1200字范文 > 专家评价 expert evaluation英语短句 例句大全

专家评价 expert evaluation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-28 10:42:39


专家评价 expert evaluation英语短句 例句大全

专家评价,expert evaluation

1)expert evaluation专家评价

1.A risk assessment method using fuzzy neural network based on fault tree information andexpert evaluation is put forward.提出了基于故障树信息、专家评价的模糊神经网络的风险评价方法,以焦炉煤气储配站系统为研究对象,对其进行了风险评价。

2.The feasibility of ANN (Artificial Neural Network) in solving and improving the efficiency of a kind ofexpert evaluation problems has been demonstrated, the validity and advantages of this method are illustrated through an instance.从理论上分析了人工神经网络用来解决一类专家评价问题的可行性 ,并结合实例加以验证 ,证明非线性前馈人工神经网络模拟专家评价的有效性和优越性 ,同时 ,对方法的适用条件进行了讨

3.The paper attempted to examine the consistency between objectivity measurement andexpert evaluation on the psychological characteristics.研究旨在考察对心理品质的客观测量和专家评价的一致性问题。


1.Research on the Construction of Appraisal System for Estimation Experts in China;我国评估评审专家评价体系的构建问题研究

2.UNEP Sends Experts to Assess Environmental Damage in the Gulf环境署向海湾派遣专家评价环境危害

3.Meeting of Experts on Environmental Impact Assessment环境影响评价专家会议

4.Analysis on Evaluation Reliability of A Single Expert During Process of Approach Evaluation方案评价过程中单个专家的评价信度分析

5.Expert Group Meeting on Technology Assessment, Monitoring and Forecasting技术评价、监测和预测专家组会议

6.There is also a hint of earthiness and mint on the nose.是专家们高度评价的优质红葡萄酒。

7.The Research of a Safety Assessment and Expert System by the Computer-aided;计算机辅助安全评价及专家系统研究

8.The Formal Safety Assessment Research and Study of Expert System of ZhongTie Ferry;中铁轮渡安全评价及专家系统的研究

9.Methodology for Estimating the Core-competence Integration of Multidiscipline under the CSCW Environment;多学科专家核心能力整合度评价方法

10.Determination of Expert s Weight in Comprehensive Evaluation;一种综合评价中确定专家权重的方法

11.A Method of Supplier Evaluating Considerd the Expert Reliability考虑专家信度的一种供应商评价方法

12.Analysis of Anti-assessment for Experts in Science and Technological Achievements Reward Appraisal;科技成果奖励评价中对专家的反评估分析

13.The Research on R&D Project Experts" Performance Evaluation Based on Comprehensive Evaluation Method科技项目评审专家绩效综合评价方法研究

14.Expert Evaluation Method for Equipment Support Scheme During Development研制阶段装备保障方案的专家评分评价法

15.The Quality Measure of Experts Assessment in Technological Achievements Reward Appreciation科技成果奖励评价中专家评议质量的测度

16.Its artistic value was highly appreciated by a larger number of experts and scholars.其艺术价值得到了一大批专家、学者的高度评价。

17.The inspiration from the M&E practice of World Bank projects to the M&E of Chinese key R&D projects世行项目监测评价实践对国家科技重大专项监测评价的启示

18.Research on Construction of Anti-evaluation System of Technology Projects Peer Review Evaluation Experts科技项目立项同行评议评审专家反评价体系构建研究


expert assessment专家评价

1.This paper advances anexpert assessment method that is based upon the experts logical estimation for evaluating the investment risks of real estate exploitation .房地产开发投资风险是任何房地产投资项目的一种客观存在,基于专家逻辑判断的房地产投资风险的专家评价法,把对风险的量度用一个区间数表示,不仅可以给出个别风险因素的风险概率和风险量,而且还可以对整个投资项目进行风险度量,具有一定的合理性和可行性。

3)expert group evaluation专家群评价

4)expert assessment method专家评价法

1.Finally,the risk assessment model is capable to simulateexpert assessment method by verifying the data of IT projects assessment.最后,通过实际IT项目评价数据的验证,该风险评价模型能够准确地按照专家评价法进行工作。

5)Web expert appraisal modelWeb专家评价模型

6)estimate on expert system专家系统评价


土地评价专家系统土地评价专家系统land evaluation expert systemtudi Pingjia zhuaniia xitong土地评价专家系统(landevaluationexpert,ystem)应用专家系统技术,在计算机系统支持下,存储土地专家的土地评价经验和方法,模拟土地评价的具体思维过程,解决复杂的土地评价问题的一个计算机程序系统。它利用计算机处理土地评价专家的知识,并模仿专家的思维和分析技巧,建立土地评价专家的思维模型,对土地评价问题,通过知识获取、推理、演绎、启发、解释、直觉判定等策略,提供专家水平的解答,把原来经验性、直观性、模糊性的土地评价知识变为具体化、结构化和形式化的知识,从而使土地评价工作实现半自动化和自动化。土地评价专家系统的核心由知识库和推理机两部分组成:知识库存储与土地评价问题有关的求解问题的专家知识;推理机把知识库中的土地评价知识施用于具体求解问题的数据,以获得可能的解。此外还有:①知识获取部分。负责知识库的管理和对知识库进行增加、修改和删除操作。②解释部分。根据用户要求,对系统操作和运行过程作出解释。③数据库部分。存储土地评价的固有数据,如用户提供给系统进行分析的数据和推理过程产生的中间信息。土地评价专家系统已受到广泛重视,在土地评价工作中正起到越来越大的作用。 (陈百明)
