1200字范文 > 普遍交往理论 theory of general communication英语短句 例句大全

普遍交往理论 theory of general communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-19 02:08:58


普遍交往理论 theory of general communication英语短句 例句大全

普遍交往理论,theory of general communication

1)theory of general communication普遍交往理论

1.To the constitution of China\"s modernity,the revelatory significance of thetheory of general communication is the marketability,the coming into being of subject of communication and the open policy.普遍交往理论对于中国现代性之构建的启示性意义在于,一是市场化;二是交往主体的生成;三是对外开放政策。

2)universal intercourse普遍交往

1.Human s existence,liberation and all-around development are closly related with humanity s intercourse,human s all-around development must establish on the foundation ofuniversal intercourse.人的存在、解放和全面发展与人类的交往活动密切相关,人的全面发展必须建立在普遍交往的基础之上。


1.Mark s theory on general communication and its implications;马克思普遍交往观的阐释视角及现代启示

2.Translation Studies Based on Universal Pragmatics;普遍语用学的翻译观——一种交往理论的翻译观

3.Universal Pragmatics is the base of the complex theory of Communicative Action.哈贝马斯的普遍语用学是其体系庞繁的交往行动理论的基础。

4.In its foreign relations, the Chinese nation has advocated cordiality, benevolence, good-neighborliness and universal harmony.中华民族在对外交往中,崇尚亲仁善邻,主张和而不同,追求普遍和谐。

5.The Validity of Language and Communicative Action──A Analysis of Habermas Universal Pragmatics;语言的有效性与交往行动──对哈贝马斯普遍语用学的解读

6.Close personal friendships between Blacks and Whites, full trust and social relationships are still not common, except in certain areas.黑人与白人之间的私人友谊、充分信任与社会交往,除了某些领域外,仍然不普遍。

7.Today, intellectual property protection is an issue of universal concern in the international political, economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges.当前,知识产权保护成为国际间政治、经济、科学技术和文化交往中一个受到普遍关注的问题。

8.Translation Studies:from Deconstruction to Reconstruction --On the Constructive Significance of Habermas Universal Pragmatics to Translatology;翻译研究:走过解构通向交往——哈贝马斯普遍语用学对翻译学的建构意义

9.The iniquity of the transaction aroused general indignation.这笔交易的不公引起了普遍的愤怒。

10.satisfying generally accepted social or esthetic standards.满足普遍接受的社交或者审美标准。

11.Powered transport is common everywhere in the world.动力交通工具在世界各地都很普遍。

12.That football team was once reputed to be invincible.那只橄榄球队曾被普遍认为是无往而不胜的。

13.Experienced observers used to insist that outright sexual discrimination is not common.有经验的观察者往往断言,单纯的性别歧视,并不是普遍存在的。

14.It is accepted / standard practice to pay a deposit with one" s order.在预订时交付定金是一般的[普遍遵守的]惯例.

15.Structure of property right and way of transaction and rent-seeking in the insurance industry;保险市场的产权结构、交易模式与寻租的普遍性

16.Analysis of the Universally-Existing Negative Commercial Creditin the Transaction of Property Right;产权交易中负商誉普遍存在的原因分析

17.Hong Kong has stopped the formerly widespread malpractice of dumping chemical waste into the sewers and surface waters.本港现已禁止过往普遍把化学废物弃置于去水渠的不良做法。

18.befitting or characteristic of those who inclined to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior.适于或具有那些在社会交往中势利的、不与普通人交往的人的特点。


universal intercourse普遍交往

1.Human s existence,liberation and all-around development are closly related with humanity s intercourse,human s all-around development must establish on the foundation ofuniversal intercourse.人的存在、解放和全面发展与人类的交往活动密切相关,人的全面发展必须建立在普遍交往的基础之上。

3)universal hypothesis (theory)普遍理论

4)ethical universalism伦理普遍论

5)Communication Theory交往理论

1.The Culture of the Easy Message by the Mobile Phone in the Perspective of "Communication Theory;“交往理论”视野中的手机短信息文化

munication is the important philosophical category of the historical materialism, Marx communication theory demonstrates from variously that Marx establishes the historical materialism, forms the world history thought, seeks person s development path thought course, which is the important constituent in the historical materialism.交往是历史唯物主义的重要哲学范畴,交往理论从多方面展示了马克思创立唯物史观、形成世界历史思想、探求人和社会发展的思想历程,是历史唯物主义的重要组成部分。

3.Through literature study and comparison study, it is found that communication theory and communica.通过文献分析和比较研究发现,交往理论和交往伦理思想对于中小学教育活动具有较强的指导意义和借鉴价值,但是,人们较多地关注交往教育和交往教学,尚未对交往德育给以足够的重视。

6)communicative theory交往理论

1.On Physician-Patient Communication under the Perspective of Communicative Theory交往理论视野下的医患关系探析

2.On the one hand, he confirmed the importance of Habermascommunicative theory to overcome the difficulty of critical theory.霍耐特反思与重构哈贝马斯交往理论的目的,是为了论证批判理论的“承认理论转向”的必要性。

3.For its future development,educational communication under thecommunicative theory will aim to construct a life world shared by the mankind,take understanding and inter-subjectivity as its communicative mechanism and hold esteem to "harmony model".从未来发展看,交往理论观照下的中外教育交流应是一种人性化的教育交流,它代表中外教育交流的未来趋势,即在价值取向上,旨在建构人类共享的生活世界;在交流机制上,以理解与主体间性为前提;在交流模式上,推崇“和的模式”。


