1200字范文 > 喜剧性 comedy英语短句 例句大全

喜剧性 comedy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-21 06:23:11


喜剧性 comedy英语短句 例句大全



1.The "Romance of West Chamber" is one of the remarkablecomedy works in the Chinese opera history.《西厢记》是中国戏曲史上一部杰出的喜剧之作,其浓烈的喜剧性体现于戏剧冲突之中,显示在人物性格之中,蕴含于科诨、俗谚、口语之中。

2.This paper explores thecomedy characteristic of "The Paradise News" from three aspects: the ironic humorous language, the practice of irony and the integration of features of tragicomedy.洛奇喜剧小说风格的形成,从而认识作者对喜剧性本质的独特理解。

3.Its author,Mr Jin Yong employs three forms of superbcomedy approaches——carnival,irony and humor---to observe the society and interpret affairs of human life,making the novel a milestone among his comic works.作者金庸运用狂欢化喜剧、讽刺性喜剧、幽默喜剧三种形态及高超的喜剧手法以观察社会,解读世事,使该小说成为其喜剧性小说中的里程碑之作。


edic Contradiction and the Six Comedic Theory Modes--The Theoretical Point for Comedy Research;喜剧性矛盾与六大喜剧理论模式——喜剧性研究的理论基点

2.Tragicity and Comicity: The Double-voiced Narration in Lord Jim《吉姆爷》的叙述:悲剧性与喜剧性的双声

3.Investigating the Comic Language by Comparison in Works of Li Yu and Shakespeare;李渔与莎士比亚喜剧中喜剧性语言比较研究

4.The Comic Motivation and Creative Constructing of "Parody"--A Case Study of Contemporary Chinese Comic Movies and TV Series“戏仿”的喜剧性动因与创造性建构——以中国当代影视喜剧为例

ic relief(悲剧中穿插的以宽松观众情绪的)喜剧性镜头

ic and Its Motivation--On the Aesthetic Mode of Short Sketch;喜剧性及其生成因素——兼论小品剧的审美体式

7.A literary or cinematic work of a comic nature or that uses the themes or methods of comedy.喜剧作品有喜剧性质的文学或电影作品,或是采用喜剧的主题或方法的文学或电影作品

8.Novel and Comedy--A Book Review on The Destructive Comedy: Research on the Transformation of the Chinese Novel in the 80-90 s of the 20th Century;小说与喜剧性——评《颠覆的喜剧:20世纪80-90年代中国小说转型研究》

9.A marry philosopher is necessarily comic.已婚的哲学家必然是喜剧性的。

10.Painless:A primary concept in the field of comedy research;非痛感:喜剧性研究中的一个重要概念

11.The human comedy of political campaigns.政治运动中人性的喜剧

12.The Cherry Orchard: A Brilliant Example of Chekhovian Comedies“契诃夫式”的喜剧范例——论《樱桃园》的喜剧特殊性

13.a ballet that stresses the drama with features of comedy.一种芭蕾它用喜剧的特征强调戏剧性。

14.a comic scene that relieved the tension of the drama.喜剧情节缓解了戏剧的不安性

edy of character性格喜剧(喜剧成分主要在于角色性格的滑稽而不在于剧情)

16.I prefer comedy to tragedy.我喜欢喜剧, 不喜欢悲剧.

edy of situation情节喜剧(喜剧成分主要在于剧情而不在于角色的性格)

18.Do you prefer comedies or tragedies?你喜欢看喜剧还是悲剧?



1.The situation of unfreedom and the anti-freedom image——Thecomic in the new-practice aesthetics;不自由的情态与反自由的形象——新实践美学范畴体系中的喜剧性

2.Numerous "Shuihu Dramas" emerged from the Yuan poetic drama era,when Li kui s image was swiftly enriched and pictured as acomic greenwood hero with a mixture of audacious,cautious,vulgar and refined personality.元代之前的李逵形象描写太不突出,只是个符号,元杂剧时代大量的水浒戏诞生,李逵形象迅速丰富起来,成为莽细兼备,粗雅合一的喜剧性绿林英雄,个性多样,甚至相互矛盾。

3.The article is to analyze thecomic style of David Lodge’s novel The British Museum is Falling Down based on an exploration of the theory of Carnivalization developed by Russian Theorist Mikhail Bakhtin.结合俄国思想家巴赫金的“狂欢”理论分析了英国文学评论家兼小说家戴维·洛奇的小说《大英博物馆在倒塌》的喜剧风格以及作家对小说喜剧性本质的独特理解在语言、文体和结构上的具体实现,从理论来源和创作实践两方面阐述了作家喜剧小说风格的形成。

3)Reasonable Comedy理性喜剧

4)comic personality喜剧个性

1.But mang people only focus on Fustaph scomic personality all the time, and do not attend to developing the constitution of his personality.本文从文学符号学"能指与所指"关系出发,从福斯塔夫的语言、行动、信仰、肢体特征等方面,剖析福斯塔夫的喜剧个性,从一个侧面揭示喜剧性格的深层机制。

5)comedic characteristics喜剧性格

1.It mainly incarnates the application of the comedic language to create the comedic circumstances,work out comedic conflict in which thecomedic characteristics are depicted,the comedic images are portrayed;therefore, the perfect unity is gained.它主要体现在运用喜剧性很强的语言去创造喜剧情境、设置喜剧冲突 ,在喜剧冲突中刻画喜剧性格、塑造喜剧形象上 ,做到了三者的完美统一。

6)comic laugh喜剧性笑

1.However, how does it occur? thecomic laugh is regarded as a kind of response of esthetic psychology to comedy situation, how will esthetics effect?As is the topic this article will discuss.然而,喜剧性笑作为对于喜剧情境的一种审美心理反应,是如何发生的呢?其中又将产生怎样的美学效果呢?这将是本文所要探讨的主要问题。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
