1200字范文 > 批评性话语分析(CDA) critical discourse analysis(CDA)英语短句 例句大全

批评性话语分析(CDA) critical discourse analysis(CDA)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-06 08:11:11


批评性话语分析(CDA) critical discourse analysis(CDA)英语短句 例句大全

批评性话语分析(CDA),critical discourse analysis(CDA)

1)critical discourse analysis(CDA)批评性话语分析(CDA)

2)Critical discourse analysis批评性话语分析

1.Critical discourse analysis can help the public realize the reality of hidden power and ideology in and behind discourse.本文探索了批评性话语分析的理论渊源,并论述了批评性话语分析的研究方法和研究范围,最后论文阐述了批评性话语分析的研究前景和研究意义,作者认为批评性话语分析在语言学界日益成为一个学术焦点,对批评性话语分析的研究能使公众认清话语中隐藏的权力、意识形态的真实面貌,同时在揭露权力话语对公众的欺诈性上是具有深远意义的。

2.This paper reviews and comments on the critical turn that took place overseas in the field of intercultural communication study as well as new developments from the application of critical discourse analysis to intercultural communication by mainland Chinese scholars.对海外跨文化交际学研究中的批评转向和国内跨文化交际学研究者使用批评性话语分析的最新发展作简要述评,旨在为我国学者对本世纪跨文化交际学的研究方向和方法作战略调整提供参考。

3.In this paper,the author tries to sketch a general situation of the critical discourse analysis from its origins,theories,contents and the achievement it has reached and the difficulties to face.文章对批评性话语分析从其起源、理论发展、研究的内容及所取得的成就和所面临的困难等方面加以概括,以期为总体性了解批评性话语分析有所裨益。


1.Critical Discourse Analysis of English Political News Reports;英语政治新闻报道的批评性话语分析

2.Study on critical discourse analysis and cultivation of learning ability in English discourse批评性话语分析与英语语篇学习能力培养

3.Transitivity and Critical Discourse Analysis of News Texts;及物性与对新闻语篇的批评性话语分析

4.Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Chinese Magazine Advertisements;汉语杂志广告中性别定型的批评性话语分析

5.The Grammar of Purpose and Its Application in Critical Discourse Analysis;“目的”的语法及其在批评性话语分析中的应用

6.News Discourse on Sichuan Earthquake in China Daily and the Guardian关于四川大地震新闻语篇的批评性话语分析

7.CDA and the Cultivation of Students" Reading Ability批评性话语分析与大学生英语阅读能力的培养

8.Study on critical discourse analysis and cultivation of learning ability of English writing批评性话语分析与英语写作能力培养研究

9.Critical Discourse Analysis of Advertisements for Babies" Products婴儿用品广告宣传语的批评性话语分析

10.Critical Discourse Analysis on the News Reporting of Disaster;灾难性新闻报道的批评性话语分析研究

11.Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Radio Advertising;对广播广告中社会性别定型的批评性话语分析

12.A Critical Study of China s Image in the New York Times;从批评性话语分析看《纽约时报》上的中国形象

13.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Bush s Speeches on Iraq;布什伊拉克问题演讲的批评性话语分析

14.Critical Discourse Analysis of Sports News: A Cognitive Perspective认知视角下体育新闻的批评性话语分析

15.An Analysis of Questions in Senior High English Classroom Discourse-From the Perspective of CDA;高中英语课堂话语问句的批评性分析

16.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Women Language in Sense and Sensibility;《理智与情感》女性语言的批评话语分析

17.Productive turn in Discourse Analysis-- From Critical Discourse Analysis to Positive Discourse Analysis;话语分析的建设性转向——从批评话语分析到积极话语分析

18.Critical Metaphor Analysis:A New Method of Critical Discourse Analysis;批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析


Critical discourse analysis批评性话语分析

1.Critical discourse analysis can help the public realize the reality of hidden power and ideology in and behind discourse.本文探索了批评性话语分析的理论渊源,并论述了批评性话语分析的研究方法和研究范围,最后论文阐述了批评性话语分析的研究前景和研究意义,作者认为批评性话语分析在语言学界日益成为一个学术焦点,对批评性话语分析的研究能使公众认清话语中隐藏的权力、意识形态的真实面貌,同时在揭露权力话语对公众的欺诈性上是具有深远意义的。

2.This paper reviews and comments on the critical turn that took place overseas in the field of intercultural communication study as well as new developments from the application of critical discourse analysis to intercultural communication by mainland Chinese scholars.对海外跨文化交际学研究中的批评转向和国内跨文化交际学研究者使用批评性话语分析的最新发展作简要述评,旨在为我国学者对本世纪跨文化交际学的研究方向和方法作战略调整提供参考。

3.In this paper,the author tries to sketch a general situation of the critical discourse analysis from its origins,theories,contents and the achievement it has reached and the difficulties to face.文章对批评性话语分析从其起源、理论发展、研究的内容及所取得的成就和所面临的困难等方面加以概括,以期为总体性了解批评性话语分析有所裨益。

3)critical discourse analysis (CDA)批评性话语分析

1.This paper discusses the influence of ideology in the translation of news reports from the perspective of critical discourse analysis (CDA).本文从批评性话语分析的角度对意识形态对新闻报道翻译影响进行探讨。

2.Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) also called Critical Linguistics is aiming at exploring the relationships among language, ideology and power.批评性话语分析,也称批评语言学,旨在探究语言、意识形态以及权力的关系。

3.Faced with the issue of building a harmonious society, we take the coexistence of different discourses as the starting point of our study, apply theories of sociolinguistics and critical discourse analysis (CDA), and explore the significance of language harmony within the Chinese language.面对构建社会主义和谐社会这一重大理论和实践课题,本项研究以标准话语和新兴话语并存的语言现象为切入点,借鉴西方批评性话语分析理论,通过语料库分析和问卷调查,以社会语言学视角探讨汉语中语言和谐的内涵问题,旨在揭示语言和谐在和谐社会建设中的重要意义。


1.CDA and the Cultivation of Students" Reading Ability批评性话语分析与大学生英语阅读能力的培养

2.Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA for short),which was developed by Roger Fowler and Gunther Kress and so on in the late 1970s,is an approach for discourse analysis.本文主要是以Halliday的系统功能语法中常用的分析工具为基础,结合关于Fairclough的批评性话语分析中的描述、说明、解释的三维理论,建构用于政治类社论语篇批评性分析的功能框架。

3.Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA) is also called critical linguistics,critical language study or linguistic criticism.批评性话语分析作为语言学的一个分支,也称为批评语言学、批评性语言研究或语言学批评。

5)On Analysis of Critical Discourse论批评性话语分析

6)critical discourse analysis批评话语分析

1.Review of the application ofcritical discourse analysis to the study of intercultural communication;简评批评话语分析在跨文化交际学研究中的应用

2.Integration of Cognitive Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis;试论认知语言学与批评话语分析的融合

3.Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender:An Overview;社会性别的批评话语分析述评


