1200字范文 > 《武》 Wu英语短句 例句大全

《武》 Wu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-27 09:40:46


《武》 Wu英语短句 例句大全



1.Wu claimed by Chu Zi in the 12th Year of Duke Xuan of a Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annal Authored by Zuo Qiu - ming prefers the Movement of DaWu.《左传·宣公十二年)所载楚子语中的“《武》”指“《大武》”,而“卒章”本为“首章”。

2.The movement of DaWu in Western Zhou Dynasty experienced the evolvement through the three kings of Zhou Dynasty,namelyWu,Cheng and Kang.《武》即武王时之《大武》;成王时把武王克商后所作四首颂诗全部配用于《大武》;康王时"定乐歌"又增益成王时所作二诗入《大武》,《左传》、《礼记》等所言六成《大武》即定型于此时。


1.On King Wu s Music "WU" and Its Cultural Origin ——Systematic Study on Zhou Music (2);武王《武》乐及其文化渊源

2.An Explanation on "Yiluan Yizheng,Buwu"in Zuozhuan;《左传》"以乱易整,不武"辨释


1.assertion: The act of asserting.武断:武断的行为。

2.The modern weapons are classified as strategic, operational and tactical ones.现代武器分为战略武器、役武器、术武器。

3.armed/unarmed combat,ie with/without weapons武装的[非武装的]斗争

4.Haitian Armed Forces海地武装部队(武装部队)

5.resort to force or the threat of force诉诸武力或武力威胁

6."Wushi"portrays the power of the lion.武狮则表现狮子的威武,

7.Front Revolutionnaire Arme武装革命阵线(武革阵)

8.(formerly)contest between knights on horseback armed with blunted weapons,esp lances(旧时)武士骑马比武(用钝武器,尤指长矛).

9.Research on inheriting and development of Traditional Wushu and "Restraining Wushu" and " Developing Wushu";“抑武”“扬武”与传统武术的传承和发展

10.The Worship of Crow and Wudang Taoist Wushu;乌鸦崇拜及武术象形与武当道教武术

11.One who designs weapons, especially nuclear weapons.核武器研制者研制武器尤其是核武器的人

12.The Misunderstanding on Emei Wushu in Novels and Movies;浅淡武侠小说和武侠电影对峨眉山武术的误读

13.Moral Self-cultivation in Kongfu Practicing--On the Key Role of Morality Playing in Physical Culture;习武先修德——论武德在武术运动中的核心作用

14.On the Interaction between Wudang Martial Arts and Taoist Divine Tortoise;简论武当武术与武当道教龟神的相互影响作用

15.Exploration of Mount Wudang as a source of Chinese Wushu;武当山武术是中国武术源头之一的探析

16.The Positive Impact of Traditional Wushu upon the Fiction and Movie about Paladin;传统武术对武侠小说、武打片的积极影响

17.Wudang Mountains Residents" Recognition to and Attitudes towards Wudang Wushu武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度

18.Chou Monk"s Wugong and Yexia Temple"s learning Wushu activities in the Bei Dynasty北朝稠禅师的武功和邺下寺院武僧的习武活动



1.On King Wu s Music "WU" and Its Cultural Origin ——Systematic Study on Zhou Music (2);武王《武》乐及其文化渊源

2.An Explanation on "Yiluan Yizheng,Buwu"in Zuozhuan;《左传》"以乱易整,不武"辨释

3)Wudang Wushu武当武术

1.Wudang Mountains Residents" Recognition to and Attitudes towardsWudang Wushu武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度


1.Spread of Vapor Phase Preservation Rust Prevention Technology on Weapon Ware house;武器仓库应大力推广气相封存防锈技术

2.Application analysis of magnesium alloys inweapon components;镁合金在武器装备中的应用分析


1.Migration and enrichment of mercury from urban lakes inWuhan;武汉城市湖泊汞的迁移与富集

2.Updating Methods for Dynamic Assessment of Ecological Footprint:——A Case Study ofWuhan City;基于集对分析的城市生态足迹预测——以武汉市为例

3.A Study on the Protection of Water Resources and Environment inWuhan;略论武汉水资源水环境的保护

6)Wujin District武进

1.The Study of Vital-space-orientated Immediate Plan——TakingWujin District for Example;以“活力空间”为导向的近期建设规划方法研究——以常州武进区为例

2.Landscape ecological control and optimization for rapid urbanization:A case study inWujin District of Changzhou City,southern Jiangsu Province.;以苏南地区的常州市武进区为例,从其地理环境背景及景观演化出发,提出可持续发展的景观生态优化的基本原则和目标。


