1200字范文 > 社会有机体理论 theory of social organism英语短句 例句大全

社会有机体理论 theory of social organism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 02:09:10


社会有机体理论 theory of social organism英语短句 例句大全

社会有机体理论,theory of social organism

1)theory of social organism社会有机体理论

1.Marx stheory of social organism constitutes an important part of historical materialism and falls into the category of Marx s theory of social development.马克思社会有机体理论是历史唯物主义的一个重要组成部分,也是马克思社会发展理论的一个重要范畴。

2.Based on the characteristics of this new era,we discuss modern significance of Marxism\"stheory of social organism.以对马克思主义原著的考察为基础依据,深入理解马克思主义的社会有机体概念,把握马克思主义的社会有机体理论的基本内容及其在唯物史观中所处的地位,立足于当代的特点,探寻马克思主义的社会有机体理论的当代意义。

3.Marxism\"stheory of social organism encloses objective law of social development and proposes that social development is the natural and harmonious historical process,the process with dynamic balance and the process with the unity of subjective initiative and historical objective law for subjective activity.马克思的社会有机体理论揭示了社会发展的客观规律,提出了社会发展是一个自然的和谐的历史过程,是一个动态平衡的过程,是一个主体活动的主观能动性和历史客观规律性相统一的过程。


1.On Regularity of the Social Development from the Aspect of Social Organism of Marxism;从马克思社会有机体理论看社会发展的规律性

2.Marx s Theory of Social Organism and Building Harmonious Society;马克思的社会有机体理论与构建和谐社会

3.All-round Construction of Well-off Society and Marx s Theory of Social Organism;马克思的社会有机体理论与全面建设小康社会

4.Marx s Theory of Social Organism and Its Contemporary Significance;马克思社会有机体理论及其当代价值

5.Marxist Theory of Social Organisms and Building a Harmonious Socialist Society马克思社会有机体理论与社会主义和谐社会构建

6.On Systems Methodology of Marx s Theory of Social Organism and System Engineering of the Construction of Harmonious Society;马克思社会有机体理论的系统方法论与构建和谐社会之系统工程

7.Discussion and Comment on the Researches of Marx’s Social Organism Theory since Reform and Opening up;改革开放以来马克思社会有机体理论研究述评

8.A Few Thoughts on Marxism"s Theory of Social Organism关于马克思主义社会有机体理论的几点思考

9.On Marxism"s Theory of Social Organism and Its Contemporary Value马克思的社会有机体理论及其当代价值

10.The concept that society is analogous to a biological organism.社会有机论关于社会相似于有机体的理论观念

11.The Leading Mechanism and Supportive System of Farmers Social Psychology;论农民社会心理引导机制和支撑体系

12.On“Relationship Field”--the Essence of Social Organism;论社会有机体的实质是一个“关系场”

anic theory of society社会有机体说 社会有机体说

14.social organismic theory社会有机体说社会有机体说

15.Construction of the Effective Mechanism of Socialism Core Value System to Eagerly Anticipate the Social Ideological Trends论构建社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的有效机制

16.society as an organic whole.作为有机整体的社会

17.On Building Social Coordination Mechanism Model for Social Management;论社会管理的社会协同机制模型构建

18.Research on the Governance Systems of Chinese Political Socialization during Social Change;论社会变革中的政治社会化治理机制


theory of social integration社会整体有机论


4)social organism社会有机体

1.Marx s theory ofsocial organism,the main content of historical materialism,is a part of Marxist social development theory.马克思的社会有机体理论是马克思主义社会发展理论的组成部分,是历史唯物主义的重要内容。

2.Marx s theory ofsocial organism is the Marx s view of society and history,and it is its high concentration of historical materialism.马克思的社会有机体理论是马克思的社会历史观,是对其唯物史观的高度浓缩。

3.The methodology of Marx s theory ofsocial organism is new materialistic dialecticism,while systems methodology fully manifests in sublevels of methodology.马克思社会有机体理论的根本方法论是"新唯物主义"辩证法,但在层次方法论中,系统方法论表现得最为充分。

5)group socialization theory of development群体社会化理论

6)social organism社会有机体说


