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音量 volume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-14 16:50:01


音量 volume英语短句 例句大全



1.To provide a more better user interface and more intel-lective manipulation,digital potentiometer is adopted in speech terminal to adjust thevolume and LCD contrast.数字电位器具有独特的性能:体积小,抗震性强,非易失性,可编程,易于与单片机接口,它已广泛应用在自动化仪表等领域中,为了给用户提供友好的界面,使用户操作更具智能化,语音终端采用数字电位器进行音量和液晶对比度调节。

2.According to the remote control command by sampling and decoding the infrared signal which comes from the remote control,the EM78P156 single chip microprocessor is used to control thevolume of the main and bass passage way,and to control the circuits that have four kinds of feature:normal,popular,rock and classic.采用EM 78P1 56单片机采样及解码红外摇控信号 ,根据摇控码来控制主通道音量和次通道音量 ,以及主通道的四种音质特色 (普通、流行、摇滚、古典 )电

3.In this paper,a digital controlledvolume circuit that contains DAC0832,74LS193 and 555 timer is designed successfully.介绍一种用数/模转换器DAC0832、二进制可逆计数器74LS193和555定时器设计的数字式音量控制电路,受控等级可达256级,并且外围电路非常简


1.The amplitude or loudness of a sound.音量声音的响度或强度

2.Please regular the sound on that recorder.请调节录音机的音量。

3.the volume control of a radio收音机的音量调节器

4.adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of.调整斜度、音调或者音量。

5.turn up the puBlic-address system.调高播音系统的音量

6.The relative amount of time needed to pronounce a vowel, consonant, or syllable.音量发出某元音、辅音或音节所需时间的相对量

7.Controls the volume level of recorded and play-back sounds.控制录制声音和播放声音的音量。

8.A tone of low pitch or volume, especially of spoken sound.低音;低声低强度或音量的音调,尤指说话声音

9.The duration of a syllable in quantitative verse.音节长短在音量的诗歌中某音节的音长

10.HI-low switch button for ringer sound adjust.音量控制钮:调整电话铃声音量大小。

11.To change or vary the pitch, intensity, or tone of(one"s voice or a musical instrument, for example).调整,改变音量改变或变换如嗓音或音乐装置的音高,强度,或音调

12.The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.音质使声音与其它音高及音量相同的声音相区别的性质

13.A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调

14.Adjust the volume, balance, bass, and treble settings for your audio playback and recording devices.为您的音频播放和录音设备调整音量,平衡,低音和高音设置。

15.Turned the radio up full blast;played the stereo at full blast.把收音机拧到最大音量;把立体音响开到最大音量

16.To increase speaker volume, press the top volume button repeatedly until you reach the desired volume level.增大听筒音量,请重复按上部音量控制键, 直到达到理想音量

17.Adjusting the output volume does not affect the sound being recorded.录音时,输出音量的调整并不影响录音效果。

18.If you turn the volume down on your radio,it will be soft.如果你把收音机的音量扭小,声音就会轻柔。


sound volume measuring set音量测量计

3)Voice quality语音质量

1.Utilize the PESQ MOS as a metric of voice quality and analysis the control policies used for application adaptation to changes in the state of the network.在可控网络环境下,通过调整信道容量、时延、丢包、抖动等网络参数,利用PESQ MOS方法评测了Skype与GTalk的语音质量,并且讨论了在可变网络环境下的动态适应性策略。

2.The paper introduces the way to evaluate the voice quality of mobile telecommunication system and elaborate the disadvantage of traditional language quality, emphasize the living testing example of object quality of evaluate way.本文主要介绍了移动通信系统的语音质量评估方法, 对传统语音质量评估方法的缺陷进行了阐述,并且强调了客观质量评估方法的测试实例,同时对引入EFR技术对语音质量的改善进行了分析。

3.Along with the development of new telecom technic and the evolution of the govermment s supervision , now the new problem appeared in the interconnection of the Chinese several telecom company:the problem of the interconnected voice quality .随着电信新技术的不断发展和电信监管规章制度的的不断完善,近期互联互通中出现了新的问题:网间语音质量,而下一代网络即以IP网络为支撑网络时代的来临更加剧了解决网间语音质量问题监管的迫切性。

4)Voice quality声音质量

5)speech quality语音质量

1.Fast method for evaluating VoIPspeech quality in network backbone;骨干网中VoIP语音质量的快速评估方法

2.A Study on the Methods of Optimizing the Speech Quality of PHS in the High Traffic Regions;PHS高话务地区语音质量优化方法研究

3.Study onspeech quality evaluation based on improved MFCC基于改进MFCC语音特征参数的语音质量评估的研究

6)acoustic parameter音质参量


音量分子式:CAS号:性质:又称音量。是人听觉所能判断的声音的轻响程度。它与声强、频率和波形有关,单位是sone或msone。人听觉判断声音轻响的一种量度指标称为响度级(1oudness level)。单位为phon。测定时,从1000Hz的纯音为基准音,将某一频率的纯音与之比较,若两者响度判断为相同,则基准音声压级的dB数就被定为被比较音响度级的phon数。
