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致知 Zhi Zhi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-29 02:16:29


致知 Zhi Zhi英语短句 例句大全

致知,Zhi Zhi

1)Zhi Zhi致知

1.On Yan Yuan s Ge WuZhi Zhi Thought;颜元的“格物致知”思想


1.Inspect the modern value of the view of knowledge and practice of Xun Zi荀子由行致知知行观的现代价值探析

2.Knowledge and Purpose--The Study of ZhuXi and Zeng Guo-fan s Knowledge and Purpose;“格物”与“致知”——朱熹、曾国藩知行观比较研究

3.cause to be perplexed or confounded.致使不知所措或者困惑。

4.For further information please write to...欲知详情, 请写信致...

5.He holds that ignorance leads to superstition.他认为无知会导致迷信。

6.For further details, please call out company.欲知详情,请致电本公司。

7.Notice by a Landlord or Principal Tenant of Increase in Rent业主致住客或主租客致分租客加租通知书

8.Cognitive consonance is a consistency between the knowledge, ideas and beliefs.认识一致是知识、思想和信念之间的一致。

9.The Extension of ZhongHe and Innate Knowledge--On the Thinking of ZhongHe of Wang Yangming;致良知与致中和——王阳明中和论思想发微

10.an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome.一种未知的并且不可预知的现象,导致好的结果。

11.Therefore, ignorance of history often leads to fatuity in politics.历史的无知,往往导致政治上的昏庸。

12.Yet, the cause and cure for the mental sigenis (sickness) are still unknown.然而致病原因和治疗方法仍然未知。

13.Notice to Surety for Appellant before Forfeiture of Recognizance没收担保前致上诉人的担保人的通知

14.Notification to Appellant of Result of his Appeal致上诉人的上诉结果通知

15.Notification to Appellant of Result of Application致上诉人的申请结果通知

16.Burns may result from unknowingly walking into a hydrogen fire.不知不觉走进氢火焰会导致烧伤。

17.Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker task has begun.内部事件: 开始了“知识一致性检查任务”。

18.Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker task has terminated.内部事件: 终止了“知识一致性检查”任务。


knowledge of causing ruin致毁知识

1.This paper proposes the concept of “knowledge of causing ruin”, trying to prove that the increase in this sort of knowledge is irreversible, and that its increase and application are inevitable under the present scientific, economic and social concepts, mechanisms and systems.本文提出致毁知识这一概念并初步论证了致毁知识的增长是不可逆的 ,而且在科技、经济、社会的现行的观念、机制和制度下 ,致毁知识的增长和应用也是无法阻止的。

3)theory of to intuitive knowledge致良知说

1.Through an examination of over ten years from understanding reason in Longchang to formulating thetheory of to intuitive knowledge,the present article points out the real background of WANG Yang-ming s mind theory specifically and vividly and makes out tha.考察王阳明龙场悟道后一直到江西时提出"致良知之教"这十多年的全过程,具体生动地揭示了阳明心学的真实面貌,证明致良知说是一种道德践履功夫,而不是一种思辨理论体系;"知行合一说"仅仅是阳明最初教人的一种功夫,而不是阳明学的基础;"心即理说"是体悟到心体后对心体体用关系的概括,而非阳明心学的理论基础。

4)the extension of innate knowledge致良知

1.On the transcendence of life-and-death,Wang Yangming saw "the extension of innate knowledge" as the way of transcending life-and-death,and it embodied the aspect that the great Confucians transcend.王阳明的生死态度可用“吾心光明,亦复何言”来体现,它表明王阳明以人生使命的完成为获得临终安宁的根本途径,体现了儒家生命“三不朽”中的“立功”层面;在生死价值上,王阳明认为人的生死只有付诸和践履忠信礼义等道德信念才有价值,体现了儒家生命“三不朽”中的“立德”层面;在生死超越论上,王阳明以“致良知”为“出生死”之道,体现了儒家生命“三不朽”中的“立言”层面。

2.Innate knowledge is full in one heart ,so the effort ofthe extension of innate knowledge is only eliminate the covering of one heart.“致良知”的思想是王阳明思想中具有贯穿整体意义的学说,它是在批评程朱的过程中提出。

5)the procedure of morality致知过程


1.The Influence of "Gewuzhizhi"upon "Chengzhai Style";“格物致知”对“诚斋体”诗学品格的影响探析

2.The paper mainly includes three parts:Liqi theory, discussing the relation between Li and Qi, the relation between Dao and QI, the relation between heaven and being; XinXing theory, discussing the relation between Xin and Xing, the relation between Renxin and Daoxin,Gewuzhizhi; sharp criticism of Buddhist and Xin theory.本文主要从三个方面进行论述,包括:理气论,讨论理气关系、道器关系、天人关系;心性论,讨论心性关系、人心与道心的关系、格物致知的修养工夫;批佛以及批心学的思想。


