1200字范文 > 格律 meter英语短句 例句大全

格律 meter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-25 18:51:21


格律 meter英语短句 例句大全



1.There are three views as to the poems withmeter schemes.对于格律诗词的争论,目前有三种观点:放宽格律诗和词的格律,写一种新格律诗;格律诗词是古体诗,现代人也应该用古音来写;用现代汉语普通话的语音写律诗和填词。

2.The paper has first explained the basic rhythm andmeter of English poetry, and then analyzed the connotation and implication of "Eight O clock" with the appreciation of its subtlety under the seemingly plain words and the simple event, trying to show some possible understanding and perception of the poem.文章首先阐释了英文诗歌的基本节奏与格律,继而就《八点时分》的节奏与格律、意境和深刻内涵进行剖析,从诗中朴实的语言、简单的事例里展现这首小诗在不同的视角可能带给读者的不同的领悟与思考;最后对于诗的措辞、意象等进行了分析与探讨。

3.The unique style of the Russian poetry consists in itsmeter and rhyme.俄文诗的独特之处在于它有自己独有的、别具一格的格律和韵律。


1.Written in meter.有格律的按韵律写的

2.The verses scan smoothly.这些诗读起来很合格律。

3.A Study on Poetry Development and Developing the Useful and Discarding the Useless of the Old Standard and Rhythm Poem;诗的景况与对旧格律诗词格律扬弃之我见

4.The Theoretical Foundation of Retaining the Rhyming Form in Translating English Rhyming Poems;论以格律体翻译英语格律诗的理论基础

5.The High Style and the Skillful Law of Ying Kui Lv Sui to the Contribution of the Law Poetry Writed by Du Fu《瀛奎律髓》“格高”、“律熟”与杜甫律诗之成就

6.not a regular lawyer.不是一个合格的律师

7.He qualified himself as a lawyer.他取得了律师资格。

8.He has just qualified as a lawyer.他刚取得律师资格。

9.He will qualify as a solicitor next year .他明年将取得律师资格。

10.the quality of strictly conforming to law.严格遵守法律的品质。

11.The school is very stern in its discipline.学校在纪律方面很严格。

12.An armyman must be under tight discipline.军人应守严格纪律。

13.He is an unqualified practitioner of law.他是个无资格的律师。

14.He is strict in the matter of discipline.在纪律方面他是严格的。

15.This law must be strictly observed.这项法律必须严格遵守。

16.a rigid disciplinarian; an inflexible law; an unbending will to dominate.严格的纪律;严格的法律;想要占优势的不屈意志。

17.On the Legal Transference of the Personality Right论人格权的法律变动——“人格法律行为”概念的引入

18.strict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit.严格遵守法律条文而不是法律精神。


rules and forms格律

1.Two available methods,statistical word extraction and segmentation based onrules and forms,are taken into consideration.本文对宋词中“词”的界定提出了自己的看法,并在综合考虑统计抽词方法和基于诗词格律切分方法各自优点的基础上,提出建立全宋词切分语料库的新方法。

2.Regulated type verse is one that strives forrules and forms,and the level and oblique tunes are the core and the soul of itsrules and forms;while the level and oblique tunes must concurrently give consideration to "stubborn saving".律体诗是讲究格律的诗,调平仄是格律的的核心和灵魂,而调平仄必须兼顾拗救。


1.syntax, rhythm, rhyme, image, cultural context and graphology & visual poetry.根据胡壮麟的衔接理论 ,从词汇、句法结构、节奏格律、音韵、意象、文化语境与视觉形式等角度分析了英诗这一文体的衔接特


1.WEN Yi-duo s National Construction to theMetrical Poem in the Global Context;论闻一多新诗格律的民族化建构

2.It is similar to Bach’s invention and we can learn metrical polyphonic music to understand the order of western music.二十世纪六七十年代,他创作了以复调格律为曲式的十二首小型复调乐曲,并于近几年把它们编订为这本《小型复调格律乐曲集》。

3." The author had conducted a statistical analysis and summarized, it should be a metrical to follow the premise of th不仅表现在格律上的严格,在艺术上,其诗抒情性浓郁,情思要眇,又深得“画意”。

5)metrical pattern格律

1.twelve characters divided into five beats for each line,Liang\"s translation appears to be well uniform in form,fairly strict with themetrical pattern,and quite perfect with the rhyme scheme,though there remain some defects and miscarriages.以每行"十二字五拍"构成的十四行译诗,格式整齐划一,格律较为严谨,韵式也与原诗接近,但仍存在一些失误或缺陷。

6)rhythm and rhyme格律和韵律

1.the use of characteristicrhythm and rhyme patterns;3.多种格律和韵律的运用;3。


