1200字范文 > 建设哲学 philosophy of construction英语短句 例句大全

建设哲学 philosophy of construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-18 19:18:27


建设哲学 philosophy of construction英语短句 例句大全

建设哲学,philosophy of construction

1)philosophy of construction建设哲学

1.From Sun Yat-Sen sphilosophy of construction,we not only find out the wisdom in it,but also get much enlightenment to help us build a socialist and harmonious society.孙中山为中国民主革命建立丰功伟绩的同时,拉开了探索建设哲学的帷幕。


1.Harmonious Thought and Socialist Construction Practice and Philosophy;和谐思维与社会主义建设实践和建设哲学

2.Change of theme of the times and transformation of Philosophical Paradigm--from Philosophy of Revolution to Philosophy of Construction;时代变迁与哲学范式转换——从革命的哲学到建设的哲学

3.On the development of Marxism philosophy in modern China --Transformation from the philosophy for revolution to the philosop hy for construction;论马克思主义哲学在当代中国的发展——从“革命的哲学”到“建设的哲学”

4.The School Tradition Construction of the Philosophy and Social Science Workers论哲学社会科学工作者的学风建设

5.System Construction of Discipline of Philosophy and Social Science in Colleges;高校哲学社会科学学科建设的系统建构

6.constructive criticism; a constructive attitude; a constructive philosophy; constructive permission.建设性的批评;建设性的态度;建设性的哲学;建设许可。

7.Philosophic Thoughts on Construction of Economic Zone in West Straits;关于建设海峡西岸经济区的哲学思考

8.On the Philosophic Thinking of the Policy on Constructing the Thrift-oriented Society;关于建设节约型社会决策的哲学思考

9.Cultural Construction of Practical Training in the View of Philosophy of Education;教育哲学视野中的高职实训文化建设

10.A Philosophy Thinking about Constructing the Party Ideologically;关于“着重从思想上建设党”的哲学思考

11.The philosophic thinking over the construction of the Socialist New Countryside;关于社会主义新农村建设的哲学思考

12.The Philosophy Meaning of Dengxiaoping s Theory about Special Economic Zone Building;邓小平经济特区建设思想的哲学意蕴

13.Process Philosophy --As Constructive Postmodernism;过程哲学——作为建设性的后现代主义

14.Preliminary Discussion on Modern Ecoforestry Construction:Return to Laozi s Philosophy in Pre-Qin Dynasty;现代生态林业建设对老子哲学的回归

15.ON building the network culture with Chinese characteristics;对建设中国特色网络文化的哲学思考

16.Construction of Ethnic Cultures and Philosophic Study on Ethnic Culture;民族文化建设与民族文化的哲学研究

17.The Cultural and Philosophical Bases of Liang Shuming s “Countryside Construction Theory”;试论梁漱溟乡村建设的文化哲学基础

18.A Philosophic Analysis of Industrial Technology and the Construction of Two-oriented Society产业技术与“两型社会”建设的哲学透析


the philosophy for construction建设的哲学

1.The realization of the transformation from the phi lo sophy for revolution tothe philosophy for construction is not only the CPC’s m ost initiative and convincing answer to the out-of-date attitude towards Marxism , but also the great achievement in the development of Marxist philosophy.实现从“革命的哲学”到“建设的哲学”的转变 ,是马克思主义哲学在当代中国发展的显著标志和巨大成果 ,是中国共产党人对“马克思主义过时论”做出的最有说服力的应答。

3)Architectural Philosophy建筑哲学

1.Study the Compendium of Tadao Ando sArchitectural Philosophy;浅析安藤忠雄的建筑哲学

2.From the role architectural philosophy plays in design, the paper points out the importance of architectural design to design.文章从建筑哲学在设计中的作用,提出建筑哲学在设计中的重要性,分析了中国的建筑师在建筑设计过程中对哲学的思考,阐述了当代中国建筑哲学建构的现状,并提出要提高建筑设计水平,不但要注重建筑的功能、外形,而且要关注从建筑实体中抽象出来的理念精神。

3.This article introduces the architectural philosophy of Pitirim A.介绍了皮季里姆·A·索罗金的建筑哲学观点,即建筑风格和特性的历史发展主要表现为观念型、视觉型和理性型三种建筑风格非周期的波动。

4)construction of philosophy哲学建构

1.Focusing on Zhu Xi s interpretation of the Four Books, in this article we discuss the relation between interpretation of classics andconstruction of philosophy.在中国经典解释传统中,经典文本与解经者的哲学建构之间,存在着既不能分割,而又互为紧张的关系。

5)philosophic reconstruction哲学重建

6)design philosophy设计哲学

1.Taking Eden as an example,the author introduces the requirements must be followed by positioning and organization building groups in its general drawing design,analyzes itsdesign philosophy through concrete example,and illustrates the characteristics of the architecture as time-space,technicality,artistry,historicity and temporal spirit,in order to make people have extensive and in-depth unders.分析了赖特个人生活环境及人的世界观对建筑的影响,以伊甸园为例,介绍了其总图设计中的定位和组织建筑群必须满足的要求,从而剖析了它的设计哲学。

2.Firstly, through an instance, a concept named "design philosophy" is introduced.首先,通过一个例证法,引入了“设计哲学”的概念,然后对企业背景和产品现状做一简单介绍。

3.I will show you the development of thedesign philosophy.我们会看到,人类设计史上的每一次变革都是设计哲学的转向使然。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
