1200字范文 > 新媒介 new media英语短句 例句大全

新媒介 new media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-19 06:32:38


新媒介 new media英语短句 例句大全

新媒介,new media

1)new media新媒介

1.A Review on the New Media Studies around the World;国际新媒介研究近况概述——对一年内《新媒介与社会》杂志的内容分析


puter and Network:Overthrower of Media Geographic Science;更新媒介形态学和媒介地理学的“杰作”

2.The Key Characteristics of Cybergame;新媒介Cybergame的关键特征

3.Media Competence Education in Journalism and Communication in New Media Age;新媒介时代的新闻传播专业媒介素养教育

4.New Medium Status and New Criterion: a Grand Picture of Medium Analysis Theory;新媒介形态与新尺度——“媒介分析理论”的宏大观照

5.Young People"s New Media Motive of"To Use-To Meet"and the New Concept of Media Literacy青少年新媒介“使用-满足”动机与新媒介素养观

6.The Research of Young People s Ideological Education in New Medium Environment;新媒介环境下青少年的思想教育研究

7.The Thought of the Development of the Newspaper Supplement in the New Media Environment;报纸副刊在新媒介环境下的发展思路

8.Cross-Media Operating:Innovation of Media Managemen under the Media Convergence--Taking the Reference of Management Experience of American Media General Groups跨媒介经营:媒介融合下的传媒管理创新——以美国媒介综合集团管理经验为借鉴

9.Media Ecology:the New Research Way of Chinese Journalistic History媒介生态学:中国新闻史研究的新路径

10.A Study of Network-media--A New Milestone of Media Evolution;媒介进化史上的新里程碑——网络媒体的研究

11.Mews Media Influence and Influence Economy in Relation to Media Mechanism;从媒介机理来看新闻传媒影响力及影响力经济

12.The Individualized Trend of New Media and Media Management;新媒体的个人化趋势与媒介管理和控制

13.Unification and Multiplication: The Comparison of Traditional and Internet Media in the Value Criteria of Press Publicity;一元化与多元化:传统媒介与网络媒介新闻宣传价值标准的比较

14.New Perspective of Media Ecology Study--A Study of Media as a Green Ecology;媒介生态学研究的新视野——媒介作为绿色生态的研究

15.appearance in public or in the mass media在公共场所或新闻媒介露面.

16.News oedia have a great influence on people"s mind.新闻媒介对人的思想有很大的影响。

17.He is represented by the media as a dangerous firebrand.新闻媒介报导,他是个危险的煽动者。

18.Newer media are obsoleting the book.更新的传播媒介正在逐步淘汰书籍。


news media新闻媒介

1.Public relation agent:a new way fornews media to manage;公关代理:新闻媒介经营新路径

2.In the "illegal brick kiln affair" of Shanxi Province,news media played a powerful role of pushing forward the development and settlement of this affair.在山西"黑砖窑事件"中,新闻媒介对事件的发展和处理起到了强大的推动作用。

3.After the formation of the market-dlrected economy,the mass media becomes a kind of estate;news media ob.新闻媒介本来是普通的社会舆论工具,但在特定历史条件下异化为"阶级斗争的工具",传媒从业者形成"工具人格",阻碍了我国传播业的发展。

3)mass media新闻媒介

1.In the market economy,themass media becomes an industry,news media obtains the free status and news media practicians have the independent personality.新闻媒介本来是普通的社会舆论工具,但在特定历史条件下异化为“阶级斗争的工具”,媒介及从业者形成“工具人格”,阻碍了我国传播业的发展。

2.It is a kind of pragmatic strategy in accordance with the principles of validity and efficiency to convey public images in terms of journalese speech varieties, with the help of the communicative privileges ofmass media.借助新闻媒介的传播优势,运用新闻的言语体式开展公关形象传播,是符合有效原则和效率原则的一种公关语用策略。

4)new mediator新媒介人

5)media innovation媒介创新

6)new media culture新媒介文化

1.With the progress of technology and appearance of new media,nowadays the new characteristic of communication form is developing from traditional "mass media" to "minority communication", just produced thenew media culture different from past media culture at the same time.随着技术的进步和新媒体的出现,当今一个传播形式的新特点就是,由传统的"大众传播"向"小众传播"转移深入,同时也就产生了与以往媒介文化有所不同的新媒介文化。


