1200字范文 > 光亮度 brightness英语短句 例句大全

光亮度 brightness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-23 20:42:03


光亮度 brightness英语短句 例句大全



1.The influencing factors regarding tobrightness of profile and the modifying measures are reviewed in this article.本文论述了门窗用塑料异型材光亮度的影响因素和提高其光亮度的相关措施。

2.Inflence of electrolyte composition and process paramters on surface roughness as well asbrightness during electropolishing was studied experimentally.结果表明:在一定浓度组成的硫酸基电解液中,采用合适的工艺操作参量(DA,T,t)可以使现有纯金表面的粗糙度下降两级,而表面光亮度明显提高,并呈鲜艳的金黄色外观。

3.The definition and expression ofbrightness in current textbooks are nearly the same, but there are two different kinds of geometrical schemes used.目前通行的光学教材中关于光亮度定义的文字叙述和数学表达式基本相同,但是却有两种不同的几何图示。


1.The appearance of a mineral surface judged by its brilliance and ability to reflect light.发光体凭光亮度和反光性来辨别的矿物的表面

2.Keep lighting fixtures and lamps clean to maximise their efficiency.经常清洁灯饰和灯泡以保持光亮度。

3.Control Light. Adjust light levels up or down.操控光亮:使周围的亮度变亮或变暗。

4.photometer head with equality of brightness等亮度棱镜的光度头

5.(of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble.(灯光)缺少亮度或光亮;黯淡的或微弱的。

6.screen(a lamp,light,etc)to reduce its brightness遮挡(灯、光等)以减弱亮度

7.Spectrophotometric determination of cobalt in bright nickel plating bath分光光度法测定光亮镀镍溶液中的钴

8.Artificial light in an intensely bright and broad beam.泛光高亮度和宽度的人工光

9.The intensity of light per unit area of its source.亮度每单位发光区的光的强度

10.The light in this world is purest, brightest silver, brighter than the flash of an arc welder.这个世界的光线是极度纯粹、度明亮的银光,比电焊闪光更亮的光线。

11.bright and dark method亮暗法(日光牢度测试法,灯光亮时暗的进行照射)

12.Research on Packaging of White High-Brightness LEDs;白光高亮度发光二极管(HB-LED)封装研究

13.The volumetric light effect is rather strong. The intensity of the Halo can be regulated with the HaloInt slider (Halo Intensity Slider.). Lower values corresponding to weaker halos.立方体照明效果更明显。光晕亮度可以通过光晕亮度滑块调节(光晕亮度滑块。)

14.absolute luminance threshold绝对发光率阈;绝对发光率阈;绝对亮度阈;绝对亮度阈

15.Those spectra nearer the periphery of the objective are dimmer than those to the central spot.靠近边缘的光谱状亮点的亮度要小于靠近中心的亮点。

16.a luminance unit equal to 1 candle per square meter measured perpendicular to the rays from the source.亮度单位等于每平方米新烛光。

17.In Hinduism, we are all illuminated under the light of god.在印度教,我们都是被神的光明所照亮。

18.The Technology Study on UV Laser Dicing High Brightness LED Wafer高亮度LED晶圆紫外激光划片技术研究



1.Discussion on the improvement of surfacelightness of PVC-U plastic profile shapes;浅谈PVC-U塑料异型材表面光亮度的改善

2.In order to understand the light and color properties of the high-end displays,some characteristics,including light uniformity on different areas on screen,lightness and chromatics,CIE_xy chromaticity gamut,and their change with viewing directions,were measured for one CRT and one LCD monitors.为了明晰高端应用的CRT和LCD显示器的色光特性,测试分析了两类各一个显示屏幕在暗室和明室环境中色光的位置均匀性、光亮度和色度、CIE_xy色品域,及其随水平观测角度的变化等特性。



1.The screenbrightness of the photoelectric flat display device is measrued.本文报告了荧光屏及其在光电平板显示器中的应用,测量了光电平板显示器荧光屏的发光亮度变 化。

2.Different crystal structure ingredient of (Zn,Cd)S,Cl electroluminescent powder was measured by means of x-ray diffraction method at different Cd~2+ concentration ,and the influence of crystal structure on itbrightness was studied.利用相变使材料结构由六角结构向立方结构转变,大幅度提高了材料的发光亮度。

3.It can be learned from the photoluminescence spectra and the measurement results of thebrightness that for ZnS:Cu, the wavelength of the photoluminescence spectra of these material specimens changes gradually from 480nm to 520nm as the Cu~+ content increases, the luminescence color changes from blue to green.通过对样品材料光致发光光谱的分析和电致发光亮度的测量,发现随着Cu+含量的增加,样品材料的光致发光光谱波长由480nm逐渐变为520nm,即由蓝色变为绿色。

5)Spectral luminance光谱亮度

6)photometric brightenss测光亮度


光亮度光亮度Luminance光亮度(luminanCe)光亮度是任何面光源在垂直于给定方向的单位投影面积上的发光强度。国际照明委员会把它定义为,含有被研究点的无限小的面积元在给定方向上的发光强度除以该面积元在垂直于该方向的投影面积所得的商。简单地说,光亮度是每单位面积上的发光强度,光亮度又称光度学亮度。因为烛光是发光强度的单位,面光源的光亮度就可以用烛光/厘米2、烛光/英寸2等单位表示。用数学式表示光亮度B一dl/dAcos夕,式中夕为观察线和面光源表面垂线间的夹角,八为面光源面积,I为发光强度。参阅“流明”(1 umen)、“发光强度,,(luminous intensity)条。熙提(s tilb)也是光亮度的单位,等于1烛光/厘米2。欧洲国家常用它,但在美国直接用烛光/厘米2。在欧洲,有时使用另一个单位阿熙提(a postilb),它等于以1流明/米2的比率发射或漫射光的全漫射面的光亮度。参阅“光度学”(photometry)条。[普特南(R.C,putnam)撰]
