1200字范文 > 局部性问题 local question英语短句 例句大全

局部性问题 local question英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-25 13:34:49


局部性问题 local question英语短句 例句大全

局部性问题,local question

1)local question局部性问题

2)locally problem局部问题

1.Put forward thelocally problem of third order variable coefficient equation of evalution and mean to the function of Riemann that push the wrong formula according to the method in the paper, then use the Riemann method proof the solution s unique.提出三阶变系数发展方程的的局部问题,按文章里的方法来推出问题解的黎曼函数表示的公式,然后用黎曼方法证明解的唯一性。


1.Analysis of Non-local Problems from Electrostatic Actuation of MEMS;MEMS静电驱动系统中非局部问题研究

2.Finite Element Methods for A Nonlocal Problem in American Option Valuation美式期权定价中非局部问题的有限元方法

3.Local and Global Integrability of Derivatives of Solutions in Double Obstacle Problem双障碍问题中梯度的局部和全局可积性(英文)

4.On a micro-scale the problem is complicated.该问题在微小局部上是很复杂的。

5.A Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for Stable Heat Conduction Problems稳态热传导问题的局部Petrov-Galerkin法

6.A Study on the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for the Kirchhoff Plate;Kirchhoff板问题的无网格局部Petrov-Galerkin方法研究

7.On a Non-local Perimeter-preserving Curve Evolution Problem for Convex Plane Curves;平面凸曲线的非局部保长度发展问题

8.On the Unfairly Pocketing of Partial Public Property Rights in China;我国局部性公有产权私有化问题刍议

9.The Nonlocal Source Problem for a Certain Semilinear Parabolic Equation;一类半线性抛物方程的非局部源问题

10.The boundary value of vector-valued Cauchy type inegrals in locally convex space;局部凸空间中Cauchy型积分的边值问题

11.The Pinching Problem of Submanifolds in Locally Symmetric Space局部对称空间中子流形的pinching问题

12.Local solvability of Cauchy problem for the Kawahara-BO equationKawahara-BO方程Cauchy问题的局部可解性

13.Local C-semigroups and Weak Solutions of Abstract Cauchy Problem局部C半群与抽象Cauchy问题的弱解

14.Meshless local petrov-galerkin method for large deformation analysis大变形问题分析的局部Petrov-Galerkin法

15.Symplectic analysis for two dimensional nonlocal linear elastic plane problems二维非局部线弹性平面问题的辛分析


17.The authorities have instructed the departments responsible to take measures to deal with pollution.当局已经指示有关部门采取措施对付污染问题。

18.The local stability of steel beams containing web openings is very important.钢梁腹板开孔的局部稳定问题非常重要。


locally problem局部问题

1.Put forward thelocally problem of third order variable coefficient equation of evalution and mean to the function of Riemann that push the wrong formula according to the method in the paper, then use the Riemann method proof the solution s unique.提出三阶变系数发展方程的的局部问题,按文章里的方法来推出问题解的黎曼函数表示的公式,然后用黎曼方法证明解的唯一性。

3)nonlocal problem非局部问题

1.The upper and lower solution method ofnonlocal problem for the first order ordinary differential equation;一阶常微分方程非局部问题的上下解方法

2.Thenonlocal problems of semilinear parabolic equations and systems are studied.证明了半线性抛物型方程非局部问题广义最大解和最小解的存在性,降低了对右端函数的光滑性要求。

3.The singularly perturbednonlocal problem (when 0<ε<<1) often Occurs in the model problem of many physical phenomena.在许多物理现象的模型问题中会出现如(其中0<ε<<1)的奇异振动非局部问题,Bicadze和Samarskii[1]指出条件A。

4)nonlinear and non local boundary value problem非线性非局部边值问题

1.In this paper, we prove an existence theorem of solutions of a kind ofnonlinear and non local boundary value problem of wave equations by Galerkin′s method.用 Galerkin方法证明了波动方程的一类非线性非局部边值问题的解的存在性定理 。

5)An issue of overall importance全局性问题

6)local minima problem局部极值问题

1.In this paper, a parameter disturbing algorithm of neural networks which can overcome thelocal minima problem of Hopfield network is proposed on the basis of considering the gradient convergence of Hopfield network and the principle of stochastic simulated annealing developed by Kirpatrick.基于Hopfield型网络的梯度收敛特性和Kirpatrick等的模拟退火算法的思想,提出了一种克服Hopfield网络的局部极值问题的网络参数扰动算法,它具有类似SA算法的随机退火的特性。


局部一部分;非全体:~麻醉 ㄧ~地区有小阵雨。
