1200字范文 > 转运 transport英语短句 例句大全

转运 transport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-09 04:47:12


转运 transport英语短句 例句大全


1)transport[英][tr?ns"p?:t,-sp?:rt][美][tr?ns"p?rt, -"port]转运

1.New Channels and Transporters as Anti-malaria Drug Targets;转运通路——疟疾治疗药物新靶点

2.The transmembranetransport of metronidazole by human gingival fibroblast;人牙龈成纤维细胞对甲硝唑的跨膜转运

3.Thetransport of metronidazole and tinidazole in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts;人牙周膜成纤维细胞对甲硝唑替硝唑的跨膜转运


1.methionyl transfer RNA甲硫氨酰转运RNA

2.moving or driven rapidly in a rotary or twisting motion.以旋转或扭转运动快速移动或运动。

3.The Operational Institutions of Finance in the Yuan Dynasty;元代财赋运转机构──转运司的变迁

4.All interline baggage is transferred automatically.转机旅客的行李在中转站被自动转运。

5.International transportation service: sea, air, inland transportation, air & sea multi transportation, and transshipment at the 3rd country.国际运输服务:海运、空运、陆运、海空联运,以及第三国中转运输服务。

6.The earth revolves around the sun.地球绕太阳运转 [公转] 。

7.(of a machine,etc)function;work;operate(指机器等)运行,工作,运转

8.Through transport includes multimodal and transshipment transports.联运运送包括复合运送及转船运送。

9.normal operating amperage正常运转安培值, 正常运转电流值

10.(of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing.(例如指机器)在运转或者能够运转。

11.To set or keep in motion.使运转使运动起来或持续运动状态

12.The turns of luck in the course of one"s life.时运,命运人一生中运气的转变

13.epicyclic motion周转圆运动;行星运动;本轮运动;外摆线运动

14.The machinery operates continuously.机器不停地运转着。

15.The engine was labouring.引擎艰难地运转着。

16.We watched the machine in action.我们瞧着机器在运转。

17.Keep the agency functioning efficiently使办事处高效率地运转

18.The earth travels round the sun.地球围绕太阳运转。



1.Establishment of 451 bp fragment that functionally related totransportation in hepatocellular carcinoma supressor gene-1(HCCS1);肝癌抑制基因-1与转运功能相关的451bp序列区的确定

2.Safety management in the grouptransportation of inpatients;集体转运病人的安全管理


1.Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Accumulation, Translocation, and Partitioning of Photosynthate in Winter Wheat at Grain Filling Stage;施氮量对冬小麦灌浆期光合产物积累、转运及分配的影响

2.Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Supply on Accumulation and Translocation in Larch Seedlings;氮、磷处理对落叶松幼苗氮素积累和转运的影响

3.Effects of drought and waterlogging on flag leaf post-anthesis photosynthetic characteristics and assimilatestranslocation in winter wheat under high temperature;高温下干旱和渍水对冬小麦花后旗叶光合特性和物质转运的影响


1.The practice and management of transfer system for neonates with serious diseases;危重新生儿转运系统的运行及管理

2.A Study of the Disease Chart among Pre-hospital First Aid andTransferred Patients-6646 Person Time Report;6646例院前急救与转运患者的疾病谱研究


1.Routing planning for hazardous materials transportation withtransshipment;危险货物运输转运路径分析

2.Study on Developing Strategy of Container Transshipment Center of Dalian Port;大连港口集装箱转运中心发展战略研究

3.Research on Lateral Cooperation Based on Sharing and Transshipment基于共享与转运策略的供应链成员横向合作研究


1.The necessity of adjusting well ventilation system according to underground actual circumstance during many fan unitedoperation period is introduced,which not only can develop the ability of each main fan,improveoperation efficiency and effective air quantity,but also can make underground ventilation system further reasonable,stable,create a good safe and economic benefit.介绍了矿井在多台主扇联合运转时期根据井下的实际情况及时调整通风系统的必要。

2.The paper introduces principle of the HPY18-10/7-K air compressor, analyses failure reason points out matters paid out in theoperation and gives out methods of removing the failure.介绍了HPY18-10/7-K型矿用移动滑片空气压缩机的工作原理,分析设备故障原因,指出操作运转中的注意事项,给出排除设备故障的办法。

3.The paper expounds how to make the effectiveoperation of "9+2" human resource integrating system through accelerating regional talent development, service integration and industrialization.本文以人力资源的整合理念为导向,从人力资源整合的必要性及可行性入手,阐述了如何通过加快区域人才开发与服务一体化、产业化来促进“9+2”人力资源整合体系的有效运转,并就整合体系运转过程中存在的一些已经解决和尚未解决的问题进行探讨。


