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档案化 Archiving英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 22:31:35


档案化 Archiving英语短句 例句大全



2)file culture档案文化

1.The paper elaborates the functions offile culture,probes into file cultural consciousness and proposes concrete approaches to strengthening file cultural consciousness.论述了档案文化的功能,并探讨了档案文化意识和加强档案文化意识的具体途径。


1.Functions of File Culture and the Raising of File Cultural Consciousness;档案文化的功能与档案文化意识的提升

2.Archive Culture--An Important Part Of Traditional Culture;论传统文化的一枝奇葩——档案文化

3.To Use Archives Culture to Consolidate the Foundation of City Civilization Construction;用档案文化夯实城市文明建设的基础

4.A Probe into the Relation between Molding the Cultural Image of Cities and Cultural Resources of Archives;城市文化形象塑造与档案文化资源关系探索

5.Promote using Information in Archives, Speed up the Development of Archives Undertaking;促进文档信息化 加快档案事业的发展

6.Study of Archival Documents Compilation《档案文献编纂学》

7.On the status and role of archives in shaping the enterprise culture;档案在塑造企业文化中的地位和作用

8.A Comment on the Integrative Management of the Electrionic Document and the Electronic Archives;刍议电子文件、电子档案一体化管理

9.An Optimized Model Mapping Schema for XML Documents一种优化的XML文档模型映射方案

10.On the role orientation of archives under the culture industry wave档案馆在文化产业浪潮下的角色定位

11.Discussion on Cultural and Educational Function of College Archives试论高校档案馆文化教育功能的发挥

12.A Brief Talk on the Complementary Nature of Text-Type File Information and Modern Computer-Type File Information;略谈传统文本型档案信息与现代化电子型档案信息的互补性

13.Records are put in new boxes and folders at the National Archives.文件被保存于国家档案馆的档案盒、档案夹内。

14.Research on Evaluation Mechanism of Software for Archives Management under the Background of Integrative Management of File and Archives;文档一体化背景下的档案管理软件评价机制研究

15.On the Starting Point of History of Modernization of Archives Management in China --A Fresh Study on the Rule of the Joint Management of Documents and Archives;论我国档案管理现代化的历史起点——文档连锁制度再研究

16.Management, Exploitation and Utilization of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Archives;非物质文化遗产档案资源的管理、开发与利用

17.Thoughts on Theoretical Deepening and Innovation of Compilation Science of Archival Documents;对档案文献编纂理论深化与创新的思考

18.Research on the Application of School Archivesin the Construction of School Culture;利用学校档案为校园文化建设服务研究


file culture档案文化

1.The paper elaborates the functions offile culture,probes into file cultural consciousness and proposes concrete approaches to strengthening file cultural consciousness.论述了档案文化的功能,并探讨了档案文化意识和加强档案文化意识的具体途径。

3)Archive Culture档案文化

1.Based on the elucidation that archive culture is historic gathering of traditional culture,the writer puts emphasis on the illustration of the role archive culture plays in the inheritance of traditional culture.本文在阐明档案文化是传统文化是传统文化历史积淀的基础上,着重论述了档案文化在传统文化传承中的功能。

4)archives culture档案文化

1.A comparative research onarchives culture communication channel;档案文化传播渠道比较研究

2.Being an important part of culture and civilization,archives culture has the functions of storage,education,passing down and innovation.档案是文化的载体,多种文化因素的集合体,档案文化是文化、文明的重要组成部分,档案文化具有存贮功能、教育功能、传承功能、创新功能。

5)Culture Files文化档案

6)Archival Culture档案文化

1.The maintenance of archival culture bases on preserving complete and real social memory,and the premise of its realization is to defend citizens cultural rights.档案文化的维系之道,基于保存完整真实的社会记忆,而实现的前提则是维护公民的文化权利。

2.Based on this, the thesis mainly talks about the content of archival culture in the perspective of \"Great Culture\".档案文化是指个体或社会化组织在特定的、历史性的社会情境和语境下形成的一切与档案有关的实物、文本、方式、制度、理念等,以及在此基础上借助一定的技术或工具所进行的档案文化实践活动。


《中国第一历史档案馆馆藏档案概述》档案 专业工具资料书。中国第一历史档案馆 编著,1985年档案出版社出版。该书分16章71节。第 1章介绍中国第一历史档案馆建馆60年工作概况;第 2章介绍该馆所藏明代档案情况;第 3~14章分别介绍该馆所存清代内阁、军机处、内务府、宗人府、宫中各处、中央各部院衙门和地方机关的档案情况;第15章介绍溥仪、端方、醇亲王府等个人及王府档案情况;第16章介绍该馆所藏清代各种舆图情况。全书以主要篇幅,逐个介绍该馆所藏70余个机构(全宗)的档案内容和成分。借助该书,档案馆 工作人员可以熟悉和掌握馆藏档案情况,更好地进行档案管理和提供利用;利用者可以作为入门的向导,了解档案情况和线索,便于查阅利用档案。该书是中华人民共和国建国以来公开出版的第一部档案馆指南。
