体育教师“工作能力”综合评价初探

12.Analysis in Dimensionality of Teachers" Work Performance Appraised by Undergraduate大学生评价教师工作绩效的维度分析

13.A Tentative Exploration of Integrated Appraising System about Stuff Education and Teaching for Elementary and Middle Shools;中、小学素质教育教学工作综合评价体系初探

14.The Research of Middle School Teachers Work Performance Appraisal in the Background of Quality Education;素质教育背景下的中学教师工作绩效评价研究

15.On the judge of teaching quality in institutions;改进高职院校教师教学工作质量评价之浅见

16.On How to Promote the Evaluation of College Teachers Teaching Quality;提升高校教师教学质量评价工作的探讨

17.On classroom teaching evaluation in universities;关于高校教师课堂教学质量评价工作的思考

18.On the Injustice about P. E. Teachers’ Teaching Evaluation in University and College;普通高校体育教师教学工作的评价现象分析


the quality evaluation of the teaching job教学工作质量评价

1.How local colleges and universities carry outthe quality evaluation of the teaching job is the important problem that each university faces in the teaching and management work.地方高校如何开展教学工作质量评价,是各高校在教学管理工作中面临的重要问题。

3)evaluation on teachers教师评价工作

1.Reflection on re-establishingevaluation on teachers;关于重建教师评价工作的思考

4)Teacher job evaluation教师工作评价

5)Teaching composition judgment教学作文评价

6)composition assessment in teaching process作文教学评价

1.Thecomposition assessment in teaching process also obtains the widespread attention.作文教学评价也已得到广泛的关注,但大多只涉及怎么评的问题,并没有解决评的内容这样一个前提性的问题,原有的评价体系已经不能适应现实的需要。


工作评价工作评价job evaluation作评价的因素和制定标准职务,然后进行比较确定等级。这种方法所确定的职务因素主要是技术难度、心理负荷、体力消耗、责任和r一作条件等五个方面(孙俊山撰张燮审)工作评价(j ob evaluation)或称“职务分析”,指在组织内部根据各种职务的复杂程度、工作难易、对在岗人员的要求,以及对组织的重要性等来确定它们之间相对价值的一种程序。这个程序包括工作分析、工作价值确定和确定等级等。工作评价可以为合理地制定职务工资、确定各种职务的奖金系数和确定工作的相对序列等提供依据。工作评价的方法很多,主要有四种方法:(l)排列法。把各种不同职务的困难程度、所承担的责任、与其职务之间的领导监督关系、工作人员的教育训练程度和工作条件等排列出来确定等级。(2)分级法。它由排列法发展而来,主要是通过对职务的责任、难度及重要性等进行全面评价来确定各种职务的等级。(3)点数法。它是一种采用对共同的评价因素进行计分,并根据各评价因素的比重,综合点数对职务进行评价的方法。(4)因素比较法。它与点数法类似,首先是确定工
