1200字范文 > 线粒体损伤 Mitochondria damage英语短句 例句大全

线粒体损伤 Mitochondria damage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-31 18:23:10


线粒体损伤 Mitochondria damage英语短句 例句大全

线粒体损伤,Mitochondria damage

1)Mitochondria damage线粒体损伤


1.Cadmium Inducing Damage of Isolated Mitochondrial in HEK 293 Cells;镉致HEK293细胞离体线粒体损伤的研究

2.The Effects of Cadmium and Lead on Mitochondria of Freshwater Crab (Sinopotamon henanense);镉、铅对河南华溪蟹(Sinopotamon henanense)的线粒体损伤

3.Mitochondria Injury Caused by Excessive Training and Prevention;过度训练引起的线粒体损伤及其预防

4.Effect of aminoguanidine and L-arginine on mitochondria injury in acute lung injury rats induced by endotoxin氨基胍和L-精氨酸对内毒素性肺损伤大鼠肺脏线粒体损伤的影响

5.Study of Ethanol-Induced Chondriosome Injury and Alcoholic Disease;乙醇所致线粒体损伤与酒精性肝病机制的研究

6.Effects o Mitochondrial Damage on Hepatocyte Apoptosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Rats;线粒体损伤在NAFL大鼠肝细胞凋亡中的作用

7.Mitochondrial Damage Induced by Hexavalent Chromium under the Condition of p53 Closed in L-02 Hepatocytes;Cr(Ⅵ)在细胞p53封闭条件下的线粒体损伤效应

8.The Damage of Mitochondra in the Chronic Alcoholic Myopathy慢性酒精中毒性肌病中线粒体损伤研究

9.Mechanism of photodynamic effect-induced mitochondrial damage of target cell光动力效应致靶细胞线粒体损伤的机制研究

10.Oxidative Damage to Mitochondrial from Exercise and Supplementation of Mitochondrial Nutrients;运动对线粒体的氧化损伤及线粒体营养的补充

11.Oxidative Damage of Mitochondria by Olaquindox in HepG2 Cells喹乙醇诱导HepG2细胞线粒体的氧化损伤

12.Study of Myocardial Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Its Prevention at the Early Stage of Severe Burns;烧伤早期心肌线粒体DNA损伤及其防治措施研究

13.Study on Mitochondria Oxidate Damage and Changes of Mitochondrial DNA and Genetic Expression in Spleen-deficiency Syndrome;脾虚证线粒体氧化损伤以及线粒体基因及其表达改变的研究

14.Biological Roles in Mitochondrial DNA Repair and Mitochondria-targeting Mechanism of Human DNA Repair Enzyme APE1;APE1在线粒体DNA损伤修复中的作用及其线粒体定位机制的研究

15.Fluid resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock on hepatic mitochondrial injury液体复苏对失血性休克肝细胞线粒体的损伤

16.Study of Relationship between Impaired mtDNA and Gastric Carcinogenesis Plus Its Pathogenesis;线粒体DNA损伤与胃癌发生及相关机制的研究

17.Study on Mitochondria Oxidate Damage and Mitochondrial DNA Mutation in Colorectal Cancer;大肠癌线粒体氧化损伤及mtDNA突变的研究

18.Roles of Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrion in Cadmium-induced Injury of Liver Cells;氧化胁迫与线粒体在镉诱导细胞损伤中的作用


mitochondrial damage线粒体损伤

1.Objective:To study themitochondrial damage and the oxidative stress induced by pentachlorophenol sodium(Na-PCP)in L-02 hepatocytes,to build an experiment foundation for better understanding the toxicity of pentachlorophenol sodium(Na-PCP).目的:在体外试验系统(in vitro test),研究有机氯农药-五氯酚钠(Pentachlorophenol Sodium,Na-PCP)对L-02肝细胞氧化应激和线粒体损伤,为进一步了解五氯酚钠的毒作用机制奠定实验基础。

3)Mitochondrial oxidative damage线粒体氧化损伤

4)Mitochondrial DNA damnification线粒体DNA损伤

5)mitochondria dysfunction线粒体功能损伤

6)mitochondria ischemia-reperfusion injury缺血再灌注线粒体损伤



