1200字范文 > 加强和改进 strengthen and improve英语短句 例句大全

加强和改进 strengthen and improve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-26 23:58:15


加强和改进 strengthen and improve英语短句 例句大全

加强和改进,strengthen and improve

1)strengthen and improve加强和改进

1.This paper aims to discuss the new situation and the new case of acadomic and ideological work in university at present,puts forward some counterplans tostrengthen and improve ideological work of the students.本文简要论述了当前高校学生思想政治工作面临的新形势、新情况,提出了加强和改进学生思想政治工作的思路与对策,为做好新世纪、新阶段的高校思政工作提出了理论和实践上的思考。

2.Studying the "Three Represent s" concept, we should earnestlystrengthen and improve the ideological and political work, in which innovations should be made in contens, forms and mechanisms, in accordance with the requirements of the "Three Represent s".学习“三个代表”重要思想 ,必须按照“三个代表”的要求 ,切实加强和改进思想政治工作 ,在内容、形式、机制等方面进行改进和创新。


1.X. Strengthen and Improve Party Building十、加强和改进党的建设

2.Strengthen and Improve Party Building加强和改进党的建设

3.Enterprises need to tighten and improve their management of quality, costs and marketing.加强和改进企业质量、成本、营销管理。

4.Research on Strengthening and Improvement of the College Moral Education in the New Era;新时期加强和改进高校德育工作研究

5.Thought on Strengthening and Improving Moral Education at School;关于加强和改进学校德育工作的思考

6.How to Strengthen and Improve County-level Archive Work;加强和改进县级档案部门工作之我见

7.To Strengthen and Improve the Theory Study of Retired Party Members in University;加强和改进高校离退休党员理论学习

8.On Improvement of Publicity Work in Vocational Colleges;略论加强和改进高职院校的宣传工作

9.Study on Strengthening and Improving University Student Quality Education;加强和改进大学生素质教育问题研究

10.The strategy of strengthening and improving the construction of teacher s professional ethics;加强和改进教师职业道德建设的对策

11.Practice of Strengthening and Improving Discipline Inspection and Supervision;加强和改进纪检监察工作的几点做法

12.Reflections on how to Strengthen and Improve Vocation Guidance in University;加强和改进高校就业指导工作的思考

13.On Strengthening and Improving College Students Ideological and Political Education;谈加强和改进高校思想政治教育工作

14.Thought about Strengthening and Improving the Work of Party Building in Institutions of Higher Learning;关于加强和改进高校党建工作的思考

15.Strengthen and Improve University Student s Careers Guidance Countermeasure and Analyse;加强和改进大学生就业指导对策分析

16.On Strengthening and Improving Moral Education Under Social Transformation;论加强和改进社会转型期的道德教育

17.Discussion on enhancement and improvement of undergraduates ideological and political work;谈加强和改进高校学生思想政治工作

18.Strengthening and Improving Work on Learning Atmosphere in Colleges and Universities;加强和改进高校学风建设工作的思考


to improve and strengthen改进和加强

3)strengthening and improving加强改进

4)Strenthen and improve the ideological and political work加强和改进思想工作

5)Change and strengthen改进与加强

6)Strengthen and Improve加强与改进


《关于新形势下加强和改进军队政治工作的若干问题》《关于新形势下加强和改进军队政治工作的若干问题》On Certain Problems Regarding Enhancement and Improvement of the PLA Political Work under the New CircumstancesGuanYU Xinxingshi Xio Jiaqiang he GQi-1 in Jundui Zhengzhi Gongzuo deRuogQn Wenti《关于新形势下加强和改进军队政治工作的若干问题》(on Celtain尸roblenlsRegarding Enhaneeme,i t andjm尸。vementofthe PL月尸口Zitieall甲drk underlhe刀亡wCircu用-stanees)1989年]2月17日,中国人民解放军全军政治工作会议讨论通过。又称《全军政治工作会议纪要》。1990年2月16日,中国共产党中央委员会转发全党。纪要肯定自中国共产党十一届三中全会以来,特别是邓小平主持中央军委工作以来,军队政治工作取得的重大发展。根据邓小平和中央军事委员会的指示精神,针对改革开放给部队带来的新情况、新问题以及国际局势的变化,结合部队实际,提出了加强和改进军队政治工作应着重明确和解决的10个问题:①清醒认识军队建设面临的新形势,把保证政治上永远合格作为一项根本任务。②必须坚持政治工作的生命线地位,充分发挥人民解放军的政治优势。③坚持党对军队的绝对领导,大力加强各级党组织建设。④抓好坚持四项基本原则、反对资产阶级自由化的教育,始终保持部队坚定正确的政治方向。⑤坚持按“四有”目标培养革命军人,提高干部战士的道德素质。⑥严格按照德才兼备原则选拔培养干部,保证枪杆r掌握在政治上可靠的人手里。⑦高度重视反腐蚀斗争,巩固部队的社会主义思想文化阵地。⑧坚持官兵一致、军民一致的原则,保持和发展良好的内外关系。⑨贯彻唯物辩证法思想,增强思想政治工作的有效性。⑩政治工作要在加强的前提下改进,在继承的基础上创新。(宋仁新)
