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理想化 idealization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-02 02:24:25


理想化 idealization英语短句 例句大全



1.The Research of the Innovation Course and Method in Product Idealization Design Based on the TRIZ Theory;基于TRIZ理论的产品理想化设计创新过程与方法研究

2.An investigation into the causes for "idealization" in molding the images of characters in historical novels历史演义小说人物形象塑造“理想化”的原因探寻

3.This article introduced in the product innovation foundation,theidealization and the idealized level in TRIZ theory.在产品创新的基础上介绍了TR IZ理论和TR IZ理论中的理想化及理想化水平,着重讲述了在产品的创新中应用理想化的必要性和具体的方法及应用,并对理想化的目标进行了描述,给出了一种创新设计思路。


1.A worshipful or idealizing biography.偶像化或理想化的传记

2.Idealized treatment of a subject in literature or art.理想化在文学或艺术中对主题进行理想化处理

3.idealized multioperation machine理想化多功能计算机

4.The Use of Idealized Method in The Research of Physical Chemitry;理想化方法在物理化学研究中的应用

5.He tends to idealize his life in the army.他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。

6.We should have ideals, but should act sure-footedly. We should fall into idealization.我们要有理想, 但做事要踏实, 不能理想化。

7.Evaluation about the Study of Children"s Idealization in Political Socialization儿童政治社会化中的理想化研究述评

8.There are five steps to analyses the protocol: ① Idealize the protocol in the language of the formal logic.BAN逻辑分析分为5个步骤:①协议理想化。

9.an idealized account of village life对乡村生活作理想化的描述.

10.He tends to idealize his life in the college.他往往把在大学的生活理想化。

11.This obviously is the limiting case of the idealized monochromatic wave.这必然是理想化的单色波的极限波形。

12.inherent quantization error固有量化误差 -理想ADC的

13.On Context Theory and Cultural Ideology --Take the American Puritanism as an Example;语境理论与文化思想──以美国清教文化思想为例

14.Beautification and Purification: The Ideal of Aesthetic Education in Ancient Western Countries;净化与美化:西方古代审美教育的理想

15.Disintegration,Mingling and Integration:On Weber s Thought of Rationalization;分化、交融与整合:论韦伯的理性化思想

16.Turning Morality into Culture--Zhang Dongsun s Theory of Ethics;化道德为文化——张东荪的伦理思想

17.Reducible process the impedance transform character of ideal transformer;理想变压器阻抗变换性质的简化处理

18.On the Origin of Wang Yuanhua s Theoretical Thought of Literature and Art;试论王元化文艺理论思想的学理渊源



1.Teachers should be developed together with the new curriculum, or the objective planning will fail no matter how ideal it is.因此,只有理性地思考并解决好教育中的实用主义与理想主义之间的问题,以及理想化的新课程设计与现实实施之间的问题,新课程改革才能真正落实到位。

2.By the deconstruction of women s sexual words, the ideal words of men are regarded as another shackle.性别话语并非是一个绝然二元孤立的问题,在对女性性别语言的不断解构过程中,理想化男性语言被视为另一种桎梏。


4)ideal liquefaction理想液化

1.It was proved that the essence of QCLHT was a coal liquefaction method that approaches“Ideal Liquefaction”most.本文从煤的普通直接液化入手,首先从理论上较系统地分析了所有可能对煤高温快速液化(QCLHT)造成影响的内部与外部因素,然后以这些因素作为研究对象通过实验探索了煤高温快速液化的反应机理,得出其本质是一种最接近“理想液化”的煤液化方法,最后研究了一种以高温快速液化作为第一段、普通催化液化作为第二段的两段液化方案。

5)culture ideal文化理想

1.Cultnre popularization &culture ideal;文化普及与文化理想——试论“有中国特色的社会主义的文化建设”

6)cultural ideal文化理想

1.Thecultural ideal and practice of the backbone of editors are the reflection of the value and significance of culture communicators.编辑主体是重要的文化传播者 ,编辑主体的文化理想和文化实践 ,是编辑主体作为文化传播者的价值和意义的体现 ,是人的超越性和创造性的维度、文化的人本规定性在文化传播者精神世界和社会活动中的具体显现。

2.In Song of Solomon,Morrison describes the Black Milkman s growth,analyzes his process of cognition of sex,race and life,and expresses hercultural ideal of gender harmony,ethnic identity,and return to traditional Black culture.通过对奶人成长过程的描述和他的性别意识、种族意识和生命意识的进步,莫里森表达了消除两性对立、获得种族身份认同、回归传统文化的文化理想。

3.It means an overall,profound,specific and subtlecultural ideal,i.中庸之道是中国思想与文化的灵魂的直接诠释,它意味着一种全面深邃、具体而微的文化理想。


