1200字范文 > 经营管理者 manager英语短句 例句大全

经营管理者 manager英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-13 02:53:35


经营管理者 manager英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on supervisory mechanism formanager of state-owned enterprise during the period of the economic system reformation;转轨时期国有企业经营管理者监督机制问题的探讨

2.The conclusion is that:if there is no risk in the debt,the shareholder andmanager will affect the in- centive process together by certain proportion;on the other hand,If the debt has risk,the creditor will participate in the financial incentive process directly.在模型中,如果债务没有风险,股东和经营管理者将会以一定比例共同去影响激励过程;如果债务存在风险,本文提出了债权人直接参与财务激励的过程,这与传统的激励过程可能有所区别,但显然这种方式更有效率。

3.By using an incomplete contract model of corporate financing this paper a nalyses the effects of corporate control rights design on the effort i ncentives ofmanagers under equity f inancing and debt financing.本文运用一个企业融资的不完备契约模型,分析了股权融资和债权融资下企业控制权安排对经营管理者努力激励的影响。


1.Research on the positioning of Party School in the training of private business managers;党校在民营企业经营管理者培训中的定位研究

2.On Incomes of Scientific and Technological Workers and Operators and Managers, and the Sources of These Incomes;论科技工作者和经营管理者的收入及其来源

3.Financial Governance Research Based on the Relationship between Shareholders and Managers;基于股东和经营管理者的财务治理研究

4.Study on the Encouraging and Binding Management Structures to Managing Persons in State Enterprises;国有企业经营管理者激励与约束机制问题研究

5.Study of Application of EVA in Compensation Incentive Design for Managers;EVA在企业经营管理者报酬设计中的应用研究

6.The Option of Corporate Financing and Effort Incentives of Managers;融资方式选择与企业经营管理者的努力激励

7.On Incentive and Constraint Mechanism to Entrepreneur of State-owned Enterprise;对国企经营管理者监督约束机制的探讨

8.Design on Incentive and Restrain System for Managers of Company;对企业经营管理者激励约束机制的设计

9.Cultivate market mechanism of enterprises management in Shaanxi;培育陕西企业经营管理者市场机制探讨

10.Entrepreneur Market: the Inevitable Choice of Manager Teams Construction;企业家市场化:经营管理者队伍建设的必然选择

11.A Study on the Selective Mechanism of the Managers in the State-owned Enterprises;国有企业经营管理者选用机制改革初探

12.The owner or manager of a business or an industrial enterprise.管理者(工商企业的)经营者或负责人

13.A director who takes active interest in corporate operations.对合作经营产生浓厚兴趣的管理者

14.Study on the entrepreneur s Management Cost based on the Signal Game;基于信号博弈的经营者管理成本分析

15.Design of the Entrepreneur Inspiration Mechanism Based on Value Management;基于价值管理的经营者激励机制设计

16.The Study on the Supervising and Managing for the Operators of State-owned Enterprises under the Principal-agent Theory;基于委托代理理论的国有企业经营者监管研究

17.Discussion on the containment of Managers Managerial Corruptions in View of Governance;从公司治理的角度谈经营者管理腐败的遏制

18.Gestio negotiorum经营管理(无因管理)



1.The paper firstly discusses the agency relationship chains of all stockholders andmanagers in our modern enterprises by stockholder meeting,and then analyzes present agency situation.探讨了我国现代企业全体股东通过股东会与经营管理者之间形成的委托代理关系链,分析了相应的委托代理问题的现状。

2.Establishing a sound mechanism of incentive and restraint is an important aspect of the construction of SOEmanagers.建立健全完善的激励约束机制是国有企业经营管理者队伍建设的重要方面。

3.The focus of china s reform lies on state-owned enterprise,and the reason why china s state-ownedenterprises have not yet gotten rid of crisis is lack of effective regulation mechanism on itsmanagers.国有企业未能摆脱困境的根本原因是对经营管理者缺乏有效的监督制约。


1.The countermeasure and suggestion of setting up encouragement and restrained mechanism for the state-owned enterpriseadministrator in Henan Province;河南省建立国有企业经营管理者激励约束机制的对策建议

2.By expounding the importance of improvingadministrators quality, the article illustrates the fundamental qualities thatadministrators of state-run enterprises should possess and the basic ways of how to improve them.阐述提高国有企业经营管理者素质的重要性 ,说明企业经营管理者应具备的基本素质和提高素质的基本途


1.Theentrepreneurs of state-owned enterprises as a special kind of human capital have played a pivotal role in the success or failure of the business, therefore the issue bound by the incentive and constraint ofentrepreneurs has been the core issue of enterprise development.国有企业经营管理者作为一种特殊的人力资本,对企业经营的成败起着举足轻重的作用,因而对经营管理者的激励约束问题一直都是企业发展的核心问题。

2.As the separation between the proprietary and domination of modern enterprise comes, the aim and interests differences become the focus which is followed with interest by enterprise owner andentrepreneurs.随着现代企业所有权与控制权分离,经营管理者与企业所有者目标与利益的差异,成为企业所有者和经营管理者共同关注的焦点。

5)managers salary administration经营者薪酬管理

1.This paper expounds the practical contradictions in themanagers salary administration in state-owned enterprise,analyzes some problems needing attention in reforming themanagers salary administration in state-owned enterprise,and points out that the reform of themanagers salary administration in state-owned enterprise should be based on the perfect systems.阐述了国有企业经营者薪酬管理中的现实矛盾,分析了国有企业经营者薪酬管理的改革应注意的问题,指出国有企业经营者薪酬管理的改革要基于完善的制度。

6)Entrepreneur"s Management Cost经营者管理成本


《外商投资开发经营成片土地暂行管理办法》《外商投资开发经营成片土地暂行管理办法》interim administrative methods for developing and operating vast tracts of land with foreign investmentwo ishang touzi kaifa iingying ehengPian tudi zanxingguanli bonfa《外商投资开发经营成片土地暂行管理办法》(in-terima山rninistrative methods for developi嗯ando详ratingvast tracts of land初th forei邵investment)1 990年5月19日由中国国务院发布施行。共18条。根据规定,成片开发是指在取得国有土地使用权后,依照规划对土地进行综合性的开发建设,平整场地,建设供排水、供电、供热、道路交通、通信等公用设施,形成工业用地或其他建设用地条件,然后进行转让土地使用权或经营公用事业,或者进而建设通用工业厂房以及相配套的生产和生活服务设施等地面建筑物,并对这些地面建筑物从事转让或出租的经营活动。其主要内容有:①吸收外商投资企业进行成片开发的项目,由市、县人民政府组织编制成片开发项目建议书,并按用地规模和综合开发投资额报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者国务院审批。②外商投资成片开发,应分别依照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》的规定,成立从事开发经营的中外合资经营企业,或者中外合作经营企业,或者外资企业。③开发企业应依法取得开发区域的国有土地使用权。转让、出租、抵押国有土地使用权的,应依照国有土地管理的法律和行政法规办理。④在开发区域兴办企业,应符合中国有关投资产业政策的要求。中国鼓励兴办先进技术企业和产品出口企业。(魏莉华)
