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才学 talent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 22:52:31


才学 talent英语短句 例句大全




1.The baby is just learning to creep.这个婴儿才学着爬。

2.a person of intellectual or erudite tastes.有才智或博学多才的人。

3.‘All-round talented people’and ‘specialized talented people’should be both stressed in cultivating people specialized in world history;世界史学科人才培养应“通才”和“专才”并重

4.On training university students in scientific outlook;基于科学人才观的高校人才培养研究

5.Upholding the Scientific View of Human Talents for Strengthening the University;树立科学人才观 推进人才强校建设

6.Acquirement a Scientific Concept of Qualified Personnel, Implement Talent Strategy to Make the Country Stronger;树立科学的人才观 实施人才强国战略

7.On Scientific Viewpoints of the Talented Personnel;不拘一格降人才——论科学的人才观

8.I know well how slight is my talent and how superficial my learning, and that I do not deserve so much praise.深知才疏学浅,不称揄扬。

9.It takes 250 credits to graduate.须修满250学分才能毕业

10.This alone is the scientific approach.这才是科学的态度。

11.have a great faculty for learning languages有学习语言的才能.

12.He is the math wiz of his class.他是他班里的数学天才。

13.Not until she got married did she study abroad.她直到婚后才去留学

14.I have only recently began to learn Janpanese .我最近才开始学习日语。

15.You need brains to become a university professor.当大学教授要有才智.

16.Only by practising constantly can we learn English well.只有常练,才能学好英语.

17.She is a brilliant student.她是一个有才华的学生。

18.He has great facility in learning languages.他很有学习语言的才能。


cultivation of personnal for chemistry化学人才

3)Pharmaceutical talents药学人才

1.This article researches and analyzes the new demand on pharmaceutical talents and pharmaceutical education and the development direction according to the new situations and changes of pharmacutical career, meanwhile, it advances the development tide of our pharmaceutical education and measures needed to be adopt.分析药学事业的发展对药学人才和药学教育提出的新要求 ,研究国际上药学教育的发展方向 ,提出我国药学教育的发展趋势以及应采取的措

4)medical talents医学人才

1.Tacit knowledge and innovative ability cultivation to themedical talents隐性知识与医学人才创新能力培养刍议

2.Cultivation ofmedical talents can not do without aesthetics education.医学人才的培养离不开美育,在高等医学院校教学中,医学化学含有丰富的美育元素,使课堂教学成为受教育者一种惬意的审美享受,在培养内外兼美的创新型高素质医学人才中取得了显著效果。

3.Investigators,by going down to the grass-roots units in Heilongjiang province,have investigated the rural health status,and understood that lots of practicalmedical talents are badly needed there.调查人员通过深入基层调查得出黑龙江省农村医疗卫生现状,急需大量的实用型医学人才。

5)Medical talent医学人才

1.In the 21st century s knowledge-based economy,the article explores the causes of medical talents drain,and puts forward countermeasures for keeping and protecting talents.本文以21世纪知识经济为背景,探讨医学人才流失的成因,初步提出了挽留人才、保护人才的对策。

2.In the knowledge economy age, medical scientific research work calls for the constant emergence of creative medical talents.高等医学教育对创造性医学人才的培养,将以国民身心素质的普遍提高、推动国家汇入知识经济与经济全球一体化的大潮。

3.The article describes the characteristics of training of chief resident doctor at every stage, and analyzcs the existing problems and the reasons of training of chief resident doctor at the present stage, and believes that training of chief resident doctor is an indispensable important stage of training of medical talent.文章阐述了总住院医师阶段的培养特点,对现阶段总住院医师培养中存在的问题及原因进行了分析,认为总住院医师培养是医学人才培养中不可或缺的重要阶段。

6)medical professional医学人才

1.To explore the innovation of pathological teaching for training high-qualitymedical professionals;探索病理学教学改革,培养高素质医学人才


才学1.才能和学问。 2.指有才能和学问的人。
