1200字范文 > 中国心理学会 Chinese Psychological Society英语短句 例句大全

中国心理学会 Chinese Psychological Society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-18 02:15:27


中国心理学会 Chinese Psychological Society英语短句 例句大全

中国心理学会,Chinese Psychological Society

1)Chinese Psychological Society中国心理学会

2)Chinese Social Psychology中国社会心理学


1.Thought on the Construction of Chinese Social Psychology Study;对中国社会心理学学科制度建设的思考

2.Reflection and Solution of Social Psychology Development in China;中国社会心理学发展问题的反思及其出路

3.Studies of Basic Theory of Social Psychologyin China Since the 1980s;20世纪80年代以来中国社会心理学的基本理论研究

4.Centre international de gerontologie sociale国际社会老年学中心(社会老年学中心)

5.The Research in Behavioral Psychology of Foreign Students Sociocultural Adaptation in China;留学生中国社会文化适应性的社会心理研究

6.International Committee on Social Psychological Research in Developing Countries国际发展中国家社会心理学研究委员会

7.On the change of the Chinese social psychology from 1992 to 2002;中国社会心理嬗变:1992~2002

8.International Centre of Social Gerontology国际社会老年学中心(社老中心)

9.The Study on Chinese Learners Sociopsychological Environment in the Foreign Language Classrooms;中国大学外语课堂学习者社会心理环境研究

10.A Probe of “House Slave” Phenomenon in Chinese Cities from a Social Psychological Angle of View;从社会心理学视角探讨中国城市“房奴”现象

11.On the Constructive Influence of Marxist Philosophy on the Chinese Social Psychology;论马克思主义哲学对中国民众社会心理的建构

12.Chinanized Psychology Research and the Construction of Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会 呼唤中国化人格与社会心理学研究

13.Sociopsychological Perspective《社会心理学透视》

14.The Social Physics and the Warning System of China′s Social Stability;社会物理学与中国社会稳定预警系统

15.Report on the Research on Health Tendency of Today s Chinese People Social Psychological Medical Approach;当今中国人人际关系与身心健康的关系──社会心理医学研究

16.Application of Social Exchange Theory of Psychology in International Business Negotiations;心理学中的社会交换理论在国际商务谈中的应用

17.The laboratory is located at room461 and room461 A of Psychology Department in College of Social Science, National Chung-Cheng University.眼动仪实验室位于国立中正大学社会科学院四楼心理学系461A室。

18.Psychology health and social problem of middle school student in private school私立学校中学生心理健康及社会问题


Chinese Social Psychology中国社会心理学

3)Chinese Association of Social Psychology中国社会心理学会

4)Chinese psychology中国心理学

1.ModernChinese psychology was formed in the course of western culture transmission into oriental countries, in face of diverse possibilities of development.近现代中国心理学是在西学东渐的大背景下传入的,曾面临多种发展的可能性,但最终在西方强势话语下选择了追随西方心理学传统的路径。

2.PanShu,the founder ofChinese psychology and Chinese theoretical psychology.今年是中国心理学泰斗,理论心理学奠基人潘菽先生诞辰110周年。

3.The author of this paper briefly analyses the development ofChinese psychology,included three questions:the history ofChinese psychology、the present ofChinese psychology and the trend ofChinese psychology.该文对中国心理学的过去作了回顾,就其现在的状况进行了分析,还展望了它的未来发展。

5)The British Psychological Society英国心理学会

1.The British Psychological Society was founded in 1901 and now has more than 4,400 members.英国心理学会成立于1901年,有较长的历史;现有会员4万4千多人,在英国心理学研究和应用方面发挥了重要的领导和协调作用。

6)American Psychological Association美国心理学会


