1200字范文 > 艺术世界的终结 the end of art world英语短句 例句大全

艺术世界的终结 the end of art world英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-11 14:00:29


艺术世界的终结 the end of art world英语短句 例句大全

艺术世界的终结,the end of art world

1)the end of art world艺术世界的终结

2)The End of World世界终结

3)Artist"s World艺术家的世界

4)artistic world艺术世界

1.Liu E s "Tieyun Poem Deposit" is anartistic world with rich variety of poems full of poetic inspiration expressed with freedom and enthusiasm.刘鹗《铁云诗存》诗歌艺术世界丰富多彩,其诗兴之所至,任情而发;体物写心,比兴优美;俗中见雅,清新俊逸;善于化用,勇于创新,颇含唐诗的丰神情韵。

2.Even so, it is still to our great surprise to find that the distance from their hometowns to theirartistic worlds is so near, only one step to rich.由此我们从某种意义上似乎也可以断言,三位大师所创造的三个神奇艺术世界实是他们童年孕育的雏形世界,是他们故乡的艺术化显现或翻版,这充分反映出作家成长道路上的一种带有普遍性的规律,即童年的经历对作家一生的影响是巨大而深远的,他们的童年世界往往既是他们艺术人生的起点,又极为可能演变成他们艺术人生的必然归宿。

3.As the originator of modernist novel and literary forerunner of expressionism, Austria novelist kafka created his own uniqueartistic world in his short life.作为现代派小说鼻祖、表现主义文学先驱的奥地利小说家卡夫卡,在其短暂的一生中创造了独特的“卡夫卡式”的艺术世界。


1.A Comparison of the Poetry of Wang Wei and Tao Yuanming;王维、陶渊明的艺术世界及艺术风貌

2.He wanted to give something to the world of art that would be different.他想给予艺术世界与众不同的东西,

3.Modern Confusion--Discussion About Derain And His Art World现代的混乱——论德朗和他的艺术世界

4.How does it take place in the contemporary art world?当代艺术世界如何发生了这样的事情?

5.Thinking of the Literature-the Prospect of the Works by Franz Kafka;“诗之思”:卡夫卡艺术世界的“图式”

6.A Restricted View on Yecenin s Art World through His Short Story The White Lakefront;从《白水湖边》管窥叶赛宁的艺术世界

7.Wessex-the Unique Artistic World Created by Hardy;威塞克斯——哈代所创造的独特艺术世界

8.Night,Snow and Craziness --Comment on Lu Xun s Artistic World;夜·雪·狂——鲁迅小说的艺术世界

9.Academie mondiale de l"art et de la science世界艺术与科学学会

10.Culinary art exhibitions are a world-wide window.烹饪艺术大展是个属于世界的视窗。

11.Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts莱昂纳德·达·芬奇世界艺术奖

12.Allgemeine Enzyklopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste世界科学与艺术百科全书

13.It is no doubt an artistic treasure on the world level.这无疑堪称世界级的艺术宝库。

14.The Column of Gao Qianhui Can Art Save the World or Not?专栏主笔:高千惠艺术能不能拯救世界?

15.This would be the most magnificent art corridor in the world.这是世界上最灿烂辉煌的艺术长廊。

16.Few nations in the world have calligraphy as a form of art.世界上,拥有书法艺术的民族屈指可数,

17.It is only artists who can say such things as that.世界上只有艺术家才会说这样的话。

18.The greatest art in the world was the work of little nations;世界上最伟大的艺术品出于小国之手;


The End of World世界终结

3)Artist"s World艺术家的世界

4)artistic world艺术世界

1.Liu E s "Tieyun Poem Deposit" is anartistic world with rich variety of poems full of poetic inspiration expressed with freedom and enthusiasm.刘鹗《铁云诗存》诗歌艺术世界丰富多彩,其诗兴之所至,任情而发;体物写心,比兴优美;俗中见雅,清新俊逸;善于化用,勇于创新,颇含唐诗的丰神情韵。

2.Even so, it is still to our great surprise to find that the distance from their hometowns to theirartistic worlds is so near, only one step to rich.由此我们从某种意义上似乎也可以断言,三位大师所创造的三个神奇艺术世界实是他们童年孕育的雏形世界,是他们故乡的艺术化显现或翻版,这充分反映出作家成长道路上的一种带有普遍性的规律,即童年的经历对作家一生的影响是巨大而深远的,他们的童年世界往往既是他们艺术人生的起点,又极为可能演变成他们艺术人生的必然归宿。

3.As the originator of modernist novel and literary forerunner of expressionism, Austria novelist kafka created his own uniqueartistic world in his short life.作为现代派小说鼻祖、表现主义文学先驱的奥地利小说家卡夫卡,在其短暂的一生中创造了独特的“卡夫卡式”的艺术世界。

5)the end of art theory艺术理论的终结

6)the end of art艺术终结

1.Consideration of the End of Art;关于“艺术终结”的思考

2.With the technology combined with the art,the distance between life and art is disappearing,the changes from "reading paper times" to "reading picture times",which greatly impacts and extrudes between the modern form arts and the traditional classic arts,resulting in the argument of "the end of art" has become a hot topic increasingly.于是,“艺术终结”论日益强烈。


